Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 880 Let Everyone Get Happiness

Chapter 880 Let Everyone Get Happiness

The window of the bathroom was open, and the cold wind broke in. The temperature did not drop but rose, and the cold wind blew away the fog in the bathroom.

Lu Ling entered the water, took a small mouthful of breath, and exhaled slightly.

Tang Zheng's blushing face was like a stove. The little girl was sitting in the water, peeking at her sister beside her from time to time. The clouds outside the window were thick, covering the sun, and the shadows cast on Tang Zheng's face. In a trance, Tang Zheng It's like returning to the time when I first went up the mountain.

She doesn't understand how the world is changing so fast.

It has not been a few years since the master took her and her sister up the mountain, but to her it seems like a lifetime away.

The first time she met Senior Sister Lu, she was just an ordinary girl at that time, but now she has transformed into a fairy stepping on the clouds.

Time always catches people off guard.

Lu Ling gently floated in the water, reached out to grab a snowflake, and threw it out of the window. At this moment, Lu Ling was surrounded by two little girls. Tang Sheng's long hair was dyed together with Lu Ling's black hair. Tang Zheng But peeking at Lu Ling from time to time.

Lu Ling closed the window, turned around and said, "I told you I washed it at Senior Sister Qin's."

"What's the matter?" Tang Sheng smiled happily. She hugged Lu Ling's arm, looked at Lu Ling's side face seriously, and said, "Sister Lu, you look good again."

Lu Ling hummed lightly, generally speaking, she is still spoiling the little girl now.

She didn't wear makeup, and she loosened her long hair again. It's normal to have changes, but she didn't expect such a big change, so Tang Zheng still hasn't recovered.

Lu Ling exhaled, the cold air formed a mirror in front of her, she looked over.

The girl in the mirror has a childish look, but she can already see that dusty temperament. When she has a cold face, she will not give people a cute feeling at all.

Simple beauty.

For Tang Zheng, that is the fairy in the sky.

"It's so pretty." Tang Sheng rubbed Lu Ling's hand. She used to like Lu Ling very much, but if she was asked who she thought was beautiful, she would answer Senior Sister Xu.

Now, the answer is of course Lu Ling.

Tang Zheng hid aside, looked at his sister, and at Lu Ling's other hand that was free, plunged into the water suddenly, and bubbles bubbled up one by one.

very unhappy.

Lu Ling looked at Bing Jing and frowned slightly.

The girl in the mirror slightly raised her eyebrows, making those who saw her shiver slightly.

Lu Ling thought that she had indeed changed a lot, perhaps because she took off the leaves from her eyes.

The skin is still so white, but it's not surprising at all, it's more noble, Tang Sheng's skin is very tender, like milk, but just holding Lu Ling, she looks a little more sad, it completely becomes a foil .

This reminded Lu Ling that under the current situation, it is better for her to wear makeup... She still doesn't like the childish look in her eyes.

Lu Ling stared blankly for a while, put away the mirror, fingered the long hair, the soft black hair brushed against the silver ring, as if it was also dyed a little crystal.

Lu Ling had seen this kind of fundamental transformation before.

I saw it on her junior sister.

After the junior sister awakened her power, she transformed completely, from imperfection to perfection. Now Lu Ling found that her changes were just like the changes that had happened to her junior sister.

It is the inevitable result of chasing junior sister.


Lu Ling shook her head slightly, and picked Tang Zheng up from the bottom of the water with one hand. She hugged Tang Zheng, frowned slightly, and said, "Ah Zheng, are you here?"

"I, I..." Tang Zheng was hugged by Lu Ling suddenly, and sat on Lu Ling's lap, he was speechless for a while.

Lu Ling felt that she and Senior Sister Qin couldn't learn much.

Tang Sheng looked at his sister enviously from the side, and then he was a little jealous, his face puffed up, and he said, "Sister, Sister Lu is asking you something."

"...Ah?" Tang Zheng was a little dizzy, she opened her big watery eyes, and made a small voice, but she didn't seem to hear the question clearly.

Tang Sheng looked like a little adult, sighed and shook his head, and said, "Sister, you are so worthless, it's too embarrassing."

Although Tang Sheng also hugged Lu Ling's arm, it was much bigger than Tang Zheng's.

"You girl, what are you talking about?"

The younger sister's words made Tang Zheng wake up completely, she reached out to pinch her younger sister's face, but Tang Sheng ducked to Lu Ling's side and Tang Zheng missed nothing.

Lu Ling said, "Okay, be quiet."

When Lu Ling spoke, the two little girls immediately fell silent, staring at Lu Ling with watery tranquility.

Lu Ling continued the question just now: "Ah Zheng, are you Tiangui here? I just tested your pulse, I think I read it right."

