Chapter 886

Outside the door, Li Zhuzi was dressed formally, it was hard to tell if he had just woken up.

With the moon high, this is not the time to wake up.

Shen Lan opened the door.

Li Zhuzi bowed and said, "Senior Sister Shen, I'm sorry."

Shen Lan returned a salute.

Shen Lan's face was very red, and she smelled strongly of alcohol. She obviously drank a lot, but Li Zhuzi was more concerned about other things. She walked into the courtyard, stood beside Lu Ling, and asked seriously: "A Ling, what are you doing?" What are you doing here?"

Lu Ling was about to get up, but Li Zhuzi immediately held her down, and Lu Ling said, "Drink?"

Li Zhuzi pinched Lu Ling's face and said, "Open your mouth."


The rich aroma rushed towards his face, Li Zhuzi blushed, and asked angrily, "How much did you drink?"

Lu Ling thought for a while and said, "Not much."

Lu Ling didn't expect her husband to come, but she was very honest at this time, and she was ready to be beaten.

Shen Lan closed the door and walked over, glanced at Lu Ling and said, "A Ling didn't drink much, she basically poured it all down, and I drank it again."

Li Zhuzi glanced at the ground and nodded.

This is true.

Sitting beside Lu Ling, Li Zhuzi asked, "Why do you want to drink?"

Lu Ling did not expect that her husband was not angry, she said: "I just want to try..."

"what about the taste?"

Lu Ling shook her head and said, "It's not good, it doesn't taste good at all."

"I think so too." Li Zhuzi nodded. She didn't ask Lu Ling what it was like to drink with Shen Lan when she didn't sleep at night. Lu Ling has her own freedom, and these are spirit wines. If you really want to say, it's good for your body of.

What Li Zhuzi didn't understand was, where did Lu Ling get so much spirit wine.

Or is it Shen Lan's?
It's also gross.

"Sir, did I disturb you?" Lu Ling asked.

Li Zhuzi pinched Lu Ling's face, and said angrily, "What do you think? What do you think these are? The whole Lingtai can smell the fragrance of wine, let alone me."

"I'm sorry." Lu Ling said, and then gently helped Li Zhuzi tidy up the untied ponytail.

Then he carefully adjusted Li Zhuzi's collar.

Under the moon, Shen Lan looked at the pair of master and apprentice, and looked away slightly.

"Okay, I didn't expect it to be you." Li Zhuzi sighed softly, rubbed Lu Ling's face, looked at Shen Lan, then at Lu Ling, always felt that this combination was a bit strange.

Shen Lan briefly told Li Zhuzi what happened just now.

After a long while, Li Zhuzi still couldn't help but said: "You guys are really capable of ruining things."

Take a sip and throw it away. There are so many poured spirit wines on the ground, Han Xue will probably cry when she sees them.

Such a strong spiritual energy will definitely not dissipate in a short while.

Lu Ling asked, "Do you feel bad, sir?"

Li Zhuzi said angrily: "Okay, it's better to fall on the ground than to enter your stomach."

Lu Ling asked again: "Sir, can I drink?"

"Do you want to drink?"

"I don't think so either."

"Can't sleep?"


"Don't get drunk."


Lu Ling was surprised that Li Zhuzi was not angry, and even agreed with her. She thought for a while and said, "Sir, I found a pretty good wine, do you want to try it?"

Lu Ling pushed Wuling Wine over.

"Is this... the wine from East Shenhai?" Li Zhuzi was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Lu Ling, and said in shock, "Have you drank it?"


"How much did you drink?"


Li Zhuzi was slightly absent-minded, she picked up the flagon and sniffed it lightly, then her face gradually turned rosy.

Mr. Lu Ling Xindao is really good-looking, no wonder Mr. Mo is so fascinated.

Li Zhuzi put down the jug and looked at the two with a strange look on his face.

Forget it for Shen Lan, she can't see through it, even Master Yun can't see through it, so it's normal to not get drunk after drinking a little Wuling wine, but Lu Ling...

Seeing Li Zhuzi's expression, Lu Ling didn't understand, and said, "Sir, is there something wrong with this wine? Then I won't drink it."

Li Zhuzi asked seriously: "Did you really drink it?"

Lu Ling nodded and said, "Drink it."

"Not drunk?"

Lu Ling blinked. How should she prove that she is not drunk? This is a problem.

Lu Ling pulled Li Zhuzi's clothes and whispered, "I don't know if I'm drunk or not."

"Show treasure." Li Zhuzi knocked on Lu Ling's head, and explained: "The five spirits wine in Dongshenhai is very intoxicating, and the aura of the raw material is too much. What is intoxicating is not the alcohol but the aura. You have to sleep for half a month, you are fine."

"Oh? Is that so?" Lu Ling touched her lower abdomen and said, "I don't feel anything other than the warmth."

