Chapter 885 Wine

Lu Ling felt that Lu You had given too much, most of the space in her ring was now wine utensils, Lu Ling was thinking whether to return some of it.

The moonlight shone down, covering Shen Lan with a layer of scales.

When is the bright moon.

not return.

What is given to me is mine.

Lu Ling thought so.

But she doesn't know wine, and now she doesn't know which one to drink.

Lu Ling looked at Shen Lan and said, "Sister Shen, do you understand wine?"

"Wine..." Shen Lan gently rubbed her hands on her legs: "I don't know if I understand..."

"But I definitely don't understand now."

Lu Ling asked again: "Senior Sister Shen, what else do you remember?"

Shen Lan said: "In this life, with just a little bit of memory, I seem to be considered a rich lady. I feel a little embarrassed to say that."

She said she was embarrassed, but she didn't blush, nor should she blush.

Lu Ling didn't understand why she was embarrassed.

In fact, Shen Lan just felt that Miss Qianjin didn't fit her personality. She was the... informal type?

Thinking about it this way, looking at her beautiful purple dress, she felt something was wrong.

Shen Lan said: "Wine, I've only drank fruit wine, and I don't drink well."

Lu Ling asked; "How bad is it?"

Shen Lan thought for a while and said, "It's not good."

Since she wanted to drink, she naturally wouldn't use her spiritual power to suppress it, and maybe use her spiritual power to stimulate the alcohol, so...she really doesn't hold a lot of alcohol.

Lu Ling nodded and said, "I'm also a poor drinker. I was almost discovered by my junior sister many times before."

Lu Ling thought that perhaps her junior sister already knew about it.

Speaking of which, Junior Sister didn't let her drink alcohol before?

Well, it doesn't matter.

With the wind blowing, Lu Ling smelled a familiar smell.

The smell of bamboo forest.


This is next door to Mr.'s residence, but I almost forgot.

Lu Ling said: "In the past, I was careful every day, and it was quite interesting to deceive myself to think about it. Although there is no problem with drinking now, I always feel that something is missing."

Shen Lan nodded, she couldn't understand what Lu Ling was saying, just like she couldn't understand what Xihuang was saying, but she was a good listener.

Lu Ling thought to herself that she was not familiar with her anyway, so it was quite comfortable to say what was in her heart.

Then I felt a little strange again, and giggled.

When she smiled, Shen Lan smiled too. The latter was a typical aunt's smile, a little scary.

Of course Lu Ling was not afraid. Lu Ling casually took out a bottle of white delicate wine jug, and took out two wine vases, and said, "Then just drink a little?"


Lu Ling reached out to get the flagon to pour wine for her, Shen Lan's heart trembled suddenly, she grabbed the beautiful jade flagon before Lu Ling, and said, "I'll do it."

Shen Lan was a little scared.

Lu Ling glanced at her and pushed the two wine masters over.

Holding the jade pot, Shen Lan was slightly absent-minded.

Lu Ling asked, "What's wrong?"

Shen Lan said: "It's nothing, this jug is a magic weapon of space."

"Huh?" Lu Ling blinked, glanced at the jug, and said, "It really is."

Lu Ling suddenly realized something.

Is it...

After checking it, Lu Ling shook her head.

Every jug that Lu You gave her was a magic weapon of space, that is to say... what she got today was more than she imagined.

In fact, each wine jug contains different wine, and there will never be any repetition. However, Lu Ling alone may drink a jug of wine for decades or even hundreds of years.

Now Lu Ling really wanted to give some back to Lu You.

Shen Lan stood up, rolled up her long sleeves, revealing jade arms that looked like lotus roots. She lifted the jug and turned sideways, not blocking the moonlight.

Lu Ling looked at her quietly.

Shen Lan walked to the right side of Lu Ling's body, and moved the wine glass directly in front of Lu Ling.

The two were very close, and Lu Ling could smell a good smell. Although it was very strange, it was strange and familiar, just like the feeling Shen Lan gave her.

And soon, the aroma of virginity turned into a rich aroma of wine.

Shen Lan tilted the jade pot, and the wine label leaned towards Lu Ling, with three characters written on it.

【A Cup of Spring】

It should be the name of the wine.

Lu Ling quite likes this name, but what she cares more about now is Shen Lan's posture of pouring wine, which is natural, as if there are some rules in it.

There was a burst of gurgling water, accompanied by the aroma of the wine, and Lu Ling's wine bottle was full of eight points. Shen Lan raised her hand lightly. The wine dripped naturally along the mouth of the bottle, then returned to his place, and poured some for himself.

Shen Lan's movements were smooth and coherent. Lu Ling didn't know the rules of pouring wine, but she remembered Shen Lan's movements, just like she remembered Qin Qin's qin ceremony back then.

