Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 850 This hate is endless

Chapter 850 This hate is endless
Lu Ling waved her hand, the dragon and snake danced, and the pen and ink dotted into flowers. The meridians on the rice paper were like human tendons, and they also resembled Lu Ling's mood.

She works very hard, her calligraphy is vivid and powerful, and her brushwork is strong and steady.

Really practiced for a long time.

This is the only thing Liu Fufeng can see.

She has expectations for Lu Ling's poems, and she is not lying when she says that she likes them, and that sentence is also a personal and true feeling.

At the end of the sentence, Lu Ling closed the pen, Liu Fufeng looked over, and murmured: "Yuanyangwa Leng..."

"Mandarin ducks and tiles are cold...Shuanghua is heavy..."

Liu Fufeng's expression changed instantly.

Outside the house, the snowflakes were getting deeper and deeper, covering the bird's nest that was supposed to be warm, and there was no life left.

Lu Ling opened her mouth, and added the next sentence in a hoarse voice: "Who shares the emerald quilt and cold, this is the upper tie, do you like it, junior sister?"

"I like it." Liu Fufeng almost blurted out.

She trembled.

She lost her composure.

The mandarin duck tiles are cold and frosty, and the emerald quilt is cold.

What Lu Ling is talking about, anyone who is not a fool can understand.

Liu Fufeng thought that he was stupid to leave this girl behind.

Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng, tightened her clothes, and the ice bracelet slipped off her hand, and said, "Junior Sister, it's as long as you like it, then you should be looking forward to it."

What Lu Ling said was very naive, and her desire to ask for praise was beyond words—probably so.

Liu Fufeng said: "I want to know."

Outside the house, the bird's nest couldn't bear the heavy snow and collapsed, and the intricate nest was reversed and buckled in an attempt to cover up the corpses.

Prosperity and warmth are just for a moment, after all, it can't stand the blow of ice and snow.

Lu Ling picked up the pen.

As soon as the style of writing is changed, it changes from capable to lengthy, and each comparison seems to have crossed the horizon, and also scratched the heart of the person far away, leaving traces of painstaking efforts.

When Lu Ling began to write, she never looked at the tip of her pen, but kept staring at Liu Fufeng's eyes, which would definitely make the font out of shape.

But Lu Ling didn't care.

Because as long as he can still recognize some characters, Liu Fufeng can't escape being strangled by the rope.

Looking at that word, Liu Fufeng lost his voice.

Drops of tears fell down like broken beads, the nails had already penetrated into the palm of the hand, and crimson dripped down the knuckles.

But Lu Ling didn't intend to let her go.

Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng with a puzzled expression.

Xu is happy, the junior sister likes her poems.

Junior sister is emotional, Lu Ling knows, so it shouldn't be very strange.

This junior sister doesn't know what she wants to say, right?

Lu Ling looked at Liu Fufeng for a while, then looked away from her junior sister's face, put it on the paper, and read gently.

"Yuyou's life and death...don't wait for years."

"The soul never comes into the dream."

Every word in Lu Ling's mouth was more terrifying than the sharpest knife. It pierced deeply into Liu Fufeng's heart, twisted it hard in the atrium, the blood drained dry, and Liu Fufeng's face became pale.

Youyou has been separated from life and death for many years, and the soul has never come to dream.

what did I do.

Liu Fufeng broke down in tears.

She got it.

Love is her, Zhi is also her.

This is one thing.

She should have thought of it.


She wanted to tell Lu Ling that she had entered her dream, that she was here...she really came.

Unable to speak.

Lu Ling was very surprised by Liu Fufeng's gaffe, she even looked a little panicked, and said, "Junior Sister, what's wrong? Don't you like it?"

"I like it, I like it..." Liu Fufeng choked up, and said, "I just like it so much, this must be a beautiful story."

"Beautiful...maybe." Lu Ling didn't speak, but just looked at her junior sister.

The soul never came to dream.

But she had a junior sister in her dream, this was Lu Ling's choice, as if she was not going to wait for her junior sister to come to her, but to take the initiative to attack.

If you don't come to my dream, I will go to you.

