Becoming a Senior Sister Lingshan

Chapter 887 Similar Cats

Chapter 887 Similar Cats
The day of parting came quickly.

Yesterday, Li Zhuzi spent a whole day with her and stayed with her.

On that day, Lu Ling got up early and went to the canteen to fetch breakfast for her husband.

Eat together, drink tea together, and watch the snow together.

The place where she stayed the most was in the arms of her husband.

Warm, soft, but leave sooner or later.

Lu Ling took Li Zhuzi to Jiufeng's piano room, and played there for Li Zhuzi for an hour. Although Zhao Yingge and Xifeng also came in the middle, Lu Ling always dedicated it to Li Zhuzi.

She used one day to let Li Zhuzi know her progress, not only mentally, but also in all aspects.

His cultivation, calligraphy, piano skills, and even his makeup skills are all superb, but the makeup should be attributed to Dongfang Lianren.

It's worth mentioning that Li Zhuzi didn't show any objection when he saw Lu Ling's use of poison. Lu Ling was a little surprised by this.

She thought that something happened to Master Dongfang, and her husband would be jealous of what Master Dongfang left her, but now it seems that she does not.

Mr. is worthy of being Mr.

Lu Ling thought so.

Then it was time to leave for Tianguangxu.

Deng Lingtai is very lively.

Lu Ling had never seen so many people here.

At this time, all the people gathered together and went to Tianguang Market together.

Naturally, Lu Ling and the others were given special treatment, and they didn't have to go with the large army.

She was sitting in a wheelchair with a sleeping phantom cat lying on her lap. She stopped in front of the gate of the book garden on the first floor, looking up at the rainbow lights in the sky, and at the altar above the spirit.

Climbing to the nine levels is like climbing to the sky.

She hasn't been to the Lingling Terrace beyond the first floor, and she doesn't know if she still has the chance.

Beside Lu Ling is Qin Qin, juniors such as Zhao Yingge, Xifeng, Lezheng Luoting, Zhu Mingxiang, not far away are Xu Xu and Shen Gui, and Lu You, Bai Yunfan, Li Zhuzi and others are not here, there should be some There are other things to deal with.

Qin Qin looked at Lu Ling's expression and asked, "A Ling, are you unhappy?"

Lu Ling shook her head and said, "It's not that I'm unhappy, it's just... I don't like Tianguangxu very much."

Qin Qin held Lu Ling's hand and said, "There are still interesting places, and I will take you there to play."

Qin Qin thought to herself that Lu Ling had never been to Tianguang Market, so she probably just left home worrying about gains and losses.

Lu Ling hummed lightly, but didn't say anything.

Tang Zheng and Tang Sheng didn't go to class either, they just whispered beside Lu Ling.

Zhu Mingxiang followed the crowd with a painting basket on her back, without any sense of presence, so Le Zhengluo couldn't get close to Lu Ling alone, so he could only grit his teeth and watch Qin Qin and Lu Ling get close.

At this moment, Xifeng and Zhao Yingge came over, saluted, and said, "Senior Sister Qin, I will leave Ah Ling to you."

Qin Qin smiled happily and said, "Don't worry."

Lu Ling asked, "Sister Xifeng, what is the arrangement between you and Sister Zhao?"

Xifeng pointed to Yu Sixian in the distance, and said: "I, Miss Zhao and Sixian are on the same team, and Sixian also knows some fellow Taoists, so I don't worry about the number of people."

Lu Ling nodded, that means Senior Sister Fang and Senior Sister Gu are on the same team?
What about Senior Sister Nie?
Anyway, there is one more person, but Lu Ling doesn't care about other people's affairs.

Xifeng didn't ask about Qin Qin's arrangement either. In her opinion, Qin Qin, a "big brother" who is on the same level as Shen Gui, definitely has no shortage of Taoist friends.

Qin Qin would not say such shameful things about herself.

"Aling, then I'll go first, see you at Tianguang Market." Xifeng said, she wanted to go with Yu Sixian, and each had their own affairs, so there was no such thing as cooperation.

Generally, they will disperse immediately after entering the Tianguang Market. Except for their own teams, they will not give you a chance to form a group.

"Goodbye, Sister Xifeng." Lu Ling waved her hand, then looked at Zhao Yingge.

Sister Zhao has been watching her for a while.

Lu Ling thought that Sister Zhao became more and more beautiful.

I saw Zhao Yingge lightly brushing the side of her ear, and said seriously: "Aling, take care of yourself."

Lu Ling paused for a moment, then nodded, then patted the cat on her lap, and said, "Xuechen, wake up."

"Meow~" With a soft voice, Xuechen lazily turned over and opened his eyes.

"Say goodbye to Sister Zhao."

"Meow." Xuechen raised his paw.

Zhao Yingge smiled helplessly, turned and left.

With Qin Qin watching, she was naturally extremely relieved.

Lu Ling gently stroked Xuechen's head and looked around.