Lu Ling said: "I believe you are born as Miss Qianjin."

Shen Lan said calmly: "It's just a little rule, and I'm not used to it."

But in front of Lu Ling, you can definitely get used to it.

Shen Lan asked, "Do you like it?"

Lu Ling glanced at Shen Lan, then at the jade wine reflecting the light in the wine respecter, nodded and said, "I like it."

Compared to Shen Lan, Lu Ling was very unruly. She picked up the wine glass and took a sip. She didn't make any movements during this period, and she didn't even let Shen Lan drink.

Shen Lan felt it was very natural, because it should be like this.

After entering the mouth of the fine wine, Lu Ling's face flushed slightly.

Xindao smells good, but it doesn't taste good at all.

It really doesn't taste good at all, maybe the taste is good and smooth, but the taste... Lu Ling didn't taste any taste at all, only felt a strong spicy feeling that irritated her throat.

She put down the wine respecter, and the fine wine in the glass didn't see any decrease at this time.

Lu Ling blushed, and she said seriously: "It's not good."

Lu Ling was blinded by the name of a cup of spring, and thought she could feel the taste of spring, but now she is very disappointed.

Compared with Lu Ling, Shen Lan was much better. She put down the wine lord, and there was [-]% less content in the cup. Shen Lan looked as usual, and she said, "It's not bad."

"is acceptable?"

"Well, this is spiritual wine. After drinking it, my body feels warm."

"But I don't like it."

"Don't drink if you don't like it."

"Then don't drink."

After finishing speaking, Lu Ling poured all the wine in the wine master on the ground, and the crystal object drew a beautiful arc in the air, and the crystal whiteness melted the little snow on the ground.

Shen Lan didn't do so, she picked up her wine cup, drank it down in one gulp, and then coughed a few times.

Lu Ling felt a little palpitated, and said, "Senior Sister Shen, you are very good."

"Cough...really?" Shen Lan put down the wine master, and smiled lightly, her face also turned red, which was very pretty.

Lu Ling knew that she should also look good now.

Lu Ling asked, "Why did you finish drinking?"

"Because you gave it to me."

Lu Ling looked at Shen Lan's delicate face and said, "I understand a little bit what a cup of spring means."

Shen Lan looked at Lu Ling's reddish face, and felt that something hit her heart, she nodded and said, "I understand too."

So, the wine was not bad.

Moreover, Lu Ling didn't drink much, she just took a sip of the taste, and she was even happier, after all, the little girl Tiangui hadn't passed yet.

Lu Ling took a cup of spring's jug back to the ring, and said, "Then let's change it."

"Okay." Shen Lan looked at her quietly.

It was the first time for Shen Lan to drink this kind of wine, but she felt very good, her body was hot, and she had more courage to look at Lu Ling.

Of course Lu Ling could feel that hot gaze, but she didn't care.

Lu Ling thought: "It's better to drink fruit wine."

Then I was taken aback again.

She didn't seem to be looking for a good drink.

Is moongrowth delicious?
Lu Ling shook her head, but she was wrong.



Time is passing by, Lu Ling doesn't know what time it is, now that she thinks about it, she rarely stays up late, let alone sleeps.

Lu Ling blushed, very cute.

Shen Lan was not so popular, as if she had been drinking at Lu Ling.

But in fact, the snow around Shen Lan had already piled up, but a large part of it sank beside Lu Ling. The yard was filled with the smell of all kinds of wine, because it was all spirit wine, so it was not greasy.

Lu Ling poured the contents of the cup on the ground again, and put away the jug.

This is already the tenth wine.

She took ten mouthfuls in total, or to be precise, she wet her lips ten times.

Lu Ling said with some annoyance: "They all have the same taste."

No matter what wine is changed, it has the same taste.

Shen Lan waved her hand, and the ice was washing her and Lu Ling's wine cups, and she said, "It's not the same taste."

Lu Ling said, "I feel the same."

Lu Ling looked at Shen Lan's calm expression and said, "Senior Sister Shen, is it okay for you to drink so much?"

She took ten sips, and Shen Lan drank ten cups, and they were all resolved within two sips.

Shen Lan smiled lightly and said, "It seems that I drink more than I thought."

She felt that she was already drunk, and she was already drunk when Lu Ling came to look for her when she was not drinking, so no matter how much she drank, there would be no problem.

Shen Lan smiled beautifully, Lu Ling looked at it for a while, then turned her head and said, "It's just as long as you like it, Senior Sister."

"Well, I like it." Shen Lan said seriously.

She somewhat understood Lu Ling's thoughts.

After all, she was still a little girl.

What Lu Ling drank was the taste of wine, and what Shen Lan tasted was her taste.

If you ask Li Wangsheng, Li Wangsheng will say that the wine is good because it is bad.

