Chapter 81

After Koji Watanabe got dressed, he went on stage for a few minutes and received a lunch box.

"How's it going, doesn't it feel good?" Yu Xian asked Koji Watanabe with a smile when he came down.

Watanabe Koji's face is dark, it feels good to have a ghost...

Seeing that Koji Watanabe did not speak for a long time, Yu Xian also guessed his thoughts, "I will give you a good role next time!"

"Okay!" Seeing that he still had a role, Koji Watanabe became happy.

"Itachi Uchiha, it's your turn, pay attention." Next, it's time for Guan Yu, played by Itachi Uchiha, to appear.

Uchiha Itachi, who was standing in the crowd, did not speak, but gave Yu Xian a thumbs up.

"Then continue." Yu Xian ordered, and the filming started again. "Wait, Kisame, can you have some expressions when you speak."

"I already have an expression," Guisame said innocently, I've worked very hard, okay, you can only blame my face, but you can't let me play with a different face.

"Okay, okay, let's do it like this." Yu Xian was already desperate for the half-faced ghost, and he would not have called this guy if he had known.

The filming resumed, and Uchiha Itachi, who played Guan Yu, stood on the field and applied to play.Although Kisame didn't show any expression, luckily he said his lines correctly.

Immediately afterwards, Orochimaru also started his performance.

Not to mention, although Yu Xian hates this guy so much, but in terms of acting, Orochimaru is really good.This should be due to his foundation.
"Okay, that's the end of today." After filming for a long time, the scene finally ended after Itachi Uchiha came in with Hidan's head in his hand.

"It's finally done." Guixie had been waiting anxiously for a long time, and it was uncomfortable to sit there and read his lines. "Yu Xian, uh, no, boss, can you let me change the role? This role is really boring, a movie-level character, sitting and watching other people fight all day long, do you think Yuan Shao is full? Support."

Yu Xian rolled his eyes at him and said, "Why, the writing is not good?"

After hearing Yu Xian's words, Guixier waved his hands again and again, and said, "No, no, that's not true, I just want to change to a character that can move more, see?"

"No problem, after Yuan Shao dies, I'll let you take a new role." Yu Xian said.

Guijiao didn't expect Yu Xian to really agree, and he didn't realize it for a while, before he asked for a long time: "Really? What are you going to give me? Zhou Yu or Zhao Yun?"

Yu Xian was laughed at by Gui Jiao's words, "Come on, you still play Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun, why don't you play Diao Chan. Zhou Tai, how about it?" With your body and looks, you can play Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun, Isn't this a clear blow to the situation?I have been thinking about letting you play Yuan Shao for a long time.

"Ah? I can't play Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun." Guixie was a bit disappointed that he couldn't play these two roles, but it would be nice to have one. In the end, he said, "Zhou Tai is just Zhou Tai, at least he is a movie-level actor. .” Not being able to play the two people that Yu Xian defined as super shadow level, Gui Jiao was still a little disappointed.

Seeing the gloomy expression on Guixier's face, Yu Xian changed his tune and said, "I'll let you do a good job next."

"Huh?! Really?" After hearing Yu Xian's words, Guixie smiled and said, "Don't fool me."

The word "Flicker" was learned by Guixie from Yu Xian.

"Of course I won't fool you." Yu Xian said solemnly.

Although there was a gap between the two before, Kisame has changed a lot over the years, and under Kakuto's leadership, he has fully adapted to the group.

"Boss, have you finished the communist manifesto you wrote earlier?" Gui Jiao followed Yu Xian to the cafeteria.

"It's still early, why, you like this?" Yu Xian was a little surprised, what he wrote on the spur of the moment, he didn't expect Guiyu to like it.

Guixie nodded and said, "I feel pretty good."

(End of this chapter)

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