Douluo: Began as Qian Renxue's guardian spirit

Chapter 134 Ning Rongrong: Can Chen Long borrow a step to explain the story?

Chapter 134 Ning Rongrong: Can Chen Long take a step to speak? (first update)
Not only Dai Mubai!Oscar!Ma Hongjun!And Tang San!

As expected of a good brother!

The most disgusting thing is Tang San!Chasing Xiao Wu relentlessly!

How dirty it is behind the scenes!
Yu Xiaogang heard that Chen Long had ruined his image, and wished he could tear this guy's mouth off.

Your mouth is so poisonous!
"First, the quality of your martial soul determines your life's achievements! Your martial souls are all of high quality! In the future, you will definitely reach Title Douluo! Even far surpass it!"

"Second, the upper limit of the absorption period can be broken!"

"No one in your family should have told you about this!"

The Seven Shrek Monsters shook their heads, "No!"

"As long as your body is strong enough, you can absorb a higher number of soul rings!"

Ning Rongrong frowned, "But...predecessors have tried it! The effect is not very great! It can only increase the life of the soul ring a little bit!"

Chen Long nodded, "That's right! But if you use the method of tempering your body, you can easily absorb a higher number of years!"

"Let me give you an example!"

"For example, you can only absorb 1000-year spirit rings, but if you have the method of tempering your body, then you can absorb two to five thousand spirit rings!"

"It depends on how strong your body is!"

Except for Tang San and Xiao Wu who had heard Chen Long talk about it, they didn't show any signs of shock.

The five Shrek monsters were all shocked by Chen Long's words.

Ning Rongrong: "Chen Long! Is everything you said true?"

Chen Long nodded, "Of course it's true! I don't like lying the most!"

"Then..." Ning Rongrong just opened his mouth, but there was no more to say.

Obviously thought that this method of tempering the body is not rumored!
It's useless to ask myself!
It even collapsed his image in Chen Long's eyes.

Chen Long smiled faintly, "I know many of you are a little cautious, don't even think about it! I will only give it to someone I can trust!"

"Xiao Wu! Come to my room to pass it on to you at night!"

"Don't pass it on to anyone else!"

Xiao Wu nodded again and again, "Yeah! Chen Long, I know! I will never pass it on to anyone else!"

Ning Rongrong pouted, as if she was angry.

"Okay, I don't want to say anything, let's go eat first! The body is the capital of the revolution! Don't be exhausted!"


Yu Xiaogang on the side is not feeling well.

I just came here for the first day, so I didn't stand up!
On the contrary, he was looked down upon by the Shrek Six Monsters!
In the future... how will I manage myself!
Yu Xiaogang turned his head to look at his good brother Flender.

He shrugged and said nothing.

This made Yu Xiaogang even more uncomfortable.

I didn't expect that my good brothers would not help me anymore!
Why is this!

Yu Xiaogang lowered his head, deep in thought.

It was Chen Long's fault!
He did it!

Yu Xiaogang's eyes flickered with murderous intent, which was quickly hidden under his eyes.

He knew he couldn't beat Chen Long!It can only be hidden in my heart!

As everyone knows!
All of this was seen by Chen Long and Qian Renxue.

Their spiritual realm is so much higher, if they can't even detect the killing intent so close!

Then... it is recommended not to live!

Qian Renxue put Yu Xiaogang on the blacklist in an instant!
Chen Long wanted to abuse him!
Just abuse it!
It's so abused that Chen Long doesn't want to abuse it anymore!

I will kill him!

Empathy!So is Tang San!
Chen Long doesn't want to be abused anymore!

Let me, Qian Renxue, figure it out with my own hands!

Closer to home.

The Seven Shrek Monsters didn't obey Yu Xiaogang's words, so they ran to have dinner.

Just after dinner, they started to run around the village slowly.

This made Yu Xiaogang gnash his teeth even more.

【Ding!mission completed!Reward three Divine Origin Pills! 】


After running ten laps, the Shrek Seven Devils were exhausted.

Ning Rongrong paused for a while, and saw Chen Long talking and laughing happily with Qian Renxue and Hu Liena in the distance, she gritted her teeth and made up her mind.

Ning Rongrong stepped on lotus steps and came to Chen Long.

"Chen Long... I have something to talk to you about! Can I take a step to talk?"

Chen Long smiled lightly, "Of course!"


Ning Rongrong blushed, and walked towards the place where no one was there, followed closely by Chen Long.

Soon, the two stopped in an empty place.

"Rongrong, what's the matter?" Chen Long asked with a smile.

Ning Rongrong intertwined two fingers, and whispered: "Well... I want to ask if the method of tempering the body can be passed on to me..."

Chen Long stroked his chin, pretending to be thinking, "It's possible...but it requires a price!"

Ning Rongrong raised her head and said excitedly: "Really? What do you want? I can give you everything! Money! Women! Anything!"

The corners of Chen Long's mouth curled up, revealing a smirk.

"Money? The most important thing I need is money! Women? The most important thing I need!"

"Rongrong! I have everything you said!"

"Then what do you want?" Ning Rongrong looked at Chen Long's handsome face, lowered his head and asked.

Chen Long thought to himself: What do I want most?That must be a girl like Rongrong!
Chen Long's eyes scanned Ning Rongrong's whole body unscrupulously.

This made Ning Rongrong very ashamed and a little bit happy.




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(End of this chapter)

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