Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 863 Lost Concept

Chapter 863 Lost Concept

Lu Ling's slightly hoarse voice seemed to have a magical effect, and Le Zhengluo gradually calmed down in the court. She summoned up her courage and said, "I want to follow you."

What asked Lu Ling to do her stuff, this kind of words were just for his own courage. Lezheng Luoting's wish from the beginning was to follow Lu Ling, and it never changed.

Lu Ling was a little surprised, she didn't expect to hear such an answer, so she began to look at this elder sister in white seriously.

Li Zhuzi was also a little surprised, she hadn't heard Lu You mention this matter, Lezheng Luoting was a disciple of Shushan, so Li Zhuzi looked at Lu You, wanting to get an explanation.

But Lu You was still looking at his daughter, how could he be in the mood to care about Li Zhuzi.

Li Zhuzi coughed lightly.

Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi.

Lu You naturally followed his daughter to look over.

Li Zhuzi was a little helpless, so he said to Le Zhengluo, "You are a disciple of Shushan."

Le Zhengluo bowed to Li Zhuzi, but did not respond.

This salute is somewhat inexplicable, because it was done when we first met.

"Her master is the one from Jiange." Lu You reminded.

Li Zhuzi was slightly taken aback, looked at Lezheng Luoting, his eyes softened a lot: "Are you Yezi's disciple?"

"Yes." Lezheng Luoting agreed this time.

In fact, she didn't see herself as Venerable Ye's disciple, she was the same as Ye Guanyue, the master was always their father in their eyes, so... Lezheng Luoting looked at Li Zhuzi with other things in his eyes Stuff like...appreciation and recognition.

Such a woman who is as quiet as a pine valley is indeed worthy of Master's concern.

Especially, she is also Lu Ling's teacher...

But Li Zhuzi understood that she did know Le Zheng Luo Ting and her character, just like when she asked if she was a disciple of Shushan but did not get an answer.

The meaning of Lezheng Luoting is obvious, she is a disciple of Venerable Ye, but not a disciple of Shushan.

Therefore, she can follow Lu Ling.

Li Zhuzi, who knew more or less what happened to this girl in Shushan, had no way to refute, and if it was Ye Zi's disciple, then there was really nothing to trouble him about. Look at Lu Ling's choice.

As for the Seven Killing Sword Manual on Lezheng Luoting's body, it has nothing to do with her. Even though Lezheng Luoting may be the person that Young Master Xiao likes, Lezheng Luoting's own thoughts are the most important.

Li Zhuzi has always valued a person's own thoughts.

In fact, she was even more curious about why Lezheng Luoting had such a big obsession with Lu Ling.

This is also what Lu Ling was puzzled by, Lu Ling thought.

"Have I ever had any intimate contact with her?"

Not at all impressed.

"Can I follow you? I can..." Le Zheng fell nervously incoherent, and pulled out the Mo Yuan Sword behind his back: "We can... can..."

It's okay to fight.

Lu Ling inexplicably understood what she meant. She wanted to show her ability, just like she wanted to show calligraphy to her junior sister.

A wisp of cool wind blew over from the stone path and landed on Lu Ling's face, but this time it lacked the familiar temperature.

Lu Ling wanted to refuse.

But she looked into Le Zheng's dark eyes and rubbed the cat's head in her arms.

"These eyes are the same as Xiaoxue's." Lu Ling thought.

In fact, it's not just like Xuechen.

Still like her a few days ago.

Lu Ling didn't want to refuse anymore, she seemed to be unable to find a reason to refuse, and Le Zheng Luoting's eyes told her that she could give everything, Lu Ling knew how hot the burning eyes were, and no one was better than Lu Ling. Get to know that feeling better.

"I still have... last time, the bet you made with that person." Le Zheng said loudly again, her face was blushing.

Li Zhuzi didn't understand what Lezheng Luoting was talking about.

Lu You saw the memory of Lezheng Luoting, so he probably knew what she was talking about.

Zhu Mingxiang lowered her eyes, her back was lonely, she looked at the Mo Yuan sword on Lezheng Luoting's back, and thought of a clean boy.

Lu Ling was very surprised, she looked at Lezheng Luoting strangely, then looked at her sword, and thought.

"So it is."

It turned out to be you.

"He didn't lie to me." Lu Ling smiled, her smile was like the breeze blowing from the path.

The girl's happiness infected everyone present. For a moment, although Li Zhuzi didn't understand what they were talking about, he also laughed along with Lu Ling.

And Lu Ling remembered the rather interesting man she met back then, and said, "I like people who keep their word."

There is one more thing that Lu Ling didn't say, she actually doesn't hate people who don't mean anything, for example, the person who said he would never leave her is not by her side now.

Le Zheng looked at her in the courtyard.

Lu Ling said again: "I have no reason to refuse."

Le Zheng Luoting was relieved, and she retreated to the back.

She didn't need to ask.

Because they are about to go to Tianguangxu, and the time they spend together is in Tianguangxu, not Lingshan. Of course, Lezheng Luoting may just need time to digest the good news. As inferior as she is, she naturally never thought that Lu Ling would agree so easily her business.

She hasn't competed with Lu Ling yet.

She wanted to fight with Lu Ling. This kind of thinking is the same mentality as Lu Ling showing what she has learned in front of her junior sister.

After stepping back, Lezheng Luoting's legs trembled slightly, and she began to wonder how she had the courage to stand in front of her.

The nervous tremors turned into excited tremors.

Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling's bright and unshielded eyes, looked at the cup of ginger tea, walked gently behind Lu Ling, and stood there, she found that Lu Ling had changed a lot since she got sick and recovered.

For example, now, Lu Ling can handle everything by herself when she is by her side.

Such as Lu You, such as Lezheng Luoting, even though Lu Ling didn't talk to Lu You, at least so far, the two of them are satisfied.

Li Zhuzi breathed a sigh of relief.

If it was before, even though Lu Ling was very calm, Li Zhuzi would still be very worried about Lu Ling and that Liu Fufeng's departure would have a bad influence on her, but not now, because Lu Ling has already stepped out, Also grown up.

real growth.

Sometimes, growing up is just a matter of an instant. From the moment this girl laughed happily when she saw Chu Qishui and Han Xue repairing the ten-mile willow tree, she was a different person from the inside out.

Hide the leaves on your eyes in your heart, you can see more beautiful scenery.

Li Zhuzi suddenly felt a little lost, she thought that maybe this was the thinking of all mothers.

In fact, not all mothers in the world think so.

Lu Ling looked at the man in sackcloth standing at the back, and keenly sensed a sense of disappointment in him.

Lu Ling couldn't figure out what to be disappointed about.

Of course she didn't understand, and she had never been a mother.

In fact, Zhu Mingxiang has never done it.

no chance.

(End of this chapter)

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