"Yeah." Tang Zheng nodded with a blushing face. She didn't understand why sister Lu wanted to check her body, but she replied truthfully, "Tiangui just passed by yesterday."

"It's over?"

"Well, otherwise I wouldn't take a bath."

Lu Ling was taken aback.

"Senior Sister Lu, what's wrong?"


Lu Ling thought that since Tiangui was still alive, she had already taken a bath twice today, but she has Shenlan, so there is no problem in controlling her body temporarily, and she just wanted to see how Tang Zheng's body was doing when she checked Tang Zheng's pulse.

The result of the examination was that he was still weak. Tang Zheng was full of vitality except the place where the life was conceived in his lower abdomen, and the other places deteriorated to a mess. Lu Ling didn't know why Tang Zheng was still so energetic.

Maybe it's because Tang Zheng has quite a lot of spiritual energy in his body, which can support her daily activities.

But such a Tang Zheng has no hope of entering the Void Transformation Realm.

Lu Ling somewhat understood Master Tang's expression when discussing with her husband.

Lu Ling asked: "Ah Zheng, have you started practicing Wenhun?"

Tang Zheng was also taken aback, exactly the same as Lu Ling's performance just now.

Tang Sheng tilted his head and looked at Lu Ling.

Lu Ling looked at Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng suddenly remembered something.

If even Sister Lu can't hide it, then Master...

It's ridiculous that she still thought that she couldn't let her master know. From this point of view, her superficial learning of martial arts was discovered by her master from the very beginning.

"Well, I have learned that nothingness produces white snow." Tang Zheng said frankly, the little girl's blushing face gradually returned to normal, and there was something in her heart, no matter how good the scenery was, she couldn't stand it anymore.

Tang Sheng was a little strange: "Sister, didn't you say that you can't tell others? You can't even tell the master, so why tell Sister Lu... Ah, I get it, sister, you really have no principles."

"Shut up." Tang Zheng glared at his sister and said, "What do you know?"

"Cut." Tang Sheng pouted.

Lu Ling knew everything, so she rubbed Tang Sheng's wet short hair.

At this time, it might be better to say that you have worked hard, Lu Ling thought.

Tang Zhenghu's nose was a little sore.

When she thinks that the master knows that she knows everything, that she has given up learning martial soul and obediently studied literary soul... she can feel the master's mood.

A sensible girl is always easy to get hurt.

She is not afraid of poor health, but who would not want to live a few more years.

Tang Zheng looked at his younger sister who was still having a temper with her, and smiled lightly.

I don't know who my sister will marry in the future.

Lu Ling said: "Then Azheng, you are studying literary soul, and Asheng is studying martial arts?"

Tang Sheng nodded, and answered before Tang Zheng: "Back to Sister Lu, it's like this. Sister is secretly practicing Wenhun at home. During the day, she and I learn martial arts from Senior Sister Fang. I also learn Lingjian .”

"A Sheng, don't you want to learn literary soul?"

"I'm too stupid." Tang Sheng showed embarrassment, blushed slightly, and then said anxiously: "But Wu Po is also quite interesting. Sister Fang said that my Wu Po talent is better than my sister's."

This is true.

Lu Ling was a little surprised.

Better than Tang Zheng?That's really God eating.

This pair of sisters wanted to be a quiet girl, the long-haired sister went to learn swordsmanship, and the short-haired girl who wanted to protect her sister became a nanny...they also answered the phrase "I can't ask for it".

Can't ask for it.

Lu Ling thought to herself, is this sympathy for each other?
Shaking his head.

Not really.

She didn't promise to cure Tang Zheng, but Lu Ling still liked Tang Zheng, and if possible, she would help her, but at this time she wouldn't make any promises to Tang Zheng.



Tang Zheng and Tang Zheng were doing evening classes in the house.

In the courtyard, Lu Ling and Tang Keyu were sitting by the water, the moon came out in the sky, and the moon was bright and the wind was clear.

A pair of red embroidered shoes was placed beside Lu Ling. Her snow-white jade feet swayed gently in the water, splashing ripples one after another, like a ball of white snow rippling in the water, ready to melt at any time.

Tang Keyu looked at Lu Ling's feet and said, "Are you able to move?"

Lu Ling nodded and said, "The spiritual path is open."

"Will it hurt?"

Lu Ling hummed lightly.

"If you want to go to Tianguangxu, you don't need to come and see me." Tang Keyu said.

Hearing this, Lu Ling turned her head to look at Tang Keyu, and shook her head seriously.

to see.

Tang Keyu is her teacher, her husband's close friend, and the person who single-handedly brought up Senior Sister Da Qin, and the junior sister said that she likes Master Tang very much.

