Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 879 Orphans and Widows

Chapter 879 Orphans and Widows
The surrounding scenery is very beautiful.

Shen Gui, Xu Xu, Qin Qin... are all the top girls in Lingshan's generation, and it is her luck that Lu Ling has a place in their hearts.

She thought so too.

Qin Qin hugged Lu Ling in her arms, her body was dyed cool by Lu Ling, the warm water drove Lu Ling's long hair to flow, with a little itchy feeling, Qin Qin liked this feeling very much, just like she liked Lu Ling .

When Lu Ling found that everyone was present, Qin Qin finally remembered to say hello to Xu Xu, and said lazily.

"Hello, Senior Sister Xu."


In a sense, she and Xu Xu were rivals in love, but with Lu Ling by her side, Qin Qin would not fight with Xu Xu, anyway, even if she gave in, Xu Xu would get nothing.

Xu Xu's face was very red, and she was a bit reluctant to continue the soak, but she couldn't stand Qin Qin's arrival, so the senior sister could only continue to shut herself in there, the temperature in the room gradually increased, and sweat fell from Lu Ling's small face to her collarbone, In the end, the savings are there, just like a small puddle.

Lu Ling asked: "Senior sister, what should I do when I go to Tianguang Market?"

I don't understand, so I have to ask.

Qin Qin didn't speak, but first looked at Shen Gui.

Shen Gui said: "I am alone."

Xu Xu glanced at Shen Gui, shook his head lightly, and said, "I'm alone too."

"Then there is nothing to talk about." Qin Qin sighed lightly, hugged Lu Ling and said, "I still want to bring Ah Ling with one of you."

Shen Gui didn't speak, but Xu Xu thought for a while and said, "I may not necessarily join the crowd this time, Afu should be the same."

Qin Qin sighed helplessly. This is what Senior Sister Xu and Shen Gui can say. You must know that even if you don't participate in the team competition, you have to go through a test if you want to be shortlisted. It must be more convenient to form a team.

It's a pity that I am a nanny, so I went there alone to give it away.

Lu Ling listened quietly.

Qin Qin asked: "Senior sister Xu, you and senior sister should both be on the sixth channel, the one that can participate from the beginning of the Void Transformation Realm to the reincarnation of the Human Realm."

"Almost." Xu Xu said: "I'm not sure. In fact, it is the Void Transformation Realm. Liutai will not really have the Void Transformation Realm. If you can pass the entry test, you have to start in the Living Realm. If Afu and I go, the pressure is still there. Relatively large."

Shen Gui nodded.

Basically, they won't be able to get the ranking in individual battles. After all, the highest is the reincarnation of the human realm.

"Then what about Ah Ling and I?" Qin Qin still asked.

Lu Ling moved her butt slightly, Qin Qin understood Lu Ling's meaning, played with Lu Ling's black hair, and explained in a low voice in her ear: "There is only one kind of team formation in Tianguangxu, and that is non-same sect, same sect not If there are more than three people, the upper limit of a team is no more than seven people... In other words, most teams are formed with other holy places, and the two of us only have one seat in Lingshan."

Lu Ling heard a meaning, that is, Qin Qin wanted to take her with her.

Regarding the matter of forming a team with Qin Qin, Lu Ling will naturally not have any opinions. Qin Qin is the biggest nanny in Lingshan. Although the three-dimensional attributes may not be as good as Dongfang Xunyan, there is still a big gap between Dongfang Xunyan and Qin Qin .

Lu Ling's own literature and soul study is half-baked, and she definitely has no objections, and it is a fool to be a lone ranger from the beginning.

Lu Ling is not stupid.

So she took Qin Qin's hand, nodded and said, "I'm with you, Senior Sister."

When Qin Qin heard it, she was overjoyed.

"It's just that I... don't know anyone outside." Qin Qin looked at Xu Xu, and she didn't expect Shen Gui anymore, but if she could pull Senior Sister Xu in, she would be in the same sect. Three out of seven people, including Xu Xu It is absolutely no problem for Duo Honglian and her nanny to get a ranking.

Of course Xu Xu understood what Xu Xu meant.

But she shook her head.

Of course she wanted to take care of Lu Ling, was really inconvenient.

"A Ling, did you see that?" Qin Qin stuck to Lu Ling sadly, pointed at Xu Xu and Shen Gui and said, "They are all bad women, stay away from them from now on."

Qin Qin acted like a boudoir and resentful woman.

The air is very quiet, only the sound of snow hitting the window lattice.

Xu Xu had nothing to say.

Shen Gui blinked, it was the first time she was called a bad woman, quite new.

Lu Ling pestered Qin Qin lightly, and Qin Qin immediately said, "Okay, okay, I'm just kidding."

