Naruto from scratch

Chapter 11 Obtained, Legendary Weapon

Chapter 11 Obtained, Legendary Weapon
As soon as Yu Xian finished speaking, Obito took out a mask and put it on his face, then rushed out.

"Let's go." Jue stretched out his hand and grabbed Yu Xian, then rushed over after him.

At this moment, Kirinin was confronting Kisame, and in the middle was the corpse of Pufferfish Demon and the most eye-catching Sharkus.


The people on both sides are agitated. Could it be that Konoha's people have gone and come back again?

When they saw that there were only three people who came, they all breathed a sigh of relief.Although one of them looks a bit weird, there are only three of them, and there are not any famous people, so there should be no threat.

The people of Mist Ninja were relieved, but Kisame was not. He could clearly feel that the masked boy among the three was very powerful.

"It's a pity, I was going to let him join us." Obito looked at the Xiguashan puffer ghost lying in a pool of blood, shook his head, and said with a little regret.

Yo, so you planned to find this person to join Akatsuki?
Could it be that Obito is controlled by seven people of Mist Ninja?First Loquat Ten Zang, then Dried Persimmon Kisame, and even the Watermelon Mountain Puffer Ghost.I don't believe it's not seven-knife control.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Kisame, the strongest remaining Mist Ninja, spoke.

"It's nothing, I just want to take something away." Obito said lightly.

Kisame stared at his eyes, although his eyes didn't come out very much, he still didn't stare, "Shark muscle! You want to take away shark muscle!"

"Yo, boy, you're quite smart." Yu Xian boasted to Gui Sha
"Impossible! You don't want to take away the shark muscles!" The other Kirinin were also furious. The seven knives are a symbol of Kirikage, how could they be taken away by outsiders.

Yu Xian curled his lips and said, "The situation is stronger than people. It's not that you won't take it away if you say you won't take it away. Look at each of you. You should be in the hospital and lie down. Why are you trying to be brave? Why don't you just take it away?" Give us the shark muscle."

"Aren't you afraid of being hunted down by Anbu of Wuying Village?" Guixier gritted his teeth.

"Anbe? Just your Anbe of Kiwi Shadow? Let alone you, it's Konoha's Anbe, what are we afraid of?" Jue said disdainfully.

"It seems that you have decided on the shark muscles." Guixiong knew very well that the opponent's strength was very strong, and his side was wounded and disabled, so there was no chance of winning.

Yu Xian smiled, "Of course, well, let's not talk nonsense, you can go, in addition to shark muscles, you can also take away the body of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost." It will be overturned in seconds, and it is better to get things done sooner.
"Okay, let's go." Although Guixie was reluctant to give up, after recognizing the strength of both parties, he gave up decisively.

Although Kisame gave up, the other Kirisin didn't want to lose Sharkis, "You defected! What qualifications do you have to represent us! If you want to go, you must go, we must send Mr. Fugugui and Sharkis back to Wuying Village !"

Kisame frowned, didn't speak, but took out a handful of kunai, stroked lightly on the forehead protector, and a shallow mark appeared on the forehead protector.

"Since you want me to be a defector, then I am. I'm leaving, so you can take care of yourself." After reminding his former teammates one last time, Guixie turned and left.

"I just said Kisame is a defector, have you seen that?" Among the remaining three of Kirin, a Chunin with long hair said proudly, completely forgetting that there were three enemies in front of him, oh, no, two indivual.Yu Xian can't be considered a combat power.
"You guys, don't babble, hurry up if you want to fight." Yu Xian couldn't wait to get the shark muscle in his pocket.


The Mist Ninja rested for a while, and the Chakra in their bodies had recovered a little. Hearing Yu Xian's provocation, they immediately started attacking.

"Water escape, water clear waves!"

Damn it, it looked quite scary, Yu Xian saw the water column rushing straight, and his body dodged behind Obito.

"Fire escape, the storm dances wildly!"

