Chapter 854 Sword

A certain day, a certain hour, a certain minute and a certain second.

She appeared in the mountains and fields, forests and fields everywhere, the breeze came slowly, blowing a firefly, and the morning glow appeared in the sky, as bright red as the clothes on her body, which seemed to be filled with human blood, swollen, and might erupt at any time.

There are wheelchairs on the side of the road, but no one is in the wheelchair.

Lu Ling walked in the forest and under the tree, staggering and dragging her body, every step was pain that she didn't want to talk about.

She took out her own green bamboo, which was given to her by her husband, and had not been used for a long time.

She named it a dog-beating stick, but now she wants to hit herself.

Put away the green bamboo.

The figure was mottled, and Lu Ling bent down to pick up a red fruit.

Carrot fruit.

I took a bite, ate it clean, and wiped off the juice.

Lu Ling thought to herself.

"It has been six hours since the fruit fell."

Sure enough, there was a pain in the stomach, and the mouth was filled with blood.

Think again.

Sure enough, the pain would make her feel better, and that was her punishment.

Lu Ling picked up another green fruit and ate it.

Everything calmed down.


Very appetizing.

Pick up a red fruit that has fallen for a long time and hide it in the clothes.

"Wow." Lu Ling went to the side of the stream, and the stream rushed to her face. The cold water brought a warm feeling, and the blood red at the corner of her mouth gradually dispersed into the water.

Lu Ling became more energetic. Looking at the reflection of the girl in the water, the earrings swayed slightly, and clear water slipped from the tip of her nose, slowly unfolding along the waves, blurring the figure.

Turn around and leave without looking back.

Behind him, the blood-stained stream had been frozen into ice for thousands of years and could never be melted again.


Lu Ling didn't know how long she had been walking, and she didn't know where she was. This secret place was bigger than she imagined, and the person she was looking for didn't appear.

It's completely different from before.

She can be sure that the random secret realm is a death battle, so she is so ostentatious, so weak, and even ate poisonous fruit, still hasn't come out.

Lu Ling stayed there quietly, thinking.

The sky was getting late, and a cool wind came from nowhere, and the wind was much stronger. After a while, snowflakes fell, and a piece of snow fell on Lu Ling's face, but she didn't wipe it off.

The surrounding area was shrouded in cold air.

"So it is."

Lu Ling thought to herself.

"So you're so timid."

Maybe it's prudence?
Lu Ling turned around and looked at the way she came.

Those eyes were instantly silver.

Spatial analysis.

It was an empty place, but a huge figure came into view.

"'s you, Xiao Hei." Lu Ling smiled and waved her hand.

"Boom!!!" The giant shadow flew into the air, and accompanied by a roar that could shake the world, the giant shadow fell, and the giant fist covered the eyes and Lu Ling's sky.

With one punch, the world collapses.

Dust from thousands of miles away rose more than ten meters high, shaking the world.

Lu Ling's original position was replaced by the abyss.

Rebirth, what is rebirth, sending you to rebirth is rebirth.

On one side, a young girl's figure appeared, the figure was in a panic, with a blood mark on the corner of her mouth, she asked.

"Cough...with such strength, why do you want to avoid me?"

The black bear roared again, and the sound waves shook the ground.

Lu Ling was injured, she covered her ears, and blood flowed out of them.

Not beautiful anymore.

It hurts badly.

There is only one of the nine snow lotuses around her, that punch is enough to kill her eight times, maybe not just a punch, but also that roar.

Sitting and forgetting without self is broken, the towns and rivers are gone, and the mountains and rivers are shattered.

With one punch, she seemed to have no ability to resist, and all defense methods were no match for that simple punch.

Maybe the odds are not in sight.

Lu Ling touched the corner of her mouth, the beauty mole was stained bright red, she said: "It's because I saw that Xuan Bing that I dare not see me."

The tone is calm.

Her blood fell into the stream, and it also fell into the eyes of this big guy. Xiong Ben was cautious, so he followed her to find opportunities.

"Roar!!!!" The giant roar tore through the air, also wanting to tear apart Lu Ling, and came in the blink of an eye.

It just tore Lu Ling into pieces.

Where Lu Ling was standing, pieces of Qionghua fell.

Three feet away, the last lotus flower beside the girl disappeared.

"Long time no see, don't you have anything to tell me?" Lu Ling said.

In exchange for continued widespread destruction.

In terms of destructive power alone, Xu Xu and Shen Gui, who have already surpassed the spirit level, are not at the same level.

But still couldn't kill Lu Ling.

"Actually, I don't want to kill you." Lu Ling dodged a punch and said suddenly.

angered the black bear.

It was cautious, but it was also impatient. It landed with both fists and raised a hundred feet of ground. The stones covered the sky and Lu Ling, like a huge wave reaching the sky, drowning everything around it.

Lu Ling was like a leaf of duckweed, but she didn't fall into the water.

She took out a green fruit, took a bite, and said amid the noise caused by the huge destructive force: "I'm hungry, this fruit is a bit appetizing, can you find me something to eat?"

No one listens to her.

The black bear was about to kill Lu Ling, but it finally came to Lu Ling and grabbed her. The little girl was not as big as a finger, and her bones softened in an instant.

The bitten green fruit in his hand fell, bounced a few times, and disappeared into the soil.

Lu Ling wanted to look down, but she felt that it was a waste and she had no strength.

The black bear felt that crushing this girl to death was as easy as crushing an ant. It felt that it should not be so cautious and wasted some time.

It's kind of weird, but that's it.

Let go of the hand, the girl fell into the dust and disappeared.

Juying took a step and looked back.

Suddenly, a sword box appeared.

All things stand still.

The black bear lowered its head, there was a blue light under its feet, there was an ordinary sword case, and an ordinary broken sword.

Deadly sword light.

The sword came from Hell, with the breath of a girl, and it arrived in the blink of an eye. It broke through the clouds, cut the sky, and cut the world.

The sky is broken, ghosts and death are avoided.

At this moment, if it is in a certain place in reality, one can see a sky-reaching sword energy tearing through the sky, breaking the rules along the way, falling into the great sun, and extinguishing the sun's fire.

The whole world went dark for a moment, as if the sun had been extinguished a little.

All mortals raised their heads, and all the cultivators raised their heads, all of them were unknown.

This may be the strongest sword in the world.

Come fast, go fast.

The strongest sword in the world is not the strongest person in the world, but it is enough.

There is no doubt that the black bear died.

The head was separated from the head, and then shattered into countless pieces, which fell from the sky like rain, and the blood was frozen, but there was no blood.

A hand stretched out from the dust, trying to rise up, holding a dirty green fruit in it.

Miserable fruit, dirty girl.

The girl ate the fruit, took an ordinary ice sword, put it in the sword box, and hid it between her eyebrows.

Look, she won.

Now, who is the place of rebirth?

Why don't you find me something to eat?

And, the fruit is really appetizing.

Lu Ling thought.

He lowered his head, looked at the shattered head, felt like vomiting, but put it away.

Nothing like hunger and malice.

The cold air spread, and the ice slag turned into powder, burying the girl in it.

The girl opened her cherry mouth and turned into a glutton.

(End of this chapter)

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