Chapter 873
The title "A Ling" has long been rotten on the street, but the title of Senior Sister is exclusive to one person, and Lu Ling only cares about the latter at this time, so Zhao Yingge will not call her Senior Sister, nor will Xifeng.

"Aling." Lezheng swallowed his saliva in Luoting, and said, "Will you participate in the Tianguangxu martial arts meeting?"

Lu Ling nodded and said, "Yes."

Everything in the world is relaxed.

"No, it's all right."

Lezheng Luoting thought to herself that she could also participate in the Tianguangxu Martial Arts Competition. When the two of them meet in the arena, she will show Lu Ling her value.

She will overcome obstacles all the way, and then lose to Lu Ling.

Of course it's not about letting go, it's just inferiority.

At that time, the girl she likes will be famous all over the world.

Now Lu Ling is not famous, Le Zheng Luoting knows that many people have heard of the name Lu Ling because of Qionghua's Qionghua Order, and also because of Lu You's relationship. Strength speaks.

She began to look forward to seeing herself fall under Lu Ling's sword.

Lu Ling actually doesn't care what she thinks, and she doesn't know what her plans are. Since the road is at the foot, it is impossible for her to be the only one on the road. Others can leave if they want to, so what does it have to do with her.

The way to her heart was closed long ago.

Mozang, she was not in a hurry to ask for it. Ever since she came into contact with the Mo Yuan Sword, she had a bad feeling. Lu Ling touched her leg to catch a void, and then remembered that Xuechen was still below, and said .

"Go down."

Of course, Le Zhengluo didn't have any objections, but before leaving the room, she looked back at the ice sculpture of a young girl with doubts in her eyes.

She always felt that this girl had a very familiar aura, but she couldn't remember it.

The steps are short.

Go downstairs.

Lu Ling solved the problem of Lezheng Luoting in court, so naturally she had to solve the problem of Zhu Mingxiang.

But Zhu Mingxiang's problem has not been solved yet.

The same goes for Xuechen.

Zhu Mingxiang held the pen, and the paper was blank.

Xuechen lay on the table and looked at her, his eyes were also full of puzzlement, but Xuechen's puzzlement changed from being inexplicable at the beginning to why this person was sitting stupidly holding a pen and not moving.

Lu Ling walked over, looked at the slightly dried ink, and asked, "Sister, why didn't you write anything?"

Zhu Mingxiang turned around and said, "Sister, I found that there is nothing to prepare, I have everything I need."

She was talking about painting baskets.

Lu Ling nodded, it should be like this.

It’s just a painting, what can I do to prepare?It's also something she takes too seriously.

She glanced at Zhu Mingxiang and said nothing.

Zhu Mingxiang sat there, she just didn't like to make plans, so she didn't write anything down.

Sometimes there is no need for planning or any preparation.

Go with the flow.

It would be nice if I could see this earlier.

Zhu Mingxiang thought.

No one spoke, and the air was a little quiet, only the blood slowly falling outside the window, and the sky gradually darkened.

Lu Ling picked up Xuechen, put it on her lap, and gently stroked her head, with a hint of satisfaction at the corner of her mouth.

Xuechen thought he wouldn't be bald.

Le Zheng Luoting looked at a daze, wondering why it was so natural to have one sister and one sister.

Le Zheng said in a low voice, "Sister Zhu, what's the matter?"

Zhu Mingxiang looked at her suspiciously, and said, "What's wrong?"

Le Zhengluo knocked on his thigh and said, "What were you talking about just now?"

Zhu Mingxiang said: "I follow her and teach her how to draw."


Lezheng Luoting felt a sense of frustration in her heart, she didn't understand the treatment she had only received with trepidation, why Zhu Mingxiang didn't care at all, and she could do it without any effort.

After much deliberation is because she can't draw.

no culture.

She suddenly felt that she should also learn something, and she couldn't just practice blindly.

It's all the fault of Shushan, a group of cultivators who have wasted the young girl's life.

Lezheng Luoting thought so, she lay down on the table, and murmured: "I used to go, Yangliu Yiyi... Now I come to think, it's raining and snowing..."

Suddenly, two eyes fell on her.

A gaze from Lu Ling.

Another one that you can tell without looking is Zhu Mingxiang.

"Huh!" Le Zheng Luoting trembled, blushing to the neck, she explained in a panic: "I...I just think it's easier to remember, because...the writing is very good."

She doesn't have much culture, so the long life and death is too ingenious for her. On the contrary, she only read this sentence once and remembered it. She was thinking about these things just now, and said it unconsciously.

How shameful, reciting her poems in front of the Lord...

"It was well written in the first place." Zhu Mingxiang said, as if she was trying to save Le Zhengluo from the siege.

"Thank you."

At this moment, the thoughts of the three were all above the rain and snow, and there was an inexplicable tacit understanding.



That night, it was impossible for Zhu Mingxiang and Le Zhengluo to rest at Lu Ling's place, so they went back to the Lingtai. Lu Ling practiced the piano by herself, and returned to her room after practicing.

the next day.

Lu Ling watched the sun rise, got up from the bed, changed into white silk, and after washing, stared at the ice sculpture.

"Shall we go together?"

"Of course we will go together."

Lu Ling asked and answered, opened the interspatial ring, compressed Liu Fufeng's statue, put it in, and took out a puppet that looked exactly like herself from the compartment of the dressing table.

It can't be said that they are exactly the same, that is the Q version of Lu Ling, who is much cuter than the current her.

Lu Ling held the doll as if holding her own child.

She suddenly had the urge to name the doll Liu Yiyi, but she gave up this idea for the sake of her future child.

Lu Ling picked up a pair of red evil spirit mask again, thought for a while, but didn't put it on her face, she held it in her hand and looked at it quietly.

She now knows what it means to be a betrayer.

It's not me.

Lu Ling thought so.

Not sure yet, murmured.

"Should...not me."

Outside the sky, light snow fell and the air cooled down.

"Where did you go?" Lu Ling asked.

The junior sister left and took a lot of things with her.

Like the other mask, like the blood butterfly I gave her, like that piece of yellow paper.

She obviously didn't want to leave.

Lu Ling thought and got up.

Before leaving Lingshan, she still had a lot of people to see, because after leaving, she didn't know when she would be able to come back.

In fact, what she regrets the most is not the people, but the scenery.

Lu Ling tilted her head, thinking that it was actually human beings who were reluctant.

The first thing to look at is of course Feng Jiu.

Lu Ling went out, took her own green bamboo, and left the wheelchair.

She wants to take a good look at Feng Jiu today, starting from the place up the mountain.

It took her half an hour to reach the teleportation formation, and stood there in a daze for a while, looking at the scattered white jade around, the floating spirit formation, and the breeze.

Should she miss Loess and Gangfeng?

"It turns out that everything has changed."


(End of this chapter)

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