Qin Qin then said seriously: "It's just that, A Ling and I are really a team of two, we can only go to Tianguang Market to find fellow Taoists, but you also know that truly powerful monks have long had their own If you cooperate, even if you have a new fellow daoist, there will be no tacit understanding in the two months of preparation."

This is also true.

In fact, with Qin Qin around, teammates don't have to worry about it at all, but it's just wishful thinking to have teammates like Shen Gui and Xu Xu.

"Sorry." Xu Xu said apologetically.

Qin Qin shook her head and said, "Sister, you have nothing to apologize for."

"A Ling, there are just the two of us. I'm useless, and I don't know anyone outside." Qin Qin hugged Lu Ling, looking like a single mother hugging her own daughter.

Lu Ling thought for a while and said, "It's good to have some's not necessary."

Qin Qin understood what she meant, and said, "Then let's take it as a trip, as long as Tianguang Market is not the front line, there are quite a lot of good places."

Slowly he hesitated to speak.

She felt that jokes should be stopped in moderation, because it was Lu Ling after all.

But Lu Ling wasn't angry at all, and didn't care, so she nodded.

Lu Ling suddenly remembered something and said.

"By the way, senior sister...about that sister Zhu Mingxiang..."

"Zhu Mingxiang?" Qin Qin was slightly taken aback, who was that.

When Lu Ling didn't come to see her, she was always autistic.

"What happened to Zhu Mingxiang?" Xu Xu asked, as Yifeng's senior sister, of course she knew.

Lu Ling asked, "Is she from our Lingshan now?"

After thinking about it slowly, she was a little uncertain.

But Lu You's attitude is very obvious, Ah Ling is the little princess of Yihua Palace...

"It should be counted." Xu Xu said.

"Then if she is added...then there will be no senior sister from Lingshan in the team."

"That's it."

"Wait, what are you guys talking about?" Qin Qin's face was full of doubts, who is this Zhu Mingxiang...?
Xu Xu briefly explained to Qin Qin.

"Yihua Palace?" Qin Qin glanced at Lu Ling strangely, sliding her fingers on Lu Ling's body.

Lu You also came.

Then what she is holding the little princess of Yihua Palace, more likely to be the future owner of Yihua Palace...

Thinking about it this way, Qin Qin felt quite exciting.

Qin Qin said: "It means that Zhu Mingxiang is Ah Ling's sister-in-law, so she joined the Nine Peaks, and of course she is a disciple of Lingshan. Ah Ling, you ask this because you want to form a team with her, right?"

Lu Ling nodded.

"Why?" Qin Qin asked: "Isn't this Zhu Mingxiang without cultivation?"

She didn't think that Lu Ling would like that Zhu Mingxiang, it was impossible.

Lu Ling said, "I want to learn painting from her."

"So that's how it is." Qin Qin nodded, kissed Lu Ling, and said, "That's it, the three of us fill up the quota in Lingshan and won't play with these two bad girls."

bad woman.

The bad girl Xu Xu now has ten thousand words to complain about.

For example, Qin Qin has been desperately trying to take advantage of Lu Ling from the very beginning, and she was carved out of the same mold as her master Shen Canghai, but Xu Xu Mingming remembered that Qin Qin was as cold as a fairy in the sky a few days ago, and now All of a sudden, she became a prostitute.

Moreover, at such a difficult time, is it really appropriate to suddenly join a person who has not yet cultivated and occupy a place in Lingshan?You know, even if she and Afu can't be with them, there are still many sisters in Lingshan.

Don't Gu Chenxi, Gu Xiao, Nie Yin, Yu Sixian and Fang Qiuyu have a good relationship with Lu Ling?If it doesn't work, there's Luo Xian...

It was really impulsive to choose Zhu Mingxiang.

Qin Qin looked at Xu Xu, raised her eyebrows, and understood what she meant, Qin Qin said seriously: "A Ling likes the most important thing."

Lu Ling pursed her lips.

Xu Xu had nothing to say.

In this way, three of the seven people are determined, and the rest cannot be Lingshan disciples.

Lu Ling thought for a while, and then said: "Senior sister, and Lezheng from Mount Shu..."

"Le Zheng Luoting?" Shen Gui opened his eyes.

Qin Qin was surprised.

Who is this Lezhengluoting?

Xu Xu was also very surprised, because the person who spoke was Shen Gui.

"En." Lu Ling nodded.

Shen Gui said: "It's not bad for Lezheng Luoting to be with you."

Lu Ling thought to herself that with Lezheng Luoting, there are four people.

Qin Qin looked at Shen Gui and asked, "So who is this Yue Zheng Luo court?"