If you ask Bai Yunfan, Bai Yunfan will say that he doesn't like drinking.

If you ask Chu Qishui, Chu Qishui will not say that she likes it, because what she drinks is not wine, sometimes other than "death", only wine can make people forget something.

Han Xue also likes it very much, she is somewhat similar to Lu Ling.

Han Xue likes to get drunk, and she just likes it simply, because she can rest when drunk.

And Lu Ling didn't want to know what wine was, it would be best to replace Yueyingcao, it didn't matter if she couldn't, she was just bored and didn't want to think about it alone in the room, so she found someone to talk to.

This person could be Li Zhuzi, Shen Lan, or even Lu You.

Lu Ling is a pure drinker. She should be able to taste the most, but she is the most confused one. I can only say that wine is really amazing.

Lu Ling finally took out a jug, thinking that if it didn't taste good, she wouldn't drink it.

Shen Lan poured the wine, and the fragrance wafted away, but the half-drunk two didn't feel it.

Lu Ling looked at Shen Lan's slightly furrowed eyebrows and said, "What's wrong?"

Shen Lan put down the jug, pointed to the wine master and said, "This taste is a little...familiar."

"Really?" Lu Ling nodded, she thought she was the only one who felt that way.

Lu Ling thought about it carefully, and then remembered.

It seems to have smelled it from Master.

It doesn't seem to be, it should be farther away.

What a coincidence.

Lu Ling lowered her head and looked at the contents of the cup seriously.

There was a little snow falling, which could not melt for a long time in the cup. It was exquisite and translucent, and somewhat beautiful. Lu Ling felt the earth, water and fire in the wine cup, and the elements were abundant.

"Drink." Lu Ling said.

Shen Lan raised his glass.

Lu Ling sighed lightly as before.

Suddenly startled.

This taste...

It's cold.

It was Lu Ling's first reaction, and then it was very warm again. As for the taste, Lu Ling couldn't tell, but at least it had a taste compared to the previous one.

Lu Ling took another sip.

The good wine entered her stomach and throat, and it didn't bring a spicy feeling to Lu Ling. On the contrary... her whole body was warm, and her little face was also flushed.

After taking a sip of wine, Lu Ling let out a mouthful of turbid air, and an expression of satisfaction appeared on her small face involuntarily.

She could still feel that the aura entered her body and was instantly decomposed, transforming into her power.

The previous wine also had this function, but Lu Ling fell to the ground.

She looked at her wine master and was very satisfied.

This wine is delicious.

She likes these flavors.

Lu Ling sipped it lightly with the tip of her tongue again, and it tasted slightly bitter after staying for a long time.

Wine has five flavors, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and astringent. Lu Ling actually doesn't like drinking it, but she likes it.

So Lu Ling said: "I like this taste."

Her face turned even redder, and she didn't know if she was drunk.

Lu Ling looked at Shen Lan, slightly taken aback, because Shen Lan was sipping, her eyes were out of focus, and she was in a trance.

Shen Lan had always been bored before.

Lu Ling thought that Senior Sister Shen had the same taste as hers.

Lu Ling asked: "Sister Shen, how does it taste?"

Shen Lan raised her head, with a complicated expression, she said, "Very good, but I... seem to have drunk this before."

Lu Ling said, "Didn't you say you never drank anything other than fruit wine?"

Shen Lan shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Shen Lan said again: "That is this life."

Lu Ling nodded.

Shen Lan fell into deep thought again.

In fact, I can't drink any taste, but every time I take a sip, I will think of Lu Ling, but the girl is right in front of her, so I can't finish this glass of wine.

This wine reminds her of Lu Ling, so she also likes this wine very much. If she has this wine by her side, even if Lu Ling is not in Lingshan, she can use this wine to chat and comfort herself.

"A Ling, give me some of this bar." Shen Lan said.

Of course, Lu Ling would not disagree. She picked up the jug, curious about the name and information of the wine.

Lu Ling held the sign, read the information in it, and let go after a while.

Shen Lan looked at her.

Lu Ling said: "Wuling Wine, a very suitable name, it's the wine of the East God Sea."

It turned out to be the Eastern Sea of ​​Gods.

But she has never seen Mo Qing drink it.

Wait, Eastern Divine Sea... Mo Qing...

Lu Ling looked at Shen Lan, a little concerned.

Shen Lan frowned slightly, a little strange, but also took it for granted.

The Eastern Divine Sea, indeed, the Eastern Divine Sea.

According to Xihuang, she has a relationship with Dong Shenhai.

I don't know what the relationship is.

"Dong dong dong."

Someone knocked on the door.

Shen Lan opened the door, Lu Ling got up, bowed down and saluted, then got up and said.

"Sir, why are you here?"

(End of this chapter)

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