Li Zhuzi was also taken aback, and then said eagerly: "Where is Gong Han?"

Lu Ling thought for a while and said, "I didn't pay attention when you didn't say it, sir. It seems that I feel better."

Li Zhuzi put his hands on Lu Ling's lower abdomen, and left after a while, surprised, but more happy: "It really relieved a bit, it seems that there is really an inseparable relationship between the Eastern Divine Sea and the Ice Bloodline, Ah Ling, not only will you not be drunk by the spirit energy when you drink the Wuling wine, but you can directly absorb it and transform it into your own spirit power, and even weaken your own cold's incredible."

It was as if this wine was tailor-made for Lu Ling.

Lu Ling said: "I don't feel anything, maybe it's the reason why Shenlan has been running all the time."

"It's possible." Li Zhuzi frowned slightly, and glanced at Shen Lan.

Shenlan...East Shenhai.

Li Zhuzi felt that there might be a connection, but he was not sure.

Lu Ling saw all this and said nothing, she let go of Li Zhuzi's hand, stood up and said, "Sir, everyone is here, let's have a drink."

Li Zhuzi was about to refuse, but when he looked up and saw the slim girl under the moon, he subconsciously nodded.

Lu Ling wants to pour wine.

Li Zhuzi pressed her hand and said, "Wait, forget about Wuling wine, do you want to get me drunk?"

Lu Ling thought for a while, then took out another bottle of ordinary wine that she thought had a relatively mild taste before, and used it to Li Zhuzi according to the courtesy Shen Lan gave her before.

Li Zhuzi looked at Lu Ling's gentle etiquette, and said helplessly, "Where did you learn these things?"

"Mister don't like it?"


Lu Ling smiled, she smiled beautifully, like the moon in this quiet night.

Li Zhuzi picked up Lu Ling's wine cup and drank it in small sips, his face turned red again.

Shen Lan also thinks that Li Zhuzi is pretty, no wonder Lu Ling likes her more.

Lu Ling sat back, looked at Li Zhuzi with her face up, and murmured, "Mr. is so pretty."

"Poor mouth." Li Zhuzi said, but he couldn't hide his joy.

She felt that Lu Ling was deliberately flattering her so that she would not be angry.

But she wasn't angry at all.

She knew why Ah Ling couldn't sleep, and why she wanted to drink.

Li Zhuzi even thought it was a good thing.

Li Zhuzi put down his wine glass and said, "Okay, I've drunk the wine too, tell me, where did you get so much spirit wine?"

Li Zhuzi can already confirm that Lu Ling is the home team here, after all, Shen Lan, a strange woman, has always had a strange attitude towards Lu Ling.

Lu Ling knew that Li Zhuzi would ask, so she said, "Lu You gave it."

Li Zhuzi frowned slightly: "Lu You?"

She said, "Have you gone to see Lu You?"

Lu Ling nodded, and said: "When passing by, Bai Yunfan poured wine all over me, and then I took a bath, and Lu You gave me wine."


There were too many things in between, and Li Zhuzi couldn't figure it out for a while.

First of all, Bai Yunfan committed suicide.


Li Zhuzi asked: "Pay attention to Bai Yunfan."

People in Shushan are not good people, even if Master Xiao paid attention to her Ah Ling, she was not happy.

"I've noticed." Lu Ling said, "I froze the bathroom, sir, isn't this not very good."

"Very good, well done." Li Zhuzi patted Lu Ling's head, how much the bathroom was worth.

As for Lu You, she is not surprised, not to mention wine, it is nothing at all, even if Lu You gave Lu Ling wine, she was a little unhappy, but seeing that Wuling wine can relieve Lu Ling's palace cold, she would not just Never mind.

As for her attitude towards Lu Ling and Lu You's attitude towards Lu Ling are completely different, so Lu You can't refuse Lu Ling at all... Li Zhuzi can't control this.

A Ling listened to her, that was her skill.

Li Zhuzi suddenly smiled.

It seems that Ah Ling's biological father appeared, and she also felt a sense of crisis.

Lu Ling looked at Li Zhuzi suspiciously: "Sir?"

Li Zhuzi said: "It's nothing, it's just that I didn't expect to compare myself with anyone."

Lu Ling didn't say anything else, she felt that Li Zhuzi wanted to compare with Lu You, but to her, Lu You's weight and Mr.... There is no way to compare with each other.

The junior sister is not here, and only the husband is the most important person.

Thinking of this, Lu Ling stared at Li Zhuzi in a daze.

"What are you looking at? I don't look very good." Li Zhuzi said.

Lu Ling shook her head.

"Oh, it should be better after drinking." Li Zhuzi touched his hot cheeks, glanced at the ground, opened the barrier with a wave of his hand, and said, "Don't drink today."

