Naruto from scratch

Chapter 22 You, I'm Covering You!

Chapter 22 You, I'm Covering You!
"I, cough cough, my name is Sato Xinxiang, and I am Lei Ren's traitor."

Rebellion?Or is it from Yunyin Village?Then what are you doing here? This is the junction of Muye and Yuyin Village. Are you not tired of traveling all the way here?
"Shouldn't you be a Jōnin?" Jōnin guessed that he couldn't beat him, this guy was definitely not Jōnin.

Kondo Shingo propped himself up from the ground with his hands, and said embarrassingly, "Um, I'm a Chunin"

Well, even a Chunin wants to be a traitor, "Why do you betray the village?" This question made Yu Xian very interested. Is it bullying?Or was his girlfriend robbed?Or family misfortune?
"The world is so big, I want to come out and have a look, and at the same time promote the righteousness of the society!" Xinxiang gave the answer that Yu Xian couldn't think of.

good!Have my style!This reason is cool enough and atmospheric enough!

"Then have you found an organization?" Yu Xian has already decided to pull this kid into his team, and Nagato's subordinates haven't arrived yet, so let's grab one at the bottom first.

"Organization? I'm a traitor, who wants me?" The big man said this, with a sad face, didn't he just want to grow his horizons, and no organization was willing to take him in.They all said that they did not dare to offend Yunyin Village. If they hadn't been a Chunin, they would have been kidnapped by those people.

Yu Xian looked at Xinxiang with an inscrutable expression, "Since you are inferior to others, then you can hang out with me! Do you want to?"

"You're willing to take me in!" Kondo Shingo's eyes lit up, and he said, "Of course I would! Then do I have freedom of movement? I still want to look around." As he spoke, he was still a little worried, afraid that Yu Xian would refuse.

This, a small matter, "No problem, anyway, I plan to go shopping next time, you just follow me." Yu Xian agreed with Kondo Shingo's opinion.

"That's fine, hehe, then you are my boss." Xinxiang patted his head and said with a smile.

"Don't call me the boss! It's so vulgar, call me the boss!" Yu Xian's target can be Naruto!Telling the boss to make himself look like a gangster is not acceptable.

Xinxiang was also sensible, and said directly: "Yes, boss."

"Can you cook?"

"Boss who will."

These two people were playing tricks here, completely oblivious to the fact that Jue next to him was about to collapse.

Weren't you still enemies just now?Why did it suddenly become like this?What's wrong with this world, what happened today is so mysterious.

"Let's go, Jue, let's go back. Xinxiang, follow up." Yu Xian pulled up Xinxiang who was sitting on the ground, and greeted Juedao.

"Are you really planning to take him back?" Jue leaned over to Yu Xian's side and whispered, is it really good to just drag a stranger to the base?

Yu Xian waved his hand and said, "It's okay, I can see that he's fine, don't worry." Actually, I just want to find someone who can cook to relieve my stress
Jue heard Yu Xian's words but did not suspect him, anyway, Yu Xian had the ability to predict, since he said everything was fine, then this guy must be fine.

Yu Xian successfully abducted a rebellious ninja who had a second-year illness, Yun Nin, who still knows how to cook, and by the way, he can also teach himself Thunder Tunnel!Simply perfect.

"En? Why did you bring someone back?" When Yu Xian returned to the base, Obito was already there. Seeing Kondo Shingo following Yu Xian and Jue, he asked.

Jue stepped forward and said: "On the way back, Yu Xian picked up a traitor from Yunyin Village. Yu Xian said it's okay."

Obito nodded after hearing this, and he also believed in Yu Xian's judgment, "Being rebellious is better, rebelling against ninja is more reliable than directly recruiting ninjas."

This trend of recruiting traitorous ninja can't be started by me, right?After hearing Obito's words, Yu Xian thought, how many heads would I have won. "The veteran of the Xiao organization." "The namer of the big fat sheep." "The savior of the rebellion." This string of halos is too bright.

"Yu Xian." Obito's voice interrupted Yu Xian's longing, "Nagato and the others are coming tomorrow, if I'm not here, you and Jue will greet them first."

"Okay, no problem." Yu Xian agreed straight away, it's not that Nagato doesn't know each other, this matter is simple.

After Nagato comes, will he follow Kyuubi to attack the village? It's already September, and October is Naruto's birthday, so it's only one month.There will be a big event next month, shall I also join in the fun?
"Xinxiang, you go cook first, the kitchen is over there, yes, that's over there, go." Yu Xian sent Xinxiang away first, after all, he was a newcomer and still needed to be tested.

"Okay, boss."

After Xinxiang left, Yu Xian asked Obito, "Are you planning to do it next month?"

"Hmm." Obito sighed slightly.

"Have you really decided? That's your master and wife." Yu Xian still felt that it was not good to do so, and later regretted it and it was too late.

"I've already said that there is nothing worth existing in this world. You don't have to persuade me anymore, the plan will be implemented normally, and you don't care about these things." After finishing speaking, Obito walked back to himself s room.

Jue smiled in front, and said, "Yu Xian, don't try to stop Obito. Although we are friends now, your food is delicious, your books are beautiful, I will still be here with you." You said what stopped you before. Don't worry, we are friends now, we won't fight anymore, at most we will be isolated."

Can this be my honor?
Sigh, you can handle your affairs yourself. Anyway, the life and death of people here has nothing to do with me. Maybe I can go back after the plot is over. You can do whatever you like.

"It's up to you, I'm going to write a novel." Yu Xian didn't want to say any more. Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something and said to him, "Can you contact the publisher? I can't publish it just by writing." What to use, what to use to make money."

"Um, this, I really do." After so many years of unique skills, I really haven't had any contact with a publisher.

Forget it, you're also an otaku, so it's useless.

I'll look for it myself another day, and it's best to find Jiraiya, who has completed all the achievements of Sannin Encounter, and share my experience in writing books by the way.Hey hey.Thinking of Jiraiya's "Intimate Paradise", Yu Xian became interested. I don't know how it is written, so many people like it, it is probably not bad.At this time, I don't know if he has been published or not. When I met Jiraiya, I exchanged the Three Kingdoms with him for a copy. I also have a look at what this Hokage No. [-] divine book looks like.

"I'll look for it myself when the time comes, and you don't have to look for it." Yu Xian said decisively, "I'll go back first. Xinxiang has cooked dinner and asked him to call me. I'm going to write a novel."

"Okay, you go." I really hope that Yu Xian can write it out quickly, waiting for the update of this chapter will be to death for him.

(End of this chapter)

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