Naruto from scratch

Chapter 23 Naruto Gourmet Tycoon Is Me!

Chapter 23 Naruto Gourmet Tycoon Is Me!
In the early morning of the next day, Nagato arrived as scheduled.

Together with Nagato, there are Xiaonan and a dozen of their subordinates.Nagato was carried by an Urenin because of a leg injury.

"You're here." Obito looked down from the finger of the heretic golem, and said to Nagato.

Nagato looked at the heretic golem he had once summoned, feeling a little lost, "I didn't expect this thing to be here."

He has never been to Uchiha Madara's residence, so he didn't know that the heretic golem would be stored here. "Nagato, you're here." Yu Xian, who just left the house, greeted Akatsuki's group of people.

Sato Shingo followed behind Yu Xian. In just one night, he was fascinated by "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Apart from cooking and cleaning, he just stared at Yu Xian's writing, staring at the writing hand, reading each word. .Even Yu Xian said that this is the real bookworm!Absolutely found a discussion object.
"Don't call me Nagato anymore, I'm called Payne now, god-Pain." Nagato still recognized Yu Xian, raised his head, and said something to him.

Oh, have you been blackened by Obito, "Okay, anyway, the name is yours, call it whatever you like." Yu Xian ignored these messy things, and his back hurt from writing last night.This morning I was going to go out for a run, and it happened that Xinxiang sent me a meal, and I happened to eat and go out together.

This room is a bit small, and there are a lot of people. In the past, Xiao didn't recruit people very much because of this.
Never mind, they can figure it out for themselves.

"Xinxiang, let's go." Yu Xian greeted Sato Xinxiang.

When Sato Xinxiang heard Yu Xian's call, he immediately said: "Okay, Master Yu Xian!"

Master Yu Xian is the one who extended a helping hand to me when I was down and down. He can also write novels and cook better food than me. I will follow Master Yu Xian from now on!

Yu Xian didn't know what Xinxiang was thinking there, so he pulled him, and the two walked out.

"I see that you used Thunder Tunnel yesterday, is your main attribute Thunder?" While walking, Yu Xian asked Sato Shingo.

"Yes, Master Yu Xian, my chakra attribute is thunder, but I also have a little research on the fire attribute." Sato Shingo replied truthfully.

Then why didn't you use Huodun yesterday?If you insist on using some kind of Razer to hit my water spout, isn't this a convulsion?

But you also have to thank you for being funny, otherwise, I might not be able to bring you here.

"Then you teach me Thunder Tunnel, I haven't learned Thunder Tunnel yet." Yu Xian came to a small hillside outside the base, found a stone of suitable height and sat down.

Sato Shingo was very excited when he heard that Master Yu Xian wanted to learn Thunder Dunning from him, he never thought that Master Yu Xian would not be able to do it either. "Okay, Master Yu Xian, I will definitely teach you dutifully."

All morning, Yu Xian and Xinxiang were here to study Lei Dun, not to mention, Sato Xinxiang's foundation is not bad, and his ability to speak is not bad, unlike his usual secondary school and fighting.

"You're not bad as a teacher." Yu Xian praised Xinxiang for the first time.

Hearing Yu Xian's praise, Sato Xinxiang touched his head with a smile, "I am the teacher of Ninja School in Yunyin Village."

Well, when I didn't say it.

"Okay, let's go back, there are so many people today, only the two of us will cook together. Alas, our lives are all suffering the same." Yu Xian patted Sato Xinxiang's arm and said, "No, I have to hurry To make some money, hiring a few chefs is the business, what is it to let me, the number two person in the Xiao organization, cook every day."

Of course, the No. [-] figure in Xiao Organization was appointed by Yu Xian himself.In Yu Xian's eyes, Nagato can only be regarded as a junior, well, he can't be regarded as a person at all, then only Obito and Yu Xian are left.Now that they have all been called Obito Boss before, they can only reluctantly give him the position of No. [-] person.Of course, these only exist in Yu Xian's imagination.

The base is not as deserted as it used to be. After more than a dozen people came, it became much more lively. At the door, Yu Xian heard the discussions inside.

"I heard from Boss Nagato that we will be assigned to the young man next to the masked man that day."

"Is that kid okay?"

"I don't know, it should be quite strong, otherwise, why would Nagato Boss take us into an organization with only three people."

"It's not certain who joins. You haven't seen the organization and it's still called Akatsuki."

A group of men, gossip and gossip no matter what.
Did you go out and justly say that I am good at it, you scumbags, please listen to my instructions from now on!No, it's too ostentatious for my style.

Now that it has become a fact, you can only accept it calmly.No way, too orthodox.

Forget it, what to tell them, it is still reliable to make money by writing your own novels. With money, you can't recruit many people.At the very least, Jiaodu can still run behind him!

Yu Xian walked in, and the discussion disappeared.Yu Xian didn't care about these gossiping men, and went straight to the kitchen, writing novels first, and now he has to cook.
Nagato and Obito were probably talking about something, but they hadn't been seen, "Jue, hurry up and ask them to eat."

On a newly made big stone table, there were a few big pots, Yu Xian didn't have the energy to serve the dishes one by one, he fried a few and packed a few, let's just eat it.

"That's great." After staying with Yu Xian for a long time, Jue's entire style of painting has changed.

Never went for long, and came back with Nagato and Obito. Of course, Nagato was carried by Jue.

"Okay! Let's serve!" After everyone was ready, Jue finished dragging with his left hand, raised his chopsticks high with his right hand, shouted, and quickly picked up the dishes. "There are so many dishes today, are you afraid of finishing them?" Yu Xian looked at Jue who had a bowl full of dishes, and said dumbfounded, do you need to be so exaggerated?

Jue looked indifferent, what do you know, after they eat, you will know my wisdom.

Yu Xian and Jue are eye to eye here, Yu Ninja's side, including Nagato, are a little confused, what's going on?What's wrong with this dish?

The first one to try was Xiaonan, the only female on Yuren's side, "Yeah!" Xiaonan's eyes lit up after taking the first bite of the dish, "It's delicious!"

? ? ?The question marks on everyone's faces in Yu Ninja are so exaggerated?Then I have to try it too.

"Wow, it's delicious."


"As expected, he is our future boss!"

Is it possible to buy a meal?
While Yu Xian was still in a daze, Sato Shingo who was next to him suddenly elbowed him, "Master Yu Xian, eat quickly, if you don't eat, you will die."

Already gone, okay, are you guys reincarnated from starvation or did you not have enough to eat in Yuyin Village?
(End of this chapter)

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