Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 874 There Are Two Rabbits

Chapter 874 There Are Two Rabbits

Many girls in Lingshan looked up and saw that the dense white covered the sky, some came from the nine heavens, and some came from higher places.

Everyone has doubts, because Lingshan has not had such a heavy snow for a long time, and it has always been a beautiful scene of light snow. Most people are used to burning a pot of tea on the day of elementary school and quietly watching the snow scene.

The last time Lingshan snowed so heavily was a long time ago, and some emotionally sensitive girls would wonder if it had something to do with Lu Ling.

The sky above the Lingtai is clear and quiet, there are shadows covering the sky, snow is falling on the lake in the mountain, and a girl in sackcloth is walking by the lake.

Zhu Mingxiang looked at the ripples on the lake with cold eyes.

In the attic, Lezheng looked at the snow-white sky, his eyes blurred.

Lu You was not there, he met Bai Yunfan, and the two of them sat somewhere and drank a little wine, which was also very strange.


It snowed a lot.

Soon, it became difficult for Lu Ling to walk, and the green bamboo and shoes were a few inches into the white snow.

The snow is heavy, covering those buildings and land.

The environment became slightly more familiar, but Lu Ling thought it was completely different.


Things are different from people, so she will not have any thoughts, people are like this, the most painful thing in the world is not being able to ask for it, and not being able to let it go.

Maybe the latter.

Lu Ling was thinking about this when there was a sound of footsteps.

Xifeng came on the wind, saw the lonely figure in the wind and snow, looked directly at Lu Ling and said, "A Ling? You are..."

Lu Ling raised her head and said, "I'm going out for a walk."

"Let's go?" Xifeng looked at the snow all over the sky, looking for something on her body.

Lu Ling held up the umbrella by herself.

Xifeng stopped moving, she suddenly understood something, and said seriously: "Do you want me to walk with you for a while?"

Lu Ling thought about it seriously, then shook her head, and said, "No need, I'm fine by myself, and I have to go to Senior Sister Qin and Mr. Qin."

Xifeng took a deep look at her, responded and turned to leave.

She didn't ask too much, because she could vaguely guess what Lu Ling was thinking.

Lu Ling looked at Xifeng's back and thought: "Sister Xifeng's cultivation level has improved again..."

Stepping forward, listening to the sound of Xiaoxue falling.

Step up.

The road under this foot cannot be walked slowly.

If you look carefully, you will find that Lu Ling's brows have been slightly knit together.

sense of crisis.

Others don't understand why she feels a sense of crisis, maybe it's because of Tianguangxu, only Lu Ling knows...she doesn't care about Tianguangxu.

She was nervous because Le Zheng was in court.

To be precise, it was Lezheng Luoting's sword.

Mo Yuanjian has a sword spirit.

The sword spirit must have discovered something, Lu Ling didn't care about her identity in the demon clan, or who her parents were, but what the sword said to her yesterday inevitably echoed in her ears.

King, bust.

This shows one thing, her aura may have begun to leak, and even a sword can feel the change of her aura... Then the possibility of being exposed on the Lingshan Mountain has increased.

She didn't think that the seniors on Lingshan would be no match for a sword.

So Lu Ling became nervous.

This sentiment is not without reason.

Lu Ling might not know that she was actually tricked by other people, and she was not the only one who entered Mo Yuan's sword yesterday.

This is something.

Lu Ling stepped on the snow of Jiufeng, carried the bamboo basket on her back, took out two wine gourds and hung them around her waist.

She came to the place where she lived before.

There is a well-cleaned garden here, in which are planted Moonshine Grass, Lu Ling bent down, picked a piece and chewed it lightly.


Lu Ling said, "It tastes really good."

Smiling happily, she collected a lot of Yue Yingcao in her ring, and then took some and put them in the frame.

Keep going.

Jiu Fengfeng doesn't have many things she misses, and Lingquan is certainly one of them.

She will go to the spiritual spring.

Compared with other places in Jiufeng, perhaps the changes on this hillside are the smallest. Lu Ling walked very slowly with a small backpack on her back.

Along the way, she has been eating, eating moon grass.

"Am I a rabbit, I eat green leaves all the time." Lu Ling laughed to herself, and suddenly coughed again.

Sure enough, it was still bitter.

Lu Ling thought so.

She looked around.

This is the secluded pool, where she used to like to bathe, filled with her spiritual power everywhere, Lu Ling looked at the clear pool of water, and suddenly had an urge to jump into it.

The silver eyes turned and gave up the idea.

