Chapter 135 The Almighty Body! (Second more)
Chen Long's eyes scanned Ning Rongrong's whole body unscrupulously.

This made Ning Rongrong very ashamed and a little bit happy.

Originally, when she met Ning Rongrong for the first time, she had a good impression of Chen Long.

Later, after Xiao Wu talked about it many times, this kind of affection grew more and more, and she was very curious about Chen Long!
Now he is here!
He also gave such amazing information!
This made Ning Rongrong's whole heart tremble.

"What do you think? Rongrong?" Chen Long teased.

When Ning Rongrong heard that Chen Long called her so intimately, she felt flustered and secretly pleased.

"I... I don't know." Ning Rongrong lowered her head and said shyly.

Chen Long shook his head and laughed.

Either way!

I have plenty of time!

Sooner or later let Rongrong experience happiness!
Chen Long raised his hand and lightly tapped Ning Rongrong's forehead.

In an instant, something about the method of tempering the body appeared in her mind.

At the same time, Chen Long observed Ning Rongrong's whole body closely.

She wore long black hair hanging down like three thousand blue silks, and some beautiful hair lay quietly on a pair of bumpy breasts.

She has a delicate and fair face, a pair of piercing eyes, a small and exquisite nose tip, and ruddy lips.

A noble and pure temperament mixed together, showing a different kind of beauty.

Under the neck, Ning Rongrong was wearing a blue conservative skirt, which did not reveal a bit of skin, and a pair of small hillside breasts stood firm.

Looking down, it is Ning Rongrong's beautiful white legs!

She was wearing small blue stockings on her jade feet, and she was stepping on a pair of black flat shoes.

This looks like a doll in Chen Long's previous life!
13 minute later.

Only then did Ning Rongrong absorb and digest the method of tempering the body in his mind.

At the same time, he was shocked and delighted at the strength of the method of tempering his body.

She raised her head, looked directly into Chen Long's eyes, and pursed her red lips: "Thank you! Chen Long!"

After finishing speaking, he kissed Chen Long's side face very quickly.

Run after kissing.

Chen Long felt the remaining temperature and fragrance on his face, and showed an evil smile.

I did not say anything!

Didn't ask Rong Rong!
But he offered his first kiss!

Is this your own charm?
As expected of me!

This scene was all seen by the Shrek Six Monsters, Qian Renxue, and Hu Liena.

Tang San: Grass!Why did Ning Rongrong kiss Chen Long!Why!Why!Do they have some ulterior secret?

Dai Mubai: Why do I feel that something is wrong?
Oscar: I don't know why the hair on the top of my head is a little heavier.

Ma Hongjun: I'm so envious!If only you could kiss me!

Yu Xiaogang: Ahhhhh!Why!Why Chen Long can be so beautiful!And I can't!I'm on two boats!Just break the relationship with Bibi Dong!I dare not face Liu Erlong!

Qian Renxue curled her lips, "Chen Long went to harm other women again!"

Hu Liena: "Xue'er, why didn't you stop him!"

Qian Renxue looked at the sky and stretched out her hands, "Chen Long has a big heart! It's big! Not a few people can restrain him!"

the other side.

Chen Long touched the side face kissed by Ning Rongrong, and said with a smirk: "Don't poke the needle!"

【Ding!Kind tips!Please come up with what the host wants quickly!Otherwise, the reward will be canceled tomorrow! 】

A long-lost system voice sounded in Chen Long's mind.

The system does not say!

Chen Long almost forgot that he still has a reward that he hasn't used yet!

He doesn't know what he wants yet!
"What do I want?" Chen Long muttered to himself.

"Now I just use my spiritual power to condense into an entity! It's not an entity in the true sense...then I want an entity!"

【Ding!Whether the "entity" is regarded as a reward! 】


Chen Long refused.

Anyway, anything can be achieved!

The benefits you want directly can't be too little!
Chen Long organized his words and said slowly: "I want an entity that can change as I like! I can also get into Xue'er's body!"

"Also! The strength of the physical body must be high! The kidney must be the best! The kind that can resist seven or eight girls overnight!"

【Ding!Is the "universal body" regarded as a reward? 】

Chen Long:? ! !
Good guy!
That's all I said!

The system, you directly created an omnipotent body for me!

Awesome! 666!

That's it!

Chen Long had a smirk on his face, and said silently in his heart: Yes!
In an instant, Chen Long felt that his body seemed to be a little more solid.


He also felt the gravity of Douluo Dalu!
Chen Long clenched his fists, feeling his whole body full of strength.

"Is this what it's like to have a body? Needles don't poke!"

Chen Long was so excited that he quickly returned to Qian Renxue and Hu Liena's side.

Qian Renxue looked at the excited Chen Long, rolled her eyes, and said angrily, "Chen Long! I was kissed by Ning Rongrong, why are you so excited?"

Chen Long shook his head, he didn't hide the fact that his body was completely physical, and explained: "I'm not excited about this!"

"What's the matter?" Qian Renxue and Hu Liena stared straight at Chen Ting. They were very curious that Chen Ting wasn't excited by Ning Rongrong's kiss, so why was he excited?




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(End of this chapter)

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