Chapter 872
In Lu Ling's eyes, Lezheng Luoting is a moving magic treasure, and the things she won from Mo Yuan back then should also be in her hands.

So Lu Ling asked for it, and her voice fell from the sky like light snow, covering Lezheng Luoting.

"give me."

Lu Ling thought that since it belonged to the demon clan, maybe she could get something to write from it, after all, she was also from the demon clan.

Le Zhengluo hesitated in the court.

She shouldn't have hesitated.

Lu Ling frowned and asked, "What's wrong?"

Le Zheng said nervously in Luoting: "I want to give it to you too, but I... can't get it out."

Lu Ling looked at her and repeated: "Can't you get it out?"

Her expression was still calm, but the snow outside the window was thicker.

"That is to say..." Lezheng fell into a hurry, lifted her long hair and exposed the temples on her ears, she pointed to her head: "In the sea of ​​consciousness, I can extract it, but I can't take it out, even if I can take it out Write it down, but there are too many magic arts in Daozang, even writing it is very slow, probably not as fast as my dictation."

Lu Ling looked at her seriously to confirm that the other party was not lying.


Just like the knowledge of the world in her mind, it can be retrieved but cannot be extracted.

However, how Mo Yuan stuffed it into Le Zheng Luoting's mind back then.

Xu Shi could see Lu Ling's doubts, and Le Zheng said in the court, "I followed Mo Yuanjian into my sea of ​​consciousness."

"Sword." Lu Ling thought of something.

"That's it." Le Zheng waved his hand in the court, and a magic sword appeared on his back. The blood red and pitch black merged together, which was very strange. Since the magic sword was dedicated, the temperature in the room dropped a few degrees.

Lu Ling said, "Let me see."

Reach out.

The Mo Yuan Sword just appeared in her hand.

Lezheng Luoting turned pale with shock. Ever since he recognized her as the master, the sword was fierce and unspeakable. Even if Master Bai Yunfan wanted to touch him, he would be rejected, and Lu Ling... might be injured.

She was about to say something when she saw Mo Yuanjian quietly in Lu Ling's hand.


It wasn't quiet, but trembling... As the sword master of Mo Yuan, Lezheng Luoting could feel the emotion coming from the sword.




The greatest emotion...respect.

For a moment, Le Zhengluo didn't understand, Mo Yuan was alive, but he had never talked to her.

But she was very familiar with this emotion.

She looked at Lu Ling holding the Mo Yuan sword, and thought of the time when Venerable Ye carried her out to play... Lu Ling's figure gradually overlapped with Venerable Ye.

Lu Lingxu didn't feel the emotion of Jian, Xu didn't care at all.

【There is a ruler... there are ministers...】

【My king, you finally...】

In the void, energy gradually diffused, distorting the space, and covering a corner of the ten-mile willow tree.

Lu Ling frowned, and said suddenly, "Quiet."

Le Zheng was stunned for a moment, looking around, thinking that she didn't speak.

Could it be that Lu Ling was talking about swords?

Le Zheng looked at Mo Yuanjian in Luoting, and found that the other party was not trembling anymore, and she could no longer understand Jian's emotions, so she looked at Lu Ling incomprehensibly.


Lezheng Luoting finally discovered something.

She cared about this girl, and she might be an incredible person. Although she liked Lu Ling, she never thought how strong Lu Ling would be... But no one knows this magic sword that gets along day and night better than her.

The ominous sword, the ruthless magic sword that once drank the painstaking efforts of the master of Shushan, now dare not even have emotions in front of the girl.

Le Zheng Luoting unfolded his pupil technique and looked at Mo Yuanjian.

If it was before, she could see a sea of ​​stinking blood, thunderbolts all over the sky, and purgatory on earth, but this time she saw nothing, only a quiet sword.

Is this still my magic sword?

Perhaps it was never her sword,
She watched silently.

Lu Ling let go of Mo Yuan, threw it to Lezheng Luoting, and said, "There is indeed nothing useful in this sword."

There is no pity in the tone, only calm.

Lezheng Luoting felt her quiet magic sword with mixed feelings in her heart. When she saw Lu Ling's eyes, she no longer worried about her sword spirit.

Lu Ling was disappointed.

Lezheng Luoting immediately said: "Although I can't mention it, I can recite it to you."

Lu Ling shook her head and said, "I don't have that time."

Although she doesn't know what the magic store has, it's not something that can be finished in a year or two.

"It doesn't matter, it won't take long." Lezheng Luoting explained: "There must be a technique for transferring the knowledge of the sea of ​​consciousness. After all, their research on souls is far superior to ours. I can recite it to you while learning. The method of manipulating the sea of ​​consciousness."

"Huh?" Lu Ling raised her interest.

This is a good way.

Lu Ling said, "That's fine."

Seeing Lu Ling's expression, Le Zhengluo heaved a sigh of relief.

Lu Ling suddenly remembered something, and said, "You haven't practiced the technique?"

Lezheng Luoting truthfully replied: "No, the Seven Killing Sword Sutra is too much for me, is yours, I can't..."

Lu Ling took another look at Lezheng Luoting, and said, "I see, now I agree with you."

"En." Le Zheng nodded in the courtyard.

Then the girl suddenly realized something.

Does this mean that she will be able to follow Lu Ling for a long time to come.

Looking at Lu Ling's side face in Luoting, Le Zheng was overwhelmed with great surprise.

Lu Ling was thinking about other things.

Mo Yuanjian, she thought it was strange back then, but now it really is.

It is also the second sword spirit that talks to her besides Xuechen, but unlike Xuechen, Mo Yuan's sword has an old voice, without gender, she just feels the vicissitudes of time.

As for hostility, of course not.

Her identity meant that all the demons would not show hostility towards her, especially when she had awakened her space talent at this time.

Lu Ling didn't understand what the sword was talking about.




It's the same thing over and over again.

Lu Ling was suddenly unhappy, she suddenly didn't want to know what the sword was talking about, she didn't want to know who she was, even if she had a half body, she would only be the half body of her junior sister.

Lu Ling raised her left hand, and the ring on her ring finger was shining, just like her eyes at this moment, and like the rain and snow falling outside the window.

"That's right." Lu Ling said suddenly.

Le Zhengluo looked over.

Lu Ling continued: "What will you do next in Tianguangxu?"

Lezheng Luoting didn't expect Lu Ling to ask such a question, so he said, "I'm not prepared, I'll follow... you, and we'll talk about the rest later."

This girl had long forgotten that she was going to fight Lu Ling.

Lezheng Luoting thought in his heart that anyway, he could fight normally now, and the sword intent to lift the sky was growing in her body at this moment, even if it could be released...

and many more.

Le Zheng fell to the court and paused.

She still doesn't know how to address Lu Ling. Although she can call her master, Lu Ling will despise her.


"Just call me Ah Ling." Lu Ling said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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