Lie down, and took a sip from the pool, the bitter taste in his mouth faded away, and when he raised his head, drops of water dripped from Lu Ling's chin, and fell to the ground in pieces, like a butterfly.

Lu Ling was a little surprised, why did she think of her junior sister again, her emotions were much stronger than before.

Maybe it's time to leave.

She looked at the pool of water, looked at the reflected shadow, as if she saw a sackcloth draped over her body.

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder she didn't like Zhu Mingxiang's sackcloth.

It was Junior Sister who took off her sackcloth and put on this red dress.

Lu Ling rubbed her eyes, left here and went to the hot spring.

This time she didn't take a bath anymore, she poured two pots of spiritual spring and left Jiufeng.

There was always not enough time. It was past noon when Lu Ling left Jiufeng. When she came to Nanyuan, she knocked on the door, but no one opened it.

Few people came to Nanyuan, Lu Ling stood in a daze for a while, looked at the words on the school, and then remembered that Mr.'s school is no longer open.

Lu Ling walked a few steps forward and came to another courtyard.

"Dong dong dong."

She knocked on the door.

A soft voice sounded from inside the door.

"The door is open, come in."

Lu Ling pushed open the door, saluted, and said, "Senior Sister Shen."


Shen Lan was still dressed in purple. She was sweeping the snow in the yard when it snowed heavily just now, but she didn't expect Lu Ling to come. She touched her face, thinking whether she should dress up properly.

Shen Lan said, "Long time no see."

Lu Ling thought about it, and it didn't take long, she would come to learn music theory every few days.

Of course, what Shen Lan was talking about was not long time no see.

The sky was falling, and there was gray that melted before landing. Lu Ling held an umbrella and leaned on a green jade, standing there pretty.

This was the most beautiful scenery Shen Lan expected.

This is the most beautiful scenery Shen Lan expected.

Shen Lan suddenly found that she was very calm.

Lu Ling looked at her and said, "Senior Sister Shen, how is your body?"

Shen Lan smiled, in fact, it can be seen from the complexion, and she doesn't cough all the time when speaking, all thanks to the girl in front of her.

Shen Lan said: "It's much better, although I still can't remember too much, but I have some consciousness after all."

Lu Ling said, "That's good."

Shen Lan put down the broom and asked, "Do you want to come in and sit down?"

"No." Lu Ling shook her head and said, "I'm here to tell Senior Sister Shen that I'm leaving Lingshan."

Shen Lan raised her head, and the snow was getting heavier, so she picked up the broom again, looked at Lu Ling, and said seriously: "I see, go, don't forget to come and see me when you come back occasionally."

Lu Ling hummed lightly.

Maybe Lu Ling, a teacher with pure melody, would be less wary of her and turn around to leave.

They were not familiar with each other, and Shen Lan was not on Lu Ling's visit plan.

Lu Ling left, but the snow seemed to be bigger, and the wind and snow gradually buried the wisp of purple.

Shen Lan swept the snow and couldn't finish it all the time. She was very serious.

As long as Ling is still there, she will be there.

She can also be regarded as one of the first people who watched Lu Ling gradually mature.

Always happy.

She actually wanted to tell Lu Ling that following in the footsteps of someone she cared about would make the road difficult.

After thinking about it, she didn't open her mouth. After all, she was still guarding the mausoleum, so she should not be qualified to say such a thing.



The third peak of Lingshan Mountain is full of vitality. It was originally the place where life and death were separated, but somehow, the dead place has also grown buds. In this way, the entire three peaks will change in a few years. A place where elves live.

It's just... there must be elves.

The doors of those tree houses were closed tightly, and no more laughter could be heard.

Walking in this jungle, Lu Ling remembered that she hadn't seen the senior sisters on the way, and the people from the three peaks seemed to have left overnight. If it was normal, the senior sisters here should drink tea, draw pictures, and go down there. chess.

Seeing himself coming, he would also say a few soft words.

Now it was very quiet, only the sound of her own stepping on the snow could be heard. Lu Ling closed her eyes, spread her cold air, and had a panoramic view of Sanfeng's situation.

It turned out to be the case.

Everyone is practicing.

Practice seriously.

Lu Ling thought it was a good thing.

She walked forward, stopped after taking two steps, looked at the mountain full of life, chewed the green leaves lightly, and looked around.

Here comes the problem, she only knows that her husband handles affairs in Sanfeng, but Sanfeng is so big, how can she find him.

Fortunately, there is a person next to him.