Lu Ling stretched out her hand and wiped away Liu Fufeng's tears. She didn't expect Liu Fufeng to be so excited, and she was a little confused.

The whole poem is very long, and she chose a section.

Liu Fufeng wiped away his tears, cried and said with a smile: "It's so sad, how can this be a poem for the Lantern Festival... Senior sister, you are lying to me."

The voice was also hoarse.

Lu Ling remained silent, and then whispered: "Of course, this poem was not prepared for the Shangyuan Festival."

The candlelight is flickering, and the figures on the firelight intertwine and scatter, like the hollowed-out colored flowers on Liu Fufeng's white dress.

What Lu Ling prepared before was ci, a ci that she was not suitable for.

It's a pity that Liu Fufeng said he wanted to listen to poetry.

And Liu Fufeng didn't know that there was another sentence behind this poem, but Lu Ling didn't plan to say it, but wanted to hide it in her heart.

[I would like to be a lovebird in the sky, and a Lianli branch in the earth. 】

[Forever and ever, sometimes it ends, this hatred lasts forever. 】

There should be nothing to say.


Lu Ling probably didn't expect that Liu Fufeng would ask.

Only Liu Fufeng said suddenly: "Senior sister, what is the name of this poem."

Lu Ling: "..."

Outside the house, the wind and snow stopped, burying all vitality, inside the house was peaceful, the flickering frequency of candle shadows accelerated, because Liu Fufeng was short of breath.

She waited for Lu Ling's answer.

Lu Ling said. "Song of Eternal Regret."

Hate comes from love, and love comes from love. Hate is what you can't have and can't let go.

It's not the whole poem, so Liu Fufeng couldn't interpret it, but only saw the hatred, ignored the emotion, and ignored the inability to let go.

Then there was silence, the space froze for a moment, and the flickering shadows of the candles stopped in place, for a moment like forever, but the river of time always flows.

Lu Ling's space talent was not well cultivated, so she didn't realize it.

Everlasting hate.

Liu Fufeng's face was pale, a little scary under the candlelight, but it was weakness under the disguise, strong weakness, and the desolation that was as clearly visible as the bright moon.

Everlasting hate.

Who do you hate?

Who will Lu Ling hate?
Who will Snow Maiden hate?
Ask knowingly.

Liu Fufeng panicked, frightened, frightened, and miserable.

I do not know what to do.

I did and you will hate me.

If I don't, they'll hate me.

Those thousands of people looking at her will be disappointed, miserable, dead,...returning endlessly, and then degenerate into a spiritless demon, murderous, and hostile.

Those... were children.

Both have families.

At that time, she would hate herself too.

It should be the [King's] right to choose to sacrifice oneself to fulfill the pressure on the shoulders.

Rights, not obligations.

Everything is clear.

Then why would she be heartbroken, the pain of evisceration.

Liu Fufeng didn't understand.

Liu Fufeng wanted to understand.

But still don't understand.

Liu Fufeng's back felt cold, and a gust of cold air rushed straight to Tianling, his eyes were in a trance, even Lu Ling couldn't see clearly, only a touch of red was reflected in his eyes.

Trembling, far-fetched, and sad, she said, "Song of Everlasting Regret...I like it very much."

"Junior Sister, as long as you like it."

Lu Ling still said the same thing.

She didn't know why it would have such a big impact on her junior sister, and she couldn't figure it out.

All I know is that she is happy when she likes herself.

That's how it should be.

She looked at Liu Fufeng softly, and said: "Junior Sister, why are you so emotional, you still told me not to cry today, you will never be weak in front of me..."

"Okay, I'll turn around, junior sister, please adjust."

After Lu Ling finished speaking, she turned around and left the world to Liu Fufeng.

This person may not be for a moment, but forever.

The firelight outside the window, the reflection changed from opposite to opposite, as if Liu Fufeng was chasing Lu Ling.


Looking for Lu Ling is what she has been doing all along.

There was no Lu Ling chasing her, it was the opposite from the beginning.

This hate is endless.

Like the three thousand black hairs that Lu Ling turned her back to reveal.

She should hate me.

Liu Fufeng thought so.

(End of this chapter)

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