Naruto from scratch

Chapter 24 Bodyguard

Chapter 24 Bodyguard
The second watch, the fifth watch today without any accidents

Under Yu Xian's dumbfounded, the food on the table had disappeared without a trace.

There was no other way, so Yu Xian had no choice but to open a small stove for himself. Who would have thought that even this small stove would be half wiped away by the soil.

"I'm not full either." These were the words left to Yu Xian after Obito ate.

Poor father, I will definitely keep a copy for myself in the future.
No, there are so many people, I can no longer stay in this base, I have to exhaust myself to death by cooking every day, I have to go out and hang out!
"Xinxiang, do you want to go out for a walk?" Yu Xian bewitched Sato Xinxiang and said.

Sato Shingo expressed puzzlement, "Didn't you just go out for a long time in the morning?"

"I'm not talking about that, isn't your ideal to travel around the world? Let's go for a walk for half a month, and then go directly to Konoha to see the big scene." Yu Xian planned.

When Sato Shingo heard this, he became interested, "Okay! I'll go with you, boss, but what's the big scene in Konoha? Konoha is not too big compared to the capital of the Fire Kingdom."

"You don't understand, just follow me when the time comes." Yu Xian would not tell Sato Xinxiang that Kyuubi would attack the village, and he probably wouldn't believe it.

"Just the two of us?" Sato Shingo continued to ask.

Well, Yu Xian thought for a while, two Chunin were a little unsafe, "Then find two more in that group of Yuren." Anyway, he is their boss, so it's not a big deal to arrange two guards.

Just do it, Yu Xian asked Sato Xinxiang to call the dozen or so Yuren together, and was going to have a training session first.

"Hello, comrades."

Uh, forget it, you don’t understand this incision, “Hello, brothers.”

"Hi, boss."

"Hello, boss."

Yuren can still understand the three words of the brothers.

"I'm going to go out to play for about half a month." Yu Xian hadn't finished speaking, and there was a quarrel.

"No! Boss Yu Xian, I only have one meal of yours!"

"Don't go, Boss Yu Xian!"

Yu Xian didn't expect to be so popular, "Ahem, everyone be quiet, be quiet, go out, you must go out, but I plan to choose two of you to go with me. Is there anyone going? "

Very consistent, the rain ninja below all raised their hands. "Choose me, Boss Yu Xian!"

Alas, too much charm is also a sin, "There are too many people, only bring two, you can choose first, and come to my room to meet me when you choose, and I will go to clean up first."

After finishing speaking, Yu Xian left the meeting place and walked towards his room.

"Damn it, I'll go!"

"No, I should go!"

Crackling, Yu Xian turned his back to the crowd, only heard the sound of punching and kicking.

Sato Xinxiang followed Yu Xian and entered the room, "Is it okay for them to fight? Boss Yu Xian." Xinxiang was still a little worried about the people who were fighting outside.

"They're all friends, they act wisely, just for fun, don't worry." Yu Xian waved his hand, signaling Sato Shingo not to worry about it.They are all members of Akatsuki's organization, and this is just a small activity in their spare time.

"Oh." Hearing Yu Xian's explanation, Xinxiang felt relieved and started to help Yu Xian pack up his things.

Pen, paper, this is going out to find a publisher to mix it up, so you must take it,
The ninja tool, the life-saving thing at this time, must be taken.

clothes, clothes?Oops, the last time I went out I was only focused on betting with Tsunade, and I forgot to get the clothes, this time I must get the uniforms of the Akatsuki organization done.Can Akatsuki Organization without professional uniform still be called Akatsuki Organization?This must be recorded in a small notebook, and it must not be forgotten. "Xinxiang, remember to remind me about getting clothes."

"What clothes?" Sato Shingo asked.

Yu Xian didn't want to be ridiculed by Sato Xinxiang once when he drew it, it was enough to be ridiculed once by Jue. "Don't ask, just remember to remind me."

"Yu Xian, you want to go out?" Obito, who was quarreled by Yu Nin and others, jumped off the heretic golem and came to Yu Xian's room.

"Well, I plan to go out and find a publisher to publish my book." Yu Xian explained to Obito, "I will go to Konoha to have a look after I find it."

Obito knew what Yu Xian was talking about, so he didn't pick up the topic, but said, "Just you and Xinxiang? Is it safe?" Obito didn't think much of Yu Xian and Sato Xinxiang, they were half-baked.

"Didn't I call Liang Yuren? Look, aren't you still fighting? It's time to decide the winner." Yu Xian turned his head to look at the smoky venue outside.

When Obito heard this, he nodded and said, "That's good." Now Obito doesn't take off his mask very much. With so many outsiders here, he can no longer reveal his true face casually, otherwise he won't be able to pretend to be Uchiha Madara is gone.

"But after it's published, you must sign the first book and give it to me! I really like Mr. Guan Yu in Shuyin Village!" Obito tilted the building very well.

"Okay, the first book must be yours." Yu Xian said while holding his forehead.

Sato Xinxiang heard the conversation between the two at the back, and he also came over and said, "Master Yu Xian, then, can you give me the second book. I like Master Lu Bu in it the most, the number one ninja in the world."

Before Sato Shingo finished speaking, another person sprang out of the door, "How can I give you the second book! It's mine!" From the sound, it was known that it was a masterpiece after the change of painting style.

Naturally, Sato Shingo couldn't beat Jue, so he sighed and said, "Master Jue, then I want the third book."

"You said how you are like children. I will keep the first few books for you when they are published. Whoever owns them will depend on their own abilities. Well, it's time for the outsiders to decide the winner, Xinxiang, back Get things, let's go." Calling his subordinates, Yu Xian walked out.

"Boss Yu Xian!" Seeing Yu Xian walk out of the room, Yu Renzhong, the two panda eyes who were already carrying their luggage, shouted happily. In stark contrast to the two of them, there was a group of people beside them lamenting and sighing that their clothes were disheveled loser.

"Looks like it's the two of you. What's your name?" Yu Xian was quite satisfied with the two winners. They were stronger at first glance, and they were comparable to Sato Shingo. Being a bodyguard gave him a sense of security.

"My name is Koji Watanabe, Master Yuxian."

"Master Yu Xian, my name is Kimura Xuming."

"What? What's your name?" Yu Xian couldn't help asking, is there anyone else with this name?

Kimura Xuming noticed that Yu Xian might have misheard, and explained: "It's Jiu Rixu, Ri Yueming, Master Yu Xian." "Oh, I was so surprised, I almost heard another name." Yu Xian listened After Kimura's explanation, he said.

"Okay, let's go. You people, just practice hard at home, and you will choose the same way when you go out. Whether you can be selected depends on whether you have exercised well." Yu Xian continued.

"Yes, Boss Yu Xian!"

"Let's go, let's go, if you don't go, it will be dinner time." Yu Xiansheng was afraid of making another meal, and urged the three people who followed him.

(End of this chapter)

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