The crowd gradually dispersed.

Lu Ling looked at Zhu Mingxiang and Le Zheng, and nodded slightly.

Lezheng Luoting is like a good girl. In fact, when she knew that she was going to form a team with Lu Ling, she was so happy that she almost tore down the house. But now is not the time to chat with Lu Ling. After all, she is a guest, not The girl from Lingshan, when she arrived at Tianguang Market, she would naturally have no scruples if everyone dispersed.

Zhu Mingxiang didn't speak, she was very bored, Lezheng fell to the court and looked around.

There are obviously a lot fewer people on Lu Ling's side, obviously they have been specially taken care of.

Suddenly, Le Zheng Luoting noticed a person in the corner and walked over.

"Hello." Le Zheng said in the courtyard.

The man looked up.

Le Zheng said in the courtyard: "You are still in Lingshan, I thought you had already left."

Lezheng Luoting didn't have any manners, but this person was used to it, knowing that she had no bad intentions, so he replied: "Master asked me to go to Tianguangxu with Lingshan."

"Oh, by the way, you are Jianping's son, right? Jianping is also operating in Tianguangxu with the people in Qionghua?" Le Zheng asked in the court.

Jian Wuhen sighed helplessly, this girl really doesn't regard herself as an outsider.

"I'm not sure at the moment, maybe I'm just going back to Qionghua through Tianguangxu."

"Aren't you going to participate in the Tianguangxu martial arts meeting?"

"It's not interesting." Jian Wuhen said, he wanted to go back and delve into the art of swordsmanship and Danqing. As for making a difference, he was already good enough before, otherwise he wouldn't be able to get the seat of Lord Jianping.

"Oh." Le Zheng said in his heart that it was a pity.

Lu Ling told her about the shortage of players, and she was thinking of pulling Jian Wuhen to join the team to relieve Lu Ling's pressure. Since he had no idea, Le Zhengluoting would not force a man into the team.


It's him?

Lu Ling looked at Jian Wuhen in the corner and blinked.

She recognized this man, and he taught her Qionghua swordsmanship.

What a coincidence.

I didn't expect to meet him in Lingshan.

Lu Ling touched her face, thinking that he probably wouldn't recognize her.

She didn't intend to go up and report to her family, Lu Ling remembered that she broke this man's sword.

Taking a closer look, he found that the broken sword was still on his waist, and he even had his own aura on him.

Lu Ling felt very strange, if she didn't feel wrong, it should be
Why is it so.

Subconsciously, Lu Ling didn't want to have anything to do with this person.

Jian Wuhen sensed Lu Ling's gaze, and following her gaze, Lu Ling immediately turned her head and talked intimately with Qin Qin beside her.

Jian Wuhen was a little strange, because Lu Ling had been looking at him for a long time, and her gaze was also a little weird.

What a beautiful girl.

The young master admired in his heart, but he didn't have any dirty thoughts, just admiration.

He knew Lu Ling.

This girl is Lu Ling whom the saint has always missed, and also Lu You's daughter.

To be honest, although it was just a profile, those silver eyes were a bit frightening... He felt as if he was in a sword prison just by looking at it, and his whole body was stabbed with pain.

Obviously, he didn't recognize Lu Ling.

This is also normal. The elves that Jian Wuhen knew had eyes like snow-capped springs. Although they were cold, they were crystal clear. They had slender bodies, silver hair, snow-like skin, and pure bodies.

At this time, Lu Ling has a pair of silver eyes, which is the shape of a girl.

The elves that Jian Wuhen knew were well-proportioned, with silver threads like waterfalls, like a girl in the world with a ponytail, and wearing distinctive clothes that could set off her figure. She stepped on the ground with bare feet, spotless, and looked cold. But he will be wronged because of a little thing.

Lu Ling's red dress is obviously the real aloofness, the absolute goddess fan.

And compared to that time, Lu Ling's body has also grown a little longer.

Therefore, even if the backs are slightly similar, it is impossible for him to connect the little daughter of Lingshan and Yihua Palace with the highest elf.

The young master folded his arms around his chest, feeling the coldness coming from his heart, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

At this time, the sun was shining warmly, and the breeze was blowing the viburnum on the son's chest, which also brought a little fragrance, which made people feel refreshed.

Jian Wuhen raised the corner of his mouth, and his eyes glanced over Lu Ling unintentionally.

His eyes narrowed instantly.

His time seemed to stand still.

He stared fixedly at Lu Ling, at the cat playing coquettishly on the girl's lap, and at Lu Ling's slender and fair fingers, with a shocked expression on his face, as if he saw something that should never be seen.

After a few breaths of effort, Jian Wuhen noticed that there was more moisture on his back.

I don't know if it's excitement or what.

"Hey, what are you looking at?" Le Zhengluo walked over dissatisfied.

"..." Jian Wuhen raised his head and said seriously, "Is she Lu Ling?"

