Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 857 New Residence

Chapter 857 New Residence

Lu Ling finally came back here.

She lived in Jiufeng longer than expected, Lu Ling was there, looking around, as if going up the mountain for the first time.

Time did not leave any traces on Feng Jiu, but it seemed to leave a lot.

The tree grew a little more, and the leaves became more lush.

The creek narrowed, perhaps because it was frozen upstream in the cold weather.

These are natural, as for other changes, Lu Ling has nothing to say.

Feng Jiu's change fell into her eyes, and she was still a little surprised. If it weren't for the few people standing in front of her, she might think she had gone wrong.

Chu Qishui looked at her and said, "Are you back?"

Lu Ling nodded, drove the wheelchair forward to pay her respects, and left a line of words: "Thank you, master, for your sword energy."

Chu Qishui said he knew, turned around and left without saying anything, as if he didn't want to see Lu Ling very much, and he didn't want to talk to her.

But when he turned around, the smile on his face couldn't be deceived.

Seeing Master leave, Xifeng followed closely and said, "A Ling, I heard that you came back yesterday."

Lu Ling wrote: "Yes, after doing some tests at the husband's place, I was released."

Xifeng still doesn't know that Lu Ling has supported fifty moves under Shen Gui's hands, and she has been busy with the house recently.

Xifeng asked. "how do you feel?"

Lu Ling thought for a while and wrote, "Everything is fine."

She turned her head to look at Han Xue again, thinking in her heart.

"Less throbbing."

Han Xue gave Lu Ling a good look, turned around and chased after Chu Qishui.

The little girl is in good condition, so she feels relieved.

Only Xifeng and Zhao Yingge were left, and Lu Ling looked at Zhao Yingge.

Zhao Yingge looked at Lu Ling calmly and said, "Just come back."

A small head protruded from Zhao Yingge's body, Lu Ling raised her hand slightly, and Xuechen jumped onto Lu Ling's body, lying on her thigh.

Lu Ling stretched out a finger, and Xuechen unconsciously stretched out his head to rub it, showing an expression of enjoyment.

Xifeng was about to say something when she suddenly looked up to the sky.

The wind is stronger than before.

Xifeng said, "It's going to rain."

Zhao Yingge looked at her and said, "You are of the wind attribute, not the rain attribute, how can it rain on this sunny day."

Lu Ling looked up at the sky, only seeing a blinding leaf.

Xifeng said to Zhao Yingge: "A Ling is back today, I am too lazy to talk to you so much."

Then she looked at Lu Ling and said, "A Ling, time is tight, let's take a look at the house before it rains, you can choose whichever you like, it is fully protected, and you can move in directly."

Lu Ling nodded, it was all the same to her.

Lu Ling suddenly found that the residence she used to care about is not interesting at all now. To her, a palace and a thatched cottage are the same.

"Go and prepare dinner." Xifeng said to Zhao Yingge.

Zhao Yingge didn't move.

Xifeng said again: "Do you know the way here? What are you doing standing there?"

Zhao Yingge moved and went to prepare dinner.

Ever since Feng Jiu's palace was scattered, the paths are like a colon. If you are not familiar with it, you may not be able to figure it out. Only Xifeng and Han Xue, the two people who designed it, can tell where it is.

Xifeng walked behind Lu Ling, pushed her forward, and introduced the environment here to Lu Ling along the way.

The wheelchair was pressed on the snow, leaving a long trail, and Xifeng walked behind, so when the wind blew, the wind and snow covered their tracks.

Xifeng pointed to an elegant attic and said: "This is the piano room, Ah Ling, you can come here when you practice the piano at night, we can arrange a lot of seats..."

Lu Ling nodded.

"This is the study room. I have taken a lot of books, paper and pens, and pine flower ink..."

"This is the chess room..."

"This is the viewing tower, and it is also the tallest among all the halls."

Lu Ling remembered.

Suddenly, Lu Ling saw a boat, and Jiu Feng did not know when it opened a wide river, the water was rippling, clear but not muddy, it could be seen that there were fish swimming slowly in it, and there were willow trees planted on the bank.

Seeing Lu Ling looking over, Xifeng explained: "Sister Han asked someone to do it. The name of the water has not yet been determined. The main reason is that there are fishes in Qifeng who want to move here, so they opened a river and filled it with spiritual water. .”

Lu Ling looked at those red-tailed fish, and some of the fish sensed Lu Ling's aura, and jumped into the air, showing their appearance to Lu Ling.

Lu Ling smiled.

Like a safflower blooming, the redtail fish liked this smile very much and swam rapidly.

Lu Ling pointed to the river, and Xifeng pushed her to the bank.

Lu Ling glanced at the other side of the river, where there were many willow trees, and the leaves on the willow branches were verdant, like small boats sailing on the emerald green water, and like a fair lady, standing shyly in the lawn.

Seeing Lu Ling staring at Liu Shu in a daze, Xi Feng didn't speak.

When Lu Ling looked at the boat on the river, Xi Feng said, "This is a painting boat, unfortunately, I don't know how to paint."

Painting boat?


Lu Ling thought of something, looked at the exquisite boat pavilion for a while longer, said that she knew it, and wrote: "Let's go."

Xifeng pushed Lu Ling and turned to leave.

When turning the corner, Lu Ling glanced at the river inadvertently.

Xifeng suddenly felt a little cold, and then found that the wind was strong again, and heavy snow fell from the sky, dyeing the green willows on the bank pale in a blink of an eye.

She didn't say anything, and walked along the river with Lu Ling.

Xifeng still introduced to Lu Ling, but Lu Ling's mind was not there anymore, she was thinking about other things.

The thatched cottage where she and her junior sister lived before is gone.

was bulldozed.

If you want to ask what kind of mood, Lu Ling can't tell.

It should be a good thing.

Lu Ling thought so.

Out of sight, out of mind.

On the lap, Xuechen stared at Lu Ling's eyebrows, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, the master used me."

I'm worried, I don't know how the owner feels about using her, whether it will be bad, if she doesn't like it, will she be an ornamental pet forever, being oppressed by the July [-]th and the fake Xuanbing sword On the body.

Xuechen didn't dare to frighten these two swords, the ruthlessness that bullied Mo Yuanjian had long since disappeared.

Xuechen never thought about it, one of these two swords was worn by Lu Ling, and the other was hidden in the space ring, only she lived between Lu Ling's eyebrows.

There was nothing to worry about.

Suddenly, Lu Ling touched Xuechen's head, and Mao'er raised his head, looking into those silver eyes, his bones softened.

Lu Ling knocked on the metal handle of the wheelchair again, Xifeng stopped and asked, "A Ling? What's wrong?"

Lu Ling looked at a two-story attic by the river. Compared with other halls, this place should be a place to take a rest after watching the scenery. It is not so grand, not so delicate, and even stingy.

But Lu Ling likes this place very much, because it is next to the river.

You can see the row of willow trees.

Lu Ling wrote: "I want to live here."

Xifeng was silent for a moment, then said, "Okay."

 Is this progress fast?That’s it for today, I can continue writing but I’m not feeling well, so I’m going downstairs for a walk.

(End of this chapter)

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