Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 862 There is a gust of wind

Chapter 862 There is a gust of wind
In the bamboo forest, on the stone platform, there is a girl.

The girl wrote, put down the pen, looked up at the sky, the morning sun was hanging in the sky, and there was a clear light, which made the girl's red dress so conspicuous, like the setting sun.

Maybe she has no vigor, so she looks like the setting sun.

The girl took a sip of the brown sugar ginger tea she made herself in the morning, which was the amount used by her junior sister in the illusion. Drinking it would not increase the amount of Guishui and relieve her pain.

The girl seems to be starting to like this taste. Her taste has changed from liking sweetness to liking strange flavors, which may be a good thing.

Speaking of which, when was the last time I saw such a beautiful sky?
When Xu Shi opened her eyes for the first time, in the mountains, on the grass, the starry sky all over the sky was so beautiful, just like her eyes.

Thinking so, Lu Ling held the pen and wrote something on the paper.

Lu Ling suddenly felt that maybe when she opened her eyes for the first time, she shouldn't have left that mountain, and she shouldn't have met so many people in human skins at the foot of the mountain. Thinking about it this way, she might have been thrown on that mountain by her parents .

Lu Ling thought again, if she doesn't go down the mountain, she won't encounter hardships, but she won't be able to meet her junior sister either.It's just that when she thought of not meeting her junior sister, she didn't have any violent fluctuations.

If time could be restarted, would she want to meet her junior sister again?

Lu Ling didn't know the answer.

She doesn't know the answer, but the answer is there.

Maybe not.

Lu Ling moved her pen.



Xuechen lay on Lu Ling's lap, pawing the stone platform lightly, wanting to read what Lu Ling wrote, but after she worked hard, she managed to do so. It was written on the paper—every prosperity in life, what is left behind It takes time to pay back.

That word is so beautiful.

Xuechen looked sideways at Lu Ling's face.

People are better than words.

She is crazy.

After a while, Xuechen remembered his own thoughts, and thought: "The master has changed a lot, and I can't understand what I wrote."

Xuechen has already spent endless time, and there will be endless time in the future, so she doesn't understand, and there is no need to understand.

Looking at Xuechen's eyes, Lu Ling felt that sometimes it's good to live a simple life, such as Xuechen, even if the time comes again, she may still stick to her side.

Lu Ling held the writing brush, and lightly buckled the pen holder on the stone table, making a rhythmic sound of "dong dong dong dong", accompanied by a little bit of ink splashing on the stone table.

After drinking the ginger tea and drying the ink, Lu Ling felt that she was tired of waiting. She had more meaningful things to do instead of waiting here for someone she hadn't seen.

She doesn't want to wait.

He wanted to come.

Even if he wanted to come, the most important thing was that she didn't want to wait.

So Lu Ling decided not to wait.

Lu Ling put away her pen, looked at the path where there was still no one coming, and turned around to leave.

Suddenly a gust of cool wind came from the path and landed on Lu Ling's face, blowing the strands of black hair, Lu Ling suddenly turned around and stared at the path with suspicion in her eyes.

She turned around.

She suddenly changed her mind.

She was patient again.


The person Lu Ling didn't want to wait for came.

Li Zhuzi is here.

Lu You is here.

Lezheng came to the court.

Zhu Mingxiang followed behind, wearing sackcloth without any sense of presence.

Except for Lu Ling, everyone was very nervous. Of course, the first thing Lu Ling saw was this white-haired man. Seeing that exquisite face and the guilt that could not be concealed, Lu Ling thought.

"He should be my father."

But so what, the father has never been the most important blood relationship. In comparison, the husband may be more like her father, although she is a woman like herself.

Lu Ling wanted to ask this man something, such as about the Demon Race, but it was obviously not a good time, so her eyes just passed over Lu You without stopping.

Seeing that Lu Ling didn't intend to talk to him, Lu You was disappointed, but strangely, he also breathed a sigh of relief, maybe he didn't see the disgust in Lu Ling's eyes, and there was only calm in the girl's eyes, even though it was as calm as The sea connecting Tianguang Ruins made Lu You dare not look at it.

Also more guilty.

Lu You was still thinking that Lu Ling and her mother were carved out of the same mold, with that calm and light temperament, the wind chime should look like this in the Demon Race at this time, he was unconsciously fascinated by it, then The white hair was shaking slightly, like his shaking heart. Lu You suddenly felt that it was the luckiest thing in the world for him that Lu Ling could treat him so calmly, and he had nothing to yearn for. If Lu Ling wants his life, he will do it himself, so as not to dirty his own girl's hands.

But if it was a daughter like the one in front of her, she probably wouldn't even have the thought of killing him to vent her anger.

This is indeed the case for Lu Ling, she is not interested in Lu You anymore, she looks at Lezheng Luoting carefully, and shakes her head after a while.

That gust was not her.


Being watched by Lu Ling, Le Zhengluo found that she couldn't say all the words she had prepared before, because she didn't dare to look Lu Ling in the eyes.

After stammering, he just stood there stupidly with his head down.

Lezheng Luoting is extremely proud, as Lu You, Li Liweng, Venerable Ye and even Young Master Xiao can testify to this.

Coke is falling into court and is inferior.

Everyone present could see this.

Because Lu Ling was in front, she couldn't even straighten her waist, Le Zheng looked down at her toes, her fingers behind her back trembling violently.

Lezheng Luoting found that she was right, Lu Ling would only get better and better, she was a clown in front of her, she put so much thought into it, and after suffering from the Seven Killing Sword Sutra, she just wanted to be in front of Lu Ling. You can straighten your waist in front of you, but when those eyes really sweep over...

She can't.

I can not do it.


Lezheng Luoting was terrified, she felt that she was still unworthy to stand in front of that girl.

Lu Ling looked at Lezheng Luoting, and at the black and red trick sword behind her, raised her eyebrows, and said, "I remember you."

The voice is hoarse, but every word is extremely clear.

Le Zhengluo raised her head in shock when she heard the words, her heart beat very fast.

Li Zhuzi was also shocked.

Xuechen was shocked.

Lu You didn't understand what was so shocking.

Because Lu Ling spoke up.

It's also very simple.

Lu Ling felt that, compared to language, maybe the handwriting that she worked hard to practice was more precious, and her junior sister praised her for her good-looking handwriting.

Lu Ling asked again: "Did you come here specifically to find me?"

Le Zheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously, and said, "Yes."

"I see." Lu Ling looked into the girl's eyes, and remembered what happened a long time ago. At that time, she was still a person who didn't want to live, so Lu Ling felt a little nostalgic when she saw Le Zheng Luoting.

"What's the matter?" Lu Ling asked.

(End of this chapter)

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