Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 853 3 feet 3 inches, may your wish come true.

Chapter 853 Three feet and three inches, may your wish come true.

It has nothing to do with me.

Zhu Mingxiang thought so, closed her eyes, and blended into the shadows.

She has a place she wants to see.

I didn't want to see it.

However, when she saw an old friend, she became interested, and wanted to know whether the chess piece from that year was still there, what state it was in, and whether her mind was polluted by that Jiuyou.

"What do you girls like? Silver? What is that?"

Suddenly, a voice broke into Zhu Mingxiang's ears, she stopped and looked over from the shadows.

Lu You.

It turned out that here, I took the two of them to ask about the favorite things of my daughter's family.

Isn't it the daughter's house that Coke is falling into court?
Zhu Mingxiang tilted her head and saw Le Zhengluo listening intently in the courtyard, so she understood.

This girl also wants to know.

Also, she is not a normal girl.

That being the case, it is clear that they are choosing gifts for Lu Ling.

The owner of Yihua Palace doesn't understand women.

A woman does not know herself.

And a nerd.

Zhu Mingxiang shook her head, took advantage of the shadow to leave, feeling a little strange.

If you want to know what a girl likes, why not just ask yourself?Isn't she a most normal girl?And... she definitely knows what gift to pick.

She is the best gift.

Zhu Mingxiang walked through the midsummer in the shadows, through the crowds, through the space, and arrived at a wonderful scenery.

Light and dark alternate.

Under the City Lord's Mansion, there is a space enchantment, which cannot be broken without space, cannot be entered without space, and cannot be detected without space.

That is an enchantment that has not been discovered even though the guardians of the various human races walk countless times every day. It is very clear who made such an enchantment.

Underground, half light, half dark, full of soul power floating around, in it, even the soul can survive without a body.

There is heaven in three feet.

There is hell in three inches.

Standing in heaven, Zhu Mingxiang looked at the figure in hell and said, "I'm here."

It was a black sky again, with blood flowing down from the long sky, filling half of the world. In the empty dead silence, black slowly condensed, and it was frozen into a human form.

The three-inch figure stared at her blankly, as if she had lost her wit.

But the soul power here exists for him. Although most of the soul is lost, the incomplete body still retains consciousness.

look at each other.

"Didn't you recognize it?" Zhu Mingxiang took off her hood, revealing a pair of bright, silver eyes.

"'s you."

The response was hoarse, the voice seemed to come from the Nine Nether Purgatory.

I haven't spoken for a long time.

"You... came, that's... the beginning..." the figure asked.

"Yes, I'm here to break the restriction, and the next thing is to see the good fortune." Zhu Mingxiang nodded and said: "I did what you asked me, and you are still alive."

"Thank you, thank you." The figure looked at her, as if bending over.

Zhu Mingxiang was very strange and said, "You don't hate me?"

"No...hate." The figure paused for a moment while speaking, and he didn't know whether to hate or not.

"I do hope you hate me, forever." Zhu Mingxiang said again.

The figure said: "Someone will"

Hate her for him.

Zhu Mingxiang nodded and said: "It should be like this. After all, you are the one who begged me to get what you need, so I am leaving."

"Wait." The figure stopped her.

Zhu Mingxiang stopped in her tracks: "For love's sake, two questions, I won't see you again in the future."

They have affection.

Not shallow.

Very deep.

It's just that she can sacrifice everything for her own purpose.

What's more, he doesn't care about her.

"Okay." The figure said, "How is she?"


Listening to Zhu Mingxiang's words, the figure twisted instantly, silently and crazily expanding, twisting, and when it was about to reach the limit, Zhu Mingxiang said.

"The one who lied to you is not dead, but she is not far away. She found you."


After a long while, the figure sighed: "It's good that I'm not dead."

Sometimes power is the original sin.

If she was weaker, she wouldn't have to's my fault too.

The figure thought.

Zhu Mingxiang said, "There is one more question."

Zhu Mingxiang Xu did not expect that he would ask such a question.

"Where's your red dress?" Maybe he was sober, his voice gradually returned to normal, like an autumn wind, bringing a hint of coolness.

Zhu Mingxiang tightened her clothes.

A trance.

Zhu Mingxiang seemed to have returned to the past. In the teahouse, a young man in a green shirt toasted her and asked, "Where is the girl's red dress?"

The figures faded away, and then I looked closer, and what I saw was a group of figures.




Zhu Mingxiang suddenly wanted to ask, is longevity really that important?


His name is Gu Changsheng.

It's really been a long time.

Zhu Mingxiang thought so, and said, "You won't be able to see it if you wear it on someone else's body."

"Alright, congratulations." The figure said.

Zhu Mingxiang took a deep look at him, and said: "I gave you longevity, but I have always had a question, I hope to solve it."


"Do you like Hongshang, or you like her." Zhu Mingxiang said, looking away at Jiuyou who was behind her.


Answer without hesitation.

He looked at Changsheng, looked back again, and looked back three times, just wanting to see that different touch of red.

"En." Zhu Mingxiang nodded, it was a different red from hers.

She already knew.

Maybe you shouldn't ask.

she thought so.

"I hope you have the chance to see that touch of red." Zhu Mingxiang said.

"That's the best." The figure said, the voice had recovered, and the figure stared at it, its gaze was as high and far as autumn geese, clearer than the deepest sea, and colder than the water on the top of the snow-capped mountains.

She didn't want to look at him, it would make her dirty.

Suddenly upset, Zhu Mingxiang said: "You never thought about it, maybe she doesn't want to see you again."

The figure said: "If I could do it all over again, I don't want to meet her again."

Words are like knives, and the scent of candles blown makes your skin hurt.

The truth is that.

Put it on yourself.

If I could do it all over again, would that little girl in red be willing to meet her?

Mind drama.

She knew the answer.

You should also not want to.

Such a seemingly sarcastic dialogue made the relationship between the two of them not look so good.

"I'm leaving." Zhu Mingxiang said.

"Although I want to send you off, I can't do it." The figure seemed to hold his fists in the dark, and said, "May your wish come true."

Not hating may be fake, but wishes are real, they were never enemies.

The voice brought back Zhu Mingxiang's memories again, like a touch of green tea that cannot be forgotten, and also brought back a trace of throbbing at the beginning.

she thought.

wish come true.

The last time she heard this, she ruined her junior sister who had been following her.

Who is it this time?

Zhu Mingxiang murmured: "May you... come true."

After the words fell, he left without looking back.

The three-inch hell shrinks and locks into a prison.

The figure melted into the darkness, there was only a faint and inaudible sound, the figure was invisible, and time could not stop.


A long life.

(End of this chapter)

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