Shen Gui thought for a while, and said: "The disciple of Venerable Ye in Shu Mountain, and the junior sister of Ye Guanyue, you are not a bad seedling."

"Oh." Qin Qin understood, it turned out to be Ye Guanyue's junior sister.

She didn't wonder why Shen Gui knew about it.

Venerable Ye.

She also taught Shen Gui for a period of time, she experienced that time and knew Ye Zun.

"Then there are four of them?" Qin Qin said in a daze, "I, Ah Ling, Zhu...Zhu..."

Lu Ling said, "Candle the incense."

"Oh, the candles are bright, and the music is falling into the court." Qin Qin said: "It doesn't matter, let's play, the more people there are, the more lively it will be."

This sentence is a lie.

Of course she wanted to live a two-person world with Lu Ling.

But these two people were chosen by Lu Ling, of course she would not object.

Qin Qin stroked Lu Ling's hair, slowly passed her fingers through it, landed on Lu Ling's face, and said, "Then... let you be the leader, A Ling."

Lu Ling said: "I don't understand, senior sister, you decide."

Qin Qin smiled: "I am the one who takes the lead."

Lu Ling had no choice.

Then, there was an intimate meal, and Qin Qin relieved all the grievances and longings of these days on Lu Ling.

Xu Xu blushed, she didn't know whether it was from heat or shame, she glanced at Shen Gui, and finally closed her eyes helplessly.



Qin Qin wanted to stay with Lu Ling for dinner, but since Lu Ling had to go to Qifeng, she could only reluctantly send Lu Ling away.

Lu Ling thought to herself that if she didn't leave, her legs would go weak.

During this period, no one mentioned about Dongfang Lianren, nor about Luo Hanyi.

Lu Ling didn't ask.

She just needs to go her own way.

A fairy entered Qifeng.

Complex trail terrain and exquisite buildings.

This road is not easy to walk.

Even the road to Qifeng is not easy.

Lu Ling got off the teleportation array and walked forward along the stone bridge where only one person could pass.

There are no redtail fish underwater, and they should all have moved into the river of Jiufeng, so these fish missed the real fairy.

There is no luxury like other places surrounded by white jade. Here are all exquisite buildings with white walls and black tiles, most of which are three-story small buildings. Tingting stands gracefully by the river.

There are fairy shadows walking slowly in it.

The pale ink-colored sky is blended with the jagged stone arch bridges, and there is a little bit of turbid water below.

Lu Ling still didn't see anyone, as if there should be no one here.

Qifeng has also changed a lot.

Lu Ling could guess why.

She stepped on the bluestone path, and the crisp sound of green bamboo echoed in the alley.

Very hollow.

The beautiful water town in the south of the Yangtze River...but now it is inexplicably gloomy.

Lu Ling doesn't care, so don't be afraid, she walks her own way.

Stepping into the town from the entrance of the town, there are water huts connected by stone beams, and they are basically on the first floor, rarely on the second floor. The paths overlap and twist back and forth, like a maze.

Lu Ling was walking on the road, so she would not be confused, let alone get lost.

Walk all the way.

Lu Ling walked across the stone bridge, through the bluestone slabs, through the intricate alleys, and arrived at a courtyard on the water. There were about four or five cottages and a main house. The water surface was three inches below the courtyard floor, but because of the magic spell , so there is no heavy humidity in the yard.

This is Tang Keyu's home.

Knock on the door.

No one responded.

Lu Ling glanced at the sun. At this time, Tang Keyu is probably busy, but the two little girls should be at home.

So Lu Ling knocked on the door again, and then stood quietly.

After a long time, she finally heard the sound of footsteps and complaints.

"Who is it... Strange, usually no one will come."

It was Tang Zheng who opened the door.

The setting sun cast a layer of light gauze on Lu Ling, which made the red dress even more beautiful.

Tang Zheng looked at the girl standing quietly in front of her, with her long hair pouring down, her pupils constricted, and then they became a little hollow, it turned out to be crazy.

Lu Ling just took a shower, so she didn't wear any makeup.

He didn't pull up his long hair either.

The charm that belongs to the blood of ice is fully blooming.

As for Tang Zheng, she seemed to see the misty and rainy sky in the south of the Yangtze River, the sky she saw when she first met Master, and her favorite sister. Tang Zheng lost his soul, and his pitch-black eyes did not tremble at all.

The little girl couldn't help herself, and she didn't even notice that the water dripping from her short hair had soaked her shoulders.

Lu Ling shook her head lightly. Tang Zheng's short hair was still wet, and her small skirt was also wet. The clothes must not be translucent, because her body was wet.

This girl was also taking a bath, and she was called out by herself.

Lu Ling touched Tang Zheng's head and said softly: "Okay, come back to your senses."

(End of this chapter)

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