Chapter 101 Angel Yan

In Shengyu Tianting Academy of Sciences, after listening to Hua Youhan's introduction to the causal weapon, Yang Yu immediately asked, "What is the attack range of this causal weapon? Is it controllable?"

"We can control the attack range and target, but the current attack range is only a hundred light-years, but I will expand the attack range as soon as possible, please rest assured." Hua Youhan explained to Yang Yu aloud.

"Very good. Your next step is to continue to expand the attack range of this weapon and integrate it into the Holy Net system so that it can strike any target in the entire known universe in the Holy Universe. How long is it expected to be completed?"

Hua Youhan thought for a while silently, raised his head and said to Yang Yu, "Emperor Heaven, it is easier to expand the attack range, but it is estimated that it will take thousands of years to complete this task if it is to be able to strike targets across star fields."

"Since that's the case, try your best. Anyway, we don't need it right now, so don't worry." Yang Yu said aloud.

After Yang Yu explained the matter to Hua Youhan, he immediately left the Academy of Sciences.


Time passed, until the 240 years of the Shengyu calendar, and the 3000 and [-] years of the angel calendar.

The entire known universe is filled with a sense of urgency before the Great War, because Morgana sent demons to disrupt the civilization under the angel's rule. For more than 700 years, the angel civilization and the demon civilization have been at war all the time.

At present, the demon civilization is showing signs of coming out in full force. The second war between angels and demons will break out at any time. Other civilizations in the universe are also cautious, for fear of getting burned and bringing the war between angels and demons to themselves. .

And not long ago, Yutong, the left guard of the holy Kaisa of the angelic civilization, fell and was killed by a demon in a place called Tailuo Star in the Angel Starfield.

At present, the left wing guard of Holy Kaisa is served by the angel Alan, because Hexi wants to study the sub-biological engine, and the right wing is represented by the angel Liuyue, but if there is a war with the devil, Hexi will definitely participate in the war.

Before the fall of the angel Yutong, she became the guardian angel of Augustus on Tai Luoxing. She once saved Augustus and took care of Augustus for two years before leaving without saying goodbye. The name is Yan.

Since then, Augustus has been far away from the bustling city and lived in seclusion in a small village. As Yan's biological father, Augustus is a woodcutter with a strange personality and taciturn, but his identity has an unknown secret. Seen as a weirdo by neighbors.

In fact, he was a general who followed the former emperor of the Duren Empire. He was framed and rescued by Yan's mother. After Yutong left, he lived in seclusion in a small village and raised Yan.His original name was Augustus, and he was a legendary general of the Governor Blade Empire.

When Yan was 16 years old, Augustus was discovered and taken away by a general of the Duren Empire, and he slaughtered the entire village. Yan was lucky to escape because he went out to play.

Later, Yan found out that Augustus was taken away, and in grief, activated the angel gene in her body to become an angel, and rushed to the palace of the Duren Empire to kill, but Yan did not save Augustus. life.

When Kaisha of the City of Angels activated the angel gene, Liu Yue, the acting right-wing guard, went to the Duren Empire in Tai Luo to bring Yan back to the City of Angels.

At this time, Yan had brought Augustus' body back to the village where she lived. After burying Augustus, Yan sat motionless in front of the tomb and did not speak.

An hour later, the angel Liuyue descended from the sky, looking at the sad Yan in front of her, Liuyue didn't make a sound to disturb her.

But soon, Yan had discovered the angel Liuyue flying in the sky, and Yan's hoarse voice sounded, "Who are you? Are you an angel?"

"Yes, I am an angel, not only me, but you are also an angel now, follow me back to the Heavenly Court of Melo." Liu Yue said softly.

"Oh, angel, I would rather be just a mortal, living happily with my father every day, without thinking about anything." Yan said with a miserable smile.

After listening to Yan's words, Liuyue was relatively speechless, and after a while, Liuyue's voice sounded, "No matter what you were before, you are already an angel now, do you want your father, the spirit in the sky, to see your current state? To be an angel in the future and live a good life is what he wants to see, do you understand?"

Yan was silent for a while, then looked up at the moon in the sky and said, "Okay, I'll go with you to Melo Heaven."

After Yan agreed, Liu Yue immediately led Yan back to the Heavenly Court of Melo.


After Liu Yue brought Yan back to the Heavenly Court of Melo, she walked directly towards the palace.

At this moment, Liu Yue turned her head and looked at Yan behind her and said, "Flying is not allowed around this palace, you must keep in mind, don't run around here and there, as for the other rules in Melo's Heavenly Court, I will tell you later Yes, understand?"

Hiko behind him nodded to show he understood.

Soon, the two came to the gate of the palace. The person in charge of the gate obviously knew Liu Yue, and Liu Yue led Yan directly through the gate and entered the palace.

Arriving outside the main hall, Liu Yue asked Yan to wait outside, and entered the main hall alone.

After Liuyue left, Yan immediately began to look around curiously at the entrance of the main hall.

Inside the hall, Liu Yue looked at Kaisha on the throne and reported, "Queen, Yutong's child has been brought back, and it is now outside the hall, please make a decision for the queen."

Keisha said calmly, "Let her in, how about letting me see Yutong's child?"

"Yes, queen." Liu Yue turned and walked outside the hall.

After a while, Liu Yue brought Yan back to the hall again, Kaisa looked at Yan below the hall and said, "Your name is Yan, right? Do you know who your mother is?"

As soon as Yan heard Kesha's words, he immediately asked excitedly, "Do you know my mother? Who is she? Tell me quickly."

"Presumptuous, Yan, why are you talking to Queen Keisha?" Liuyue next to him scolded Yan, but there was a concerned expression on her face.

"It's okay, she just became an angel, and she doesn't understand many rules, so it will be fine in the future." Keisha waved her hand and said.

"I have never met my mother, but before my father died, I learned from him that my mother is an angel, and you are also angels. You should know my mother?" Yan looked excitedly at Kaisha and Liu Yue and others.

Liu Yue looked at Yan's hopeful gaze, and didn't know how to answer, should she tell her that her mother has also fallen? She just lost her father, how can she lose her mother again.

Liu Yue looked at Keisha, then looked into Yan's eyes and said, "Your mother has a mission now, and she is not in the Merlot Heavenly Court. It may take a long, long time to come back. You can rest assured here and wait for her to come back. How come?" Sample?"

"Okay, then I'll be waiting for my mother here from now on." Yan nodded excitedly.

(End of this chapter)

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