Naruto from scratch

Chapter 10 I didn't expect you to be such a ghost

Chapter 10 I didn't expect you to be such a ghost
The next day, Yu Xian, who once again lived under the fence, followed the two to the battlefield between Raiwu Ninja and Konoha.

After arriving, Obito stopped and asked Absolutely, "Jue, can you find out where the Puffer Ghost on Xiguashan is?"

Jue closed his eyes, as if he was using his ability to search for the Xiguashan puffer ghost, "I found it, 30 miles to the right, a battle broke out."

"Then we have to hurry up." After finishing speaking, Obito rushed out again.

Yu Xian looked at himself who was caught under Jue's arm, and then at Obito who was far away, when can I be so chic
"Let's drive, fasten your seat belt." Jue has now been distorted by Yu Xian's various words from the original plane, and every time he hears something new, he has to pester Yu Xian to explain it for a long time.As soon as he understood the meaning of driving, he kept talking.

Put on a fucking seat belt, just say, you get me one?
Absolutely ignored Yu Xian's complaints, and ran out with him in his arms.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

On the battlefield, a Uchiha clansman with a round fan pattern on his back is performing a handsome seal.

Oh, Uchiha's?

The three of Obito stopped not far from the battlefield, watching the fight between the two sides in the battlefield.

"Your people." Jue said.

Obito showed no expression, neither replied nor moved.Yu Xian shrugged at the side, it has nothing to do with me.

"Water escape, water formation wall." The ninjas on the side of Mist Ninja also quickly formed seals to resist.

The fireball rushed over the water wall, a puff of blue smoke rose, and both sides made a chakra exchange.

"Shuidun, Shuiqingbo!" In another battle, a fat man with a shark muscle wrapped in cloth strips on his back, which is the purpose of the three people's trip, the watermelon mountain puffer ghost, is also moving towards the wood. Ye Fang performed the operation.

There are eleven or two people on Konoha's side, but there are only four or five people on Wunin's side. Wunin is at an absolute disadvantage in the scene.

After the constant Chakra exchange, Mist Ninja has gradually become exhausted, and several people have been injured.

Hey, isn't that a ghost shark?On the side of Mist Ninja, Yu Xian saw Kisame Kisame, one of the members of Future Akatsuki, who was kneeling on the ground clutching his right arm.

"Onisame, are you okay?" Xiguashan puffer ghost seemed very anxious. There were too many people on Konoha's side, and the few of them probably were in danger.

"Master Puffer Ghost, still, you can still fight." Ganshi Guixie is only fifteen or sixteen years old now, if he is in Yu Xian's plane, he should be in middle school at this moment.Now here with a cold sweat on his head, he grinned and said that he can still fight.

The Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost looked at his subordinates, but he was thinking in his heart whether to hand over the information in exchange for the lives of himself and these subordinates.

Seemingly seeing the hesitation of the Xiguashan blowfish ghost, Guixie said anxiously: "My lord, don't give up! What you taught me is that when the intelligence department is intercepted by the enemy, no matter what method you use, you must prevent the information from falling into the enemy's hands." hands. Because of the mission, Ghost Snake died in my hands, and Jing San also died in my hands. One is my younger brother, and the other is my best friend."

Guixie recalled this, his eyes were bloodshot, "But, in order not to leak the information, I did it anyway. My lord, even if I die today! We can't tell the information!"

The Watermelon Mountain Fugu Ghost did not expect to be trained by his subordinates, and he was a little annoyed: "What do you know! There is a future if you have a life! Who am I? I am one of the seven knives of Kirinin! How can I fight with you unknown people? On the same level! Nobody like you will die when you die, so what can you say?"

Hearing what the puffer ghost said, Guixiong was furious. He understood that his boss was determined to betray the village's information.

After the puffer ghost finished speaking, he turned around, raised his bloody left hand, and shouted, "Men of Konoha, listen up! We are willing to share the information, but you have to let us go back!"

"My lord!" Kisame tried to stop the puffer ghost for the last time, but the puffer ghost didn't even turn his head.

The Uchiha people on Konoha's side are obviously the commanders of the interception operation. After hearing what the puffer ghost said, they smiled and said: "Haha, it's fine if we don't do this earlier, so as to avoid unnecessary injuries. I promise you, in your No action will be taken against you until we return to Wuying Village."

"Okay! Our next target is." The blowfish ghost really told Konoha's information about Mist Ninja's side.

"Very well, I believe you, but if the information is false, you should be ready to wait for Konoha Anbe's pursuit." After Uchiha frightened the puffer ghost, he left with everyone on Konoha's side.

After Konoha's staff left, Puffer Ghost finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't dare to lie to Konoha's people, Konoha's ninjas were too strong.Last time, an unattractive ninja wearing a green tights beat the seven of us to pieces.Mist ninja seven recognize everyone!In the end, only Ten Zang, Lei Ya and I survived.The strength of Konoha can be seen, we have no chance of winning at all, and it is better to fail early than dying.Maybe even more lives can be saved.

At this moment, Kisame didn't care about these things, his anger made him forget his pain, and he struggled to get up from the ground. "Master Fuguki, this is the last time I will call you sir. I have been your subordinate since I obtained the headguard of Mist Ninja, and I have learned a lot from you. Loyalty, love for the village. However, today you But you did something that I can't forgive! You broke all the vows you made! I, Kisame Kisame, apply to withdraw from the Puffer Kisui."

"Onisame, my lord is also for our own good." Another Kirinin at the side persuaded.

"Shut up! You are also cowards!"

"Enough!" Said the Watermelon Mountain puffer ghost, "You are still young and don't understand, I don't blame you. Let's go, we will talk about it in the village."

The puffer ghost sighed, and stepped forward, ready to help Guixiong.


The puffer ghost was stunned, his eyes widened.

"Master Puffer Ghost!"

The fog on the side was stunned.How did Kisame attack Mr. Fuguki!

Yes, Pufferfish Ghost's chest was directly pierced by Kisame's hand. At this moment, he was spitting blood, panting heavily: "Forget it, I am indeed a sinner, Guisser, forgive me for coughing and coughing just now." If so, Ghost Snake and Jingsan are both heroes.”

After speaking, the puffer ghost's huge body fell down, stirring up a cloud of smoke.

"Ghost shark! What have you done!"

"Take him back! He killed Master Fugu Ghost!"

"Shark muscle, put the shark muscle away!"

A group of Wunin were chattering there.

"Should we make a move?" Yu Xian couldn't wait anymore, he was too far away to hear what was said, but Yu Xian actually saw his target Xiguashan puffer ghost dead, and was killed by ghost shark up!
You can't let the shark muscle fall into the hands of the ghost shark.

(End of this chapter)

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