"Yes, what do you want to do, I warn you..."

"It turns out that she is Lu Ling, the girl the saint is looking for, the secret realm..." Jian Wuhen muttered to himself, he couldn't listen to what Lezheng said behind the court.

Jian Wuhen raised his head and looked at Lu Ling's back.

Perhaps, his plan has also changed a bit.

Jian Wuhen looked at Tianguangxu, then lowered his head, and took out his brush.

"It's boring." Le Zheng turned around and left. Once this man started painting, he would become a dead person and would ignore her.



Lu Ling felt very uncomfortable.

Although she didn't turn her head, she could still feel the other party's gaze.

He recognized himself?

Lu Ling rubbed her fingertips on Xuechen's body, thinking quietly, then shook her head after a while.

No, no reason, this man shouldn't be able to recognize her.

She pinched Xuechen's face.

She didn't want to be recognized because...that was an elf after all, and the last thing she wanted to expose was the ability of an elf.

"..." Xuechen shuddered as he looked at Lu Ling's eyes.

Lu Ling realized that she was still not in control of her emotions, she gently stroked Xuechen, and comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay."

Breeze blows.

Lu Ling let out a foul breath, and became harmless to humans and animals again. Except for Xuechen, even Qin Qin, who was closest to her, didn't notice any changes in Lu Ling.

Zhu Mingxiang pulled down her coat and hat, unable to see her expression.

Soon after.

Li Zhuzi is here.

It is about to leave.



Somewhere in Lingshan.

Seeing the large rainbow light gradually leave, Mingyue was very upset.

"Okay, okay, there will be opportunities in the future, it's really hard for you to appear in front of her now." Yun Shu comforted Mingyue.

"I know." Mingyue pouted, she understood, but she still felt sorry for not having close contact with Lu Ling.

"By the way, where is Xiao Xiao?" Mingyue asked.

Yun Shu said, "Oh, he took a long look at Lu Ling from afar and left."

Mingyue blinked, and said, "Although he is very knowledgeable, but... are all people in Shushan like this?"

Yun Shu: "..."



Another place in Lingshan.

Li Wangsheng looked at the senior sister in front of him and said, "Senior sister Chu, are you really not going to give it away?"

Chu Qishui shook his head, looked at the rainbow light, and said, "I'm going to go out and have a look."

After saying this sentence, not only Li Wangsheng was stunned, but even Han Xue, who was holding the five spirit wine that Lu Ling gave her, jumped up in shock.

Han Xue turned pale with shock, and exclaimed, "Jue'er, are you leaving Lingshan?"

"Don't make a fuss, I'll go with you." Chu Qishui looked at Feng Jiu and said, "All the girls at home are gone, why should we keep them?"

"..." Han Xue looked embarrassed.

Chu Qishui... She represented Liu Yu in a certain sense.

If she wants to leave Lingshan, will Lingshan let her go?

Han Xue was not sure.

"Don't worry." Chu Qishui rubbed Han Xue's head, and said, "Luo Hanyi has an accident, they wish I could leave sooner."

"Senior Sister Luo..."

Mentioning Luo Hanyi, Han Xue's spirit instantly darkened, and the Wuling Wine lost any attraction for a while.

Nobody knows why it happened like that.

Such a gentle oriental senior sister.

And Luo Hanyi...

Han Xue was in a very depressed mood.

"I..." Han Xue hesitated to speak: "Forget it, let's go, follow me to Xuanjing Division."

She understood that if Luo Hanyi found Jue'er, it would be a real trouble.

Li Wangsheng didn't speak knowingly.

In fact, he also wanted to go out for a walk, and it was obviously a good choice to follow Han Xue, a high-level executive of the Xuanjing Division.



Lu Ling followed Li Zhuzi's rainbow light and left Lingshan, and walked forward with Qin Qin, the huge barrier surrounded everyone, the speed was very fast but there was no wind.

They fly very high.

Lu Ling lowered her head and saw Luoyan City under her feet.

People are invisible, and the towns are only the size of a palm. Relatively speaking, people are not even ants.

Lu Ling said that it should be like this.

She looked back at Feng Jiu, and then at her ring.

Even if she left, Feng Jiu didn't have the slightest attraction to her.

It's just a pity that she couldn't take those ten miles of willow trees with her.

At this time, everyone walked among the clouds, as if they were swimming in the sea.

Lu Ling thought to herself that she entered Lingshan, and now she is leaving from Lingshan.

He came out from Tianguangxu, but now he has to go back.

Really interesting.

It would be nice if it wasn't interesting.

Qin Qin stepped on the rainbow light, and was close to Lu Ling. Her Ah Ling still didn't know how to transform into a rainbow, so Qin Qin was very concerned about Lu Ling's state.

Qin Qin asked: "A Ling, are you still afraid?"

Lu Ling was a little confused and turned to look at her.

"What are you afraid of?"

(End of this chapter)

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