This is the first and only person that Lu Ling saw after going up the mountain. That person sat on the steps, propped his face and looked at the distance directly opposite, as if there was the most beautiful scenery over there, and he looked at it no matter what. Not enough, he didn't even notice that Xueluo was on his long hair, or he didn't care at all.

She didn't hear Lu Ling's clear footsteps. Lu Ling walked over and looked at the slightly messy ponytail of this senior sister.

Obviously, this senior sister is not a delicate girl.

Lu Ling said, "Senior Sister."

"..." The girl didn't hear it.

Lu Ling continued, "Senior Sister."

This time, she finally turned her head.

Lu Ling saw a pair of eyes and was slightly absent-minded.

She had seen such eyes when she looked in the mirror a few days ago.

The girl was also taken aback.

She looked at the rouge on Lu Ling's lips without blinking her eyes.

Lu Ling didn't understand what she was looking at, so she licked her lips, the crystal rouge was stained with a little moon grass green.

Lu Ling also noticed that the senior sister in front of her had two tokens on her waist, one was crystal clear like jade, and the other had two characters written on it.

【East. 】

She also has such tokens on her body, but one of them has a [Chu] character written on it.

The girl finally spoke, she said: "Little sister, what's the matter?"

The voice is a little hoarse.

Lu Ling noticed that the eyes of this senior sister were slightly red.

Lu Ling said: "I'm here to find... Teacher Li Zhuzi, senior sister, do you know where she is?"

The girl nodded and said, "It's time for a break now. Master Li turns left on this road to the study room in the central hall. You can see it when you get there."

Lu Ling said, "Thank you, Senior Sister."

The girl shook her head lightly: "You're welcome."

Just as Lu Ling was about to leave, the girl stopped her and said seriously: "Junior Sister, do you still have any rouge? Can you give me some."


Lu Ling understood something, took out a small bottle of unopened powder, and handed it over.

"Thank you." The girl carefully held the bottle of powder and thanked Lu Ling earnestly.

Lu Ling said again: "You're welcome."

After thinking for a while, Lu Ling took out a leaf of Moonshine Grass from the basket and handed it to her.

The girl didn't understand at first, but seeing the green color at the corner of Lu Ling's mouth, she understood.

The girl said, "Is it for food?"

Lu Ling nodded, then shook her head again. She suddenly felt that this senior sister was more like a rabbit than she was. For example, she didn't have those bright red eyes. Her white eyes were not only unlovable but also a little scary.

The girl took the moon grass, and Lu Ling left along the path.

When Lu Ling saw the footprints on this road, she understood that this senior sister came from Li Zhuzi.

Shaking his head, he went to find his husband.



Dongfang Xunyan kept the rouge close to her body, held the green leaves that Lu Ling gave her, thought of Lu Ling's flat expression when she was eating grass, and took a light bite. The moment the latter touched the tip of her tongue, it melted into something sticky juice.

Dongfang Xunyan first felt a bit of bitterness in her mouth, after a while, this bitterness was like a landslide, melting her thoughts, the extreme bitterness made her mouth salivate continuously, and her stomach also rolled .

She couldn't hold it back in the end, she vomited as she supported the ground.

She felt like her whole stomach was going to come out.

"Pfft! Cough cough, cough cough..."

For a moment, the overwhelming bitterness swallowed her whole body, like a grain of sand, she was buried in an instant, unable to escape for a long time.

After a long time, Lu Ling's footprints were gradually covered by snow.

Dongfang Xunyan's eyes turned even redder, as Lu Ling said, she is the rabbit.

There is snow falling on the three peaks, falling slowly, falling on the tree house, falling in the jungle, falling on the moon grass in the girl's hand, melting into a drop of water, dripping down the girl's fingertips, and making a small hole in the snow .

There is no sound of insects here, only the whisper of a girl.

Dongfang Xunyan somehow got used to the taste, chewed the green leaves lightly, and murmured: "This taste, cough, cough... Maybe it's not bad..."

She began to admire Lu Ling's expressionless face, which was completely different from the personality she knew.

Little Junior Sister has changed a lot.

Because of Junior Sister Liu.

Everyone in Sanfeng has also changed.

Forget it, I don't want to think about this kind of thing.

She took another look at the flowers and plants in Sanfeng, looked at the dead land at the end of the road that was gradually changing to life, looked at the green shoots on the dead land.

Come to think of it, the sprouts also taste like this.

She laughed at herself and thought: "Am I a rabbit, I'm actually thinking about eating green leaves."

She couldn't see her red eye sockets, otherwise she might understand that Lu Ling really thought she looked like a rabbit, so she gave her green leaves to eat.

(End of this chapter)

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