Lu Ling looked at the woman in front of her. Tang Keyu lost the Ke Yuqin and replaced it with two ring earrings. The earrings were shaking slightly, like the moon in the sky.

Lu Ling thought that Tang Keyu had also changed a lot, and she said, "Tired?"

"I made you laugh, it's my problem as a teacher." Tang Keyu shook her head, the fatigue in her eyes might only be seen by that silly girl Tang Sheng, which is not surprising.

Tang Keyu didn't dare to look in the mirror recently.

In the past, when she stood in front of Ruoyan, she could still say that she was her older sister, but now...she might have to restore her previous generation's identity.

Lu Ling looked at Tang Keyu's slightly whitish temples, and said, "Master Tang, you are still very beautiful."

"You still have a sweet mouth." Tang Keyu smiled like a hundred flowers blooming.

Lu Ling didn't lie. Although Tang Keyu had changed, it was from 25 to 28, not much difference.

On the contrary, the tiredness in the eyes will make people full of depression.

At this time, Lu Ling also understood why Tang Zheng's body had deteriorated into a mess but he was still alive and kicking... She didn't know that Tang Keyu's cultivation could last for a few days.

Neither of them spoke, and when they had something on their minds, the moon would be so beautiful that people couldn't take their eyes off it.

Not so long ago it was high summer, and now it may be autumn.

Eventful autumn.

Lu Ling found that everyone on this Lingshan was living in an uncomfortable way. The peace she saw before was really just an illusion. It seemed that she should be unfortunate living in Lingshan like this.

Lu Ling began to feel that Lingshan was unknown.

She doesn't like Lingshan, but she doesn't hate the people on Lingshan, which is a bit contradictory.

Lu Ling felt that maybe what happened to her was nothing compared to other people.

Lu Ling chuckled, thinking that such an idea was funny, so she took out a piece of moon grass from under her skirt under Tang Keyu's unexpected eyes, and bit it lightly.

The moon grass is unexpectedly crisp, like eating potato chips in Lu Ling's mouth.

After all, it is a product of cold air.

But what Lu Ling didn't expect was that before she had time to taste the bitterness, Tang Keyu snatched the Moon Grass from her hand and threw it into the water.

Lu Ling watched the Yueyingcao that was missing a corner gradually sinking along the ripples pushed by her feet, and turned to look at Tang Keyu.

"Spit it out." Tang Keyu looked at Lu Ling seriously.

Lu Ling looked at her, as if seeing Master Tang from long ago.


"Good boy." Tang Keyu breathed a sigh of relief, and then said seriously: "Aling, you haven't run out of Guishui, so don't mess around, and this Yueyingcao is not a delicious thing. I spend every day with bamboo, and I really learned how to eat it." Nothing good, I have to teach her a lesson, what do you think of the child."

After speaking, Tang Keyu took out a handkerchief and wiped the corners of Lu Ling's lips, chattering endlessly.

Lu Ling seemed to know who Qin Qin learned about TB from.

That's right, when she was studying with Tang Keyu, she never made her worry, she was the most worry-free one, so... This is the first time for her to be nagged like this, neither Liu Fufeng nor Li Zhuzi would nagging like this.


Listening to Tang Keyu's voice, Lu Ling thought it was really nice, like a yellow bird singing.

She doesn't hate the people on Lingshan, she even likes them very much.

Lu Ling turned her head and stared at Tang Keyu with her silver eyes.

"A Ling? You look at me like this... It's weird." Tang Keyu said.

Lu Ling looked away and looked at the place where Yueyingcao was silent before.

It would be nice if everyone could be happy.

This was the first time she had such an idea, and she wondered if it would be the last.

Maybe it's a selfish idea, because "everyone" includes herself, and the translation is that it would be nice if she could get happiness.

Lu Ling struggled slightly, Tang Keyu immediately helped her up and said, "Leave?"

"Yes." Lu Ling nodded.

Tang Keyu didn't leave Lu Ling behind, he just pointed to the entrance of the orchard in the backyard, and said, "Would you like to take a look?"

Lu Ling said, "It's not necessary."

"You are the only one who can say that, Ah Ling."

That's a high elf.

But in Lu Ling's eyes, Luo Ling was her maid, so there was really no need to go to see her.

"Master Tang." Lu Ling remembered something and said, "I want to go see Senior Sister Luo."

Tang Keyu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then his face became a little stiff.

Luo Xian...

It is also not very convenient.

Tang Keyu's earrings trembled slightly, and she said calmly, "A Ling, why are you looking for Luo Xian? She is quite busy handling Qifeng's affairs by herself."

Lu Ling thought for a while and explained, "I'm not going to find Master Luo."

I also feel that this is not a good thing to say.

She looked at Tang Keyu's completely stiff body, and thought it was not good to say that.

(End of this chapter)

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