Chapter 102 Angel Civilization
In the palace hall of Angel Civilization, Kaisa looked at Yan who was excited because of the news of her mother, and said to Liuyue, "From now on, you will be Angel Yan's master, and she will be assigned to your army. .”

"Of order, Queen Keisha." Liu Yue said respectfully.

Afterwards, Liu Yue took Angel Yan out of the palace hall, preparing to arrange a residence for Angel Yan.

After leaving the palace, Liu Yue brought Angel Yan to a luxurious palace, and said to Angel Yan next to him, "You will live here from now on, don't think too much, and live well here in the future, understand?"

"By the way, the angel living in the palace next to you is from the same place as you. If you have time in the future, you can talk more." Liu Yue pointed to a palace not far away and faced the angel in front of her. Yan said.

"Okay, I see, thank you master." Angel Yan said.

"Then I'll leave first, you should have a good rest first, I'll come back in three hours and take you to my army." Liu Yue then turned and left the place.

After Liuyue left, Angel Yan turned around and walked into the palace, pushed open the gate of the palace, Angel Yan looked at the white hall in front of him, with a smile on his face, Angel Yan found a rest room, and prepared to take a good rest first.

Because there is no night in Merlot Heaven, Angel Yan didn't rest for long. After getting up to wash, he was going to see the angel next to him who came from the same place as him.

Arriving at the door of the other party, Angel Yan saw an angel coming out of it, and hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Hello, I am Angel Yan, and I am from Tailuo Star. Are you too?"

"That's right, I'm Angel Luoxi, and I'm also from Tyro Star, please come in, let's talk inside." Angel Luoxi and Angel Yan returned to the palace together.

After entering Luo Xi's resting place, Angel Yan asked curiously, "When did you become an angel?"

"It hasn't been long, maybe more than 30 years. I'm still a recruit now." Luoxi said shyly.

"Are you also in my master's legion, that is Angel Liuyue." Angel Yan explained looking at Luo Xi's puzzled expression.

Seeing Luoxi's nod, Angel Yan immediately asked, "How many angels are there in the Angel Legion? How many legions are there? Are there any important people in the Angel Civilization?"

"This should be told to you by the head of the Liuyue Legion when he takes you to the legion, but since you asked now, let me tell you."

Luo Xi then introduced to Angel Yan, "Our angel civilization currently has a total of one thousand angel legions, and each legion has ten Skyblade warships. A legion has a total of one thousand angels. The thousand angel legions have a total of one million angels. Angel Warrior.

And because the head of the Liuyue Army is the acting right-wing guard, she is now in charge of all the Angel Legion. You just became an Angel, and now you are also an Angel recruit just like me.

And angels are divided into angel recruits, angel vanguards, angel elite soldiers, and guardian angels. There are three generations of guardian angels. The head of the Liuyue Army is the second generation of guardian angels. Together with the head of the Crescent Moon Legion, enforce justice and order in the universe. "Roxie said with longing on her face.

Yan didn't care about Luo Xi's thoughts. After all, she had just become an angel, and she didn't know what it meant to be a guardian angel. The residence of the Angel Legion.

The Angel Sixth Legion is a legion directly under Liu Yue's command. Liu Yue took Yan to the Sixth Army's garrison, called the deputy head of the army, pointed at Yan and said to her, "This is Angel Yan, who just became an angel. Angel, you take her to report to the new barracks, and she will train there later."

After Liuyue finished explaining to the deputy army commander, she turned to look at Angel Yan and said, "You will train here in the future, and you can find me if you don't understand anything, understand?"

"I see, thank you master." Angel Yan said softly.

Liu Yue explained some things to the deputy army leader, and then left here, and then the deputy army leader looked at Angel Yan in front of him and introduced, "Hello, Angel Yan, this is where you will train from now on, I am from the Sixth Army Deputy Army Commander, let's go, I'll take you to the training place to meet your captain."

Angel Yan followed the deputy army chief to a huge training ground, where many angels were training. After seeing the deputy army chief, he quickly saluted and said respectfully, "See the deputy army chief."

"You don't need to be too polite, you can continue training, I'll go to the new barracks." Regardless of the curious eyes of the angels on the training ground, the deputy army leader led Yan to the training ground of the new barracks.

Yan followed the deputy army leader to a place that was much smaller than the training ground just now. The deputy army leader pointed to a group of angels in front and said, "there are all recruits there, and you will train with them here from now on."

At this time, the angels had already seen the deputy army chief and Angel Yan, and one of the angels ran over and said, "Deputy army chief, what's the matter? This is you?"

Looking at Yan behind the deputy army commander, the angel's face was full of doubts.

"It's no big deal. This is Angel Yan. She will join your team in the future. From now on, she will train with you, understand?" the deputy army chief pointed to Angel Yan.

"Okay, Deputy Commander."

"You take her there, don't worry about me." The deputy army chief waved and said.

Soon, Angel Yan followed the Angel Captain to the training ground, and the deputy army commander also turned and left.

"All the angels are assembled, I have something to say." Captain Angel brought Yan to the training ground, and quickly called the angels on the training ground to come to him.

After a while, all the angels came to stand in front of the captain. The captain looked at the ten angels in front of him and said, "The one behind me is Angel Yan. She will join our team in the future. She will be your partner in the future. Understand." ?"

"Understood, captain." The ten angels said loudly.

"Okay, you guys go to training first, I'll take Yan to change into training clothes." The captain led Yan to the room next to the training ground.

At the door, the captain turned and looked at Yan and said, "Go in, change into a training uniform and grab a weapon by the way."

After Angel Yan nodded, he immediately entered the room.

The captain was waiting outside. About half an hour later, Angel Yan came out of the room. The captain looked at Yan after putting on the angel armor, holding a flaming sword, looking very heroic.

Captain Angel didn't say anything, and took Yan back to the training ground.

(End of this chapter)

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