Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 856 Always move forward.

Chapter 856 Always move forward.

There is a wind that blows the evening bell.

The window was open, the room was in chaos, and the bell on the edge of the bed was ringing.

There is no smoke.

This is Dongfang Linglong's room, but there is no one in the room, and she doesn't plan to come back.

Dongfang Linglong petitioned Daoist Canglan, staying in the depths of Tianguang Ruins, willing to kill demons with her own power to wash away the filth of the people she cares about alone. This is the last thing she can do.

She has gone.

Shushan Sikongjian came to pick her up.

Sikong Jian was born with righteousness, but he could resist the evil energy in the depths of Tianguang Ruins. After years of struggle, he was at the top of his generation.

When Sikong Jian saw Dongfang Linglong, he saw the most terrifying light and shadow, and he was convinced in just an instant, willing to walk behind Dongfang Linglong, and the original resentment for his sister's crimes was quietly broken.

"Maybe, because of this incident, Linglong can get what she wants, and she has already surpassed those two from Lingshan."

Sikong Jian thought so.

Dongfang Linglong chose a difficult path, but she had to do it, it was her salvation.

She was taught by her elder sister, and she can definitely withstand the evil spirit, because her elder sister is a pure and pure person, and she has firmly believed in this fact until now.

Tianguangxu was gloomy and cold, and there were countless scarlet eyes in the dark, pitch black and turbulent, but they couldn't get close to the girl.

She had a dream in the blink of an eye. In the dream, the mountains and rivers were very quiet. In the dream, the man stayed quietly in the hot spring, smiling at her, waving at her, and she held her hand, wearing Through the jungle, through the hardships and dangers, through the high altitude, passing through the flowing clouds, and enter the bright galaxy.

Open your eyes, still a person.

Then he strengthened his faith.

She is going to the galaxy.

The road is under her feet, she wants to go forward, and when she can fly, she will never return.

Step by step, Dongfang Linglong passed through the dark forest, leaving a trail of blood behind.

She was waiting in front of Dongfang Xunyan.

she will come.

The road is at her feet, as long as she walks forward, she will definitely catch up with herself.

she waits.



The wind passed through Jiufeng Forest, and there was a whining sound, such as mourning and weeping, such a big incident happened in Lingshan, maybe Jiufeng was the least affected one, at least Chu Qishui did not go to the meeting, Han Xue has not returned to Xuanjing manage.

All is well.

It's just that the nine peaks of Lingshan have changed.

Big change.

The soft land on the edge of the cliff was replaced by beautiful white jade, the enchantment stood up, there was no wind blowing, the thatched cottage disappeared, there were more than ten palaces and pavilions scattered in a patchwork place, and behind the group of halls was a skyline. The ancient giant forest surrounds the White Jade Hall, adding a mysterious atmosphere.

There is gorgeousness, there is Xiaojiabiyu, there is also the beauty of serials, and there is even more magnificent heroism.

At this moment, the nine peaks of Lingshan Mountain are no longer dilapidated than before, except that they are sparsely populated and do not lag behind any peaks.

This is left by the pity of the East, and no one will forget it.

Chu Qishui will never forget, Han Xue will never forget, Xifeng and Zhao Yingge will never forget.

Such a person, they must be more willing to believe that she is beautiful.

The pavilions on the lonely peak are not only residences, but also have various functions, some are used for viewing, some are used for cultivation, there are piano rooms, chess rooms, painting boats...the piano room is larger than all other places, adding Lots of seats.

Pieces of snowflakes fell from the sky above the pavilion, falling on the eaves and melting.

A trace of coolness entered her body, making Xifeng who was standing in front of the window tighten her clothes.

This is her room, the immortal's residence, which is even more gorgeous than the previous City Lord's Mansion.

Xifeng pushed open the window and looked at the slowly falling snow.

It hadn't snowed before Jiufeng.

Down now.

Is Aya coming back?

In the small building not far from Xifeng, Zhao Yingge chose a low-lying location, a small bungalow.

She was leaning against the table, her short hair was a little longer, giving it a little more femininity. The cool wind swept across the house, and the wind stirred Zhao Yingge's short hair, but it couldn't smooth her eyebrows.

Inside the house, the silver tassel is still as new.

Zhao Yingge reached out to pick off a snowflake and looked up.

She remembered the sword she saw when she followed Xuechen to an angle.

That shocking sword.

That sword is enough to annihilate the sun.

who is it.

Is it a real fairy?
she does not know.

Looking back, looking at Xuechen, she remembered Mao'er's excitement at that moment, and silently pressed her guess.

It's Lu Ling.

She has an answer.

The breeze came slowly, bringing with it a scent of sweetness and blood, and the blue phantom, the cat on the bed, danced with the wind.

Cat opened his eyes and thought.

"Master is back."

Eyes full of anticipation and concern.

There is still a touch of puzzlement.

The master used her.

The ordinary sword box is Xihuang's collection.

That ordinary sword is a fairy sword.

That sword light that kills all ghosts and hides all gods is the sword energy of Xueluo Qianhan.

The black bear died unjustly.

Xuechen narrowed his eyes.

She should have the opportunity to be in front of the master often.

Thinking this way, looking out the window, waiting for the person who cares to return.



On the Lingtai, someone fell down.

"Someone fell!"

"it is true."

There are noisy voices everywhere in the altar.

Several disciples ran towards the landing point to catch the rapidly descending figure.

People fall down.

A girl caught her, her mouth widened, and she was surprised by one thing.

This person fell so quickly, like a waterfall falling thousands of feet, but without weight, as light as a red feather.

It's not strength, why is it so heavy.

Suddenly someone recognized it and shouted, "This is..."

"Little Junior Sister?"

"Junior Sister Lu?"

The girls finally recognized Lu Ling, and they kept discussing. Someone asked: "Didn't the little junior sister go to practice? Why did she fall from the sky?"

Of course there is no answer.

Lu Ling didn't know that there were so many spectators on the Lingtai, but even if she knew, she probably wouldn't care. She couldn't choose where to land, just like she had no choice at the beginning of her life. The noise in her ears made Lu Ling open her eyes. , the silver eyes seemed to have a strange power, making everyone shut up.

Lu Ling landed gently, took out her wheelchair, sat on it, and thought.

She fell so quickly because she was full of malice.

It was because she was carrying a heavy burden that she fell so quickly.

But even if she lands, she won't die, because she can't die yet.

Lu Ling waved her hand, and a line of words appeared: [Thank you, Senior Sister. 】

then left.

In a flash, one day, Li Zhuzi tested what she had learned, and she was shocked from ear to ear, but Lu Ling did not accept Li Zhuzi's praise. Compared with gaining, she lost more during this trip, and then arranged In a competition with Shen Gui, Lu Ling lasted fifty times.And so she became famous again, more famous than ever.

Lu Ling's rapid progress brought some comfort to the Lingshan people. Lu Ling also knew about Dongfang Lianren's affairs, so she sighed, but had no other thoughts.

Lu Ling walked to the Nine Peaks of Lingshan Mountain and before going to the teleportation formation, she suddenly thought of it.

"Maybe I am the same person as Master Dongfang."

She thought of her junior sister in the illusion again.

It shouldn't matter.

Lu Ling turned her head, glanced at the Lingshan Mountain, and remembered what her junior sister had asked before.

"What do you see."

Lu Ling can answer her now.

"I saw you."

A leaf can cover the eyes, and when the eyes are covered, the sky is also covered.

Liu Fufeng is the leaves.

Lu Ling walked into Jiufeng.

(End of this chapter)

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