Chapter 105 Angel Yan in Distress

In the Holy Star Civilization, Zhu Lingyu took Yuchen to the Shengyu Heavenly Court, and dispatched a hundred Holy Heaven Guards from the Holy Star Civilization's permanent guards to accompany him.


At the same time, in the Phillipton Galaxy of the Angel Star Field, the Angel Squad led by Angel Yan is in crisis.

When Angel Yan received the order and led the team to the main star of Ferriton, everything was normal on the planet and nