Naruto from scratch

Chapter 82 New Technology

Chapter 82 New Technology
Yu Xian didn't expect Guixie to have such an ideal, and actually liked this manifesto.

"You don't want to take back Wuyin Village to promote it, do you?" Yu Xian said speculatively.

Guixie rubbed his head and said: "I'll just take a look for myself, I'm not ready to take it back yet, but what you said is good, boss, after I understand it, I can take it back for publicity."

Damn it, it seems that I enlightened you?Yu Xian rubbed his forehead, and shook his head helplessly, I don't want to care about this kind of thing anymore, you can do it as you like.Anyway, the current plot is messed up, as long as Obito Uchiha doesn't use his big moves, we can all live well.

"But now you have to act out the movie first, and I'll give you the book when you go back." Shu Yuxian is at the base, so there is no way to give it to Guixie now.

Guixie nodded and said: "Okay, no problem, I'm not in a hurry, boss, just take your time."

With that said, the two of them had arrived at the canteen at the filming location, which was invited by Yile Hotel from Handajia.Anyway, the fat and water don't flow into the fields of outsiders, so if you sell yourself, you can recover a little cost.

"Boss, I found the recipe you told me to look for." While Yu Xian was eating, a person suddenly came up behind him and said.

Yu Xian turned his head, and the person who came was Huashanin Ibuki.Before, Yu Xian asked him to look for the future scientist he met when he was buying a house in Konoha, but he didn't expect this guy to move, so Ibuki only found this guy now.

"How is it? Did he agree?" Luo Hong asked. He didn't want to look for this guy in a hurry. This guy will be able to produce such an advanced ninjutsu vehicle in the future.Although Naruto looks down on it, this thing can indeed boost the combat effectiveness of most people, and it is the only weapon in an era of war.

However, Yu Xian didn't ask him to make a murder weapon. This guy has a good research ability at first sight. Ask him to partner with Orochimaru, and maybe he can tinker with the TV. At that time, the money earned is not comparable to what it is now that's it.

"Agreed, he was very excited when he knew that you were going to fund his research, and he also said that he wanted to meet you very much. He is your fan." Huashanyuan Ibuki said truthfully.

"Oh? Okay, I'll meet him after I bring him to the base." Yu Xian nodded and said. "By the way, go find Dashewan again and say that I am willing to provide him with funds, as long as he agrees to work with Fang Zhu to research radio and television for me."

Huashanyuan Yibuki has now become Yu Xian's messenger, but who asked him to get a bird to be a psychic beast, Yu Xian felt it was a waste not to find him.

"Okay, my lord." Ibuki didn't refuse, anyway, it wouldn't take much time to sit on the bird, but Ibuki didn't intend to leave, and stood still.

"What? Is there anything else?" Seeing that Yibuki hadn't moved, Yu Xian asked with his chopsticks.

Huashanyuan Yibuki was a little awkward at this time, and he hesitated in speaking, "This, that, boss, can I also play one?"

"Hey, I said what do you want to say? No problem. After you find Dashewan and come back, I will let you play one. Why are you hesitating about such a trivial matter." Yu Xian said with a smile.

Seeing Yu Xian's quick agreement, Huashanyuan Ibuki smiled and said: "Thank you, boss, I'll go find Master Orochimaru right now."

After finishing speaking, Hanayamain Ibuki turned around and left.

"You haven't eaten the French meal yet, have you? Let's eat first before leaving." Yu Xian thought that Huashanyuan Ibuki hadn't eaten yet, so he stopped him and said.

"Haha, I even forgot to ask about this." Hanayamain Ibuki asked about participating in the performance, and almost forgot to stay for dinner.

"Sit down." Yu Xian pointed to the empty seat next to him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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