Lu Ling hummed lightly, she put away the Wuling Wine and Jiuzun, looked at Shen Lan, and smiled apologetically.

Shen Lan shook her head, of course she would not have any opinion.

"Senior Sister Shen, I'm sorry to trouble you, I'm messing around with this girl." Li Zhuzi saluted and said.

"What?" Shen Lan said, "I like her very much."

Li Zhuzi smiled lightly, and said: "This girl has nothing else but to be likable."

Shen Lan has a little more affection for Li Zhuzi.

As long as you like Aya, I like you.

In fact, the same is true for Shen Lan.

Li Zhuzi glanced at the moon and said, "How many hours before dawn, Ah Ling... can't you sleep?"

Lu Ling nodded.

Li Zhuzi said: "If you can't sleep, you have to sleep. Now go to the back of my yard to wash off the smell of alcohol, and then go to my room to rest."

The tone is commanding.

Lu Ling thought it was useless.

It seems that I have to wash it four times today...

"What about you, sir?" Lu Ling asked.

Li Zhuzi said angrily: "Senior Sister Shen and I will deal with the wine you poured, otherwise the girls on the Lingtai will look drunk tomorrow."

At this time, a steady stream of spiritual energy overflowed along Shen Lan's room, and the direction was... Liushui Garden, where all the little girls attend classes. If you don't tidy it up, all the girls will become drunk tomorrow. What a mess.

"I was wrong." Lu Ling realized what she had done wrong.

"Come on, don't dawdle." Li Zhuzi picked up Lu Ling, looked at the green bamboo in her hand, and was slightly taken aback.

Lu Ling stood up and said, "Sir, Senior Sister Shen, then I'm leaving."


"A Ling, goodbye." Shen Lan waved her hand.

Lu Ling turned and left.

Seeing the back of the little girl in red disappear, Li Zhuzi sat down in Lu Ling's seat, stared at Shen Lan, and said seriously: "Okay, let's talk."

Shen Lan smiled and said, "Shouldn't you tidy up first?"

"That's for later."



After half an hour.

Li Zhuzi returned to his yard, the moon was still hanging high, it was still early before dawn.

She thought about what she said to Shen Lan, and then thought of Xihuang.

It's not up to her to take care of things at the level of Xindao. Now that the ancestor and Mingyue ancestor are both in Lingshan, they haven't said anything, and it's not her turn to worry.

As long as it's harmless to Lu Ling, that's fine.

Li Zhuzi looked at the small footprints by the hot spring, smiled lightly, and opened the door cautiously, for fear of disturbing Lu Ling's rest.

But Lu Ling didn't rest, she sat on Li Zhuzi's bamboo bed wrapped in a towel, quietly looked out of the window, and didn't turn around until Li Zhuzi came in.

Lu Ling said, "Sir."

The girl's eyes are very beautiful in this dark room, like two silver stars.

Li Zhuzi didn't light the lamp, walked over, sat next to Lu Ling, and asked, "Why don't you sleep?"

"Can't sleep."

"I'll accompany you, so you can always fall asleep." Li Zhuzi said.

Lu Ling hummed lightly, and then said, "Sir, I'll undress you."

"it is good."

Lu Ling stretched out her hand, Li Zhuzi held her hand and said, "Window."

Lu Ling closed the window.

The moonlight was cut off, and the room was very dark, with only the sound of a peaceful breathing.

Li Zhuzi didn't know if his face was a little rosy.

Maybe it's the alcohol.

Li Zhuzi turned around and asked Lu Ling to untie his belt, then changed into pajamas in the dark, got on the bamboo bed, held Lu Ling in his arms, and lay down together.

Li Zhuzi said: "Sleep."

Lu Ling nodded.

Mr.'s body is really soft.

she thinks.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Ling blinked.

Also very fragrant.

And Li Zhuzi... I don't know if she will be able to fall asleep tonight, she hasn't rested with her Ah Ling in her arms for a long time, and for a while, it seems like a lifetime ago.

I don't know how long it took.

Everything is quiet.

When Lu Ling moved slightly, Li Zhuzi opened his eyes and asked in a low voice, "Did you sleep?"

Lu Ling said, "I can't sleep."

Li Zhuzi asked: "What's the matter?"

Lu Ling thought for a while, and said, "The bed is a bit uncomfortable."

After speaking, Lu Ling herself laughed.

It's been a long time since I felt this way.

"You." Li Zhuzi lifted Lu Ling's body slightly, let her pillow on his arm, and then said seriously: "It's getting late, if you don't want me to pursue your drinking, just rest obediently."

"Understood." Lu Ling nodded.

Now that she wants to drink with her husband, she will be beaten.

Close your eyes.

The night is not long, just like her time in Lingshan.

(End of this chapter)

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