Do you want to make a big move as soon as you come up?
Yu Xian looked at the three people lying on the ground across from him, feeling sorry for him, this is the fate of a weak chicken, he was defeated without even having a name, a typical trick.

I have to strengthen my strength quickly. If I don't have strength, I really dare not wander around in this murderous world of Naruto.

Hey, I got the shark muscle, and I am one step closer to becoming stronger.

"Yu Xian, go over and try." Obito said after finishing the three opponents, pointing at the back of the watermelon mountain puffer ghost.

Of course you have to try, Yu Xian walked over quickly, and after unfastening the leather buckle on the Pufferfish Ghost, he put both hands on the handle of the shark muscle.

"Why don't you pick it up?" Jue walked to Yu Xian's side, saw that Yu Xian kept bending over and holding the knife handle, couldn't help asking.

I didn't know it was so heavy
I'm so embarrassed
"Can't you pick it up?" Jue instantly poked Yu Xian's vitals.

Cough, cough, Yu Xian coughed twice, and let go of his hands grasping the shark's muscles, "Maybe it's because I didn't have enough breakfast."

"What's the matter? Yu Xian?" Obito also came over and asked.

Yu Xian scratched his head and said in embarrassment: "This thing is still a bit heavy." "Haha, it seems that you not only have to practice refining chakra, but you also need to practice physical skills." Obito smiled and said.

"Don't make fun of me, what should we do now?" Yu Xian still wanted to get rid of the shark muscles.

Obito squatted down and took a closer look at the shark muscle, "You have to subdue it first, this guy is not very obedient." Obviously, Obito saw that the shark muscle was a living thing.

i don't think i can beat it
"You try punching me?" Jue came up with an idea.

Yu Xian thinks about it too, let's punch first and then talk.Just as he thought about it, he bent down and punched the shark muscle wrapped in cloth strips.

"Ah wow." A strange voice sounded, and the shark muscle wrapped in cloth strips swelled rapidly after the sound, and it was about to break away from the cloth strips.

"It seems to be effective." Yu Xian murmured.

Jue didn't think it was a big deal, and continued: "Go on, don't you want to subdue it." Yu Xian was still a little scared when he saw the swollen muscles.But after thinking about it, he couldn't bear the fact that the child couldn't trap the wolf, and he didn't even dare to beat this guy, so what could happen.Anyway, there is Juehe Obito next to it, so what are you afraid of.

After thinking about it, Yu Xian beat the shark muscles again.


The cloth strip was finally torn by shark muscles, and a creature with a huge mouth and a body covered in spikes emerged.

This guy looks pretty perverted.Looking at such a creature at such a close distance, even though Obito was standing beside him, Yu Xian still had no idea.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Obito said to Yu Xian.

Now that that's been said, it's fine.At this time, the shark muscles were sticking out their tongues and swaying from side to side, Yu Xian didn't dare to hit with his hands anymore, the thorns all over his body couldn't make holes in himself.

Yu Xian looked around to see if there was any weapon in his hand, picked up a branch nearby, and slammed it towards the shark muscle.

"Oh." Shark muscle wanted to resist, but it was stepped on by Jue's foot and could not move.

After more than ten minutes of beating, Yu Xian almost lost his strength, "It's okay."

"Okay." Obito nodded and said, "Go and try it now."

The shark muscle was trampled on by Jue, and Yu Xian was not afraid of him attacking him, so he walked up with confidence, holding the handle of the knife and just lifted it.


This time, Yu Xian easily picked up the shark muscle from the ground.

Obito folded his arms and said: "It surrendered, well, you are his new master now, we should go, this is a battlefield after all, it would be bad to meet other people later."

Yu Xian was very excited at this time, finally he had a weapon, it was a legendary weapon, so it was not a loss to send someone under the fence this time.

"Let's go, kid, what else are you thinking about?" Jue walked over, breaking Yu Xian's fantasy.

Hey. The reality is always cruel, even if you have a legendary weapon, so what.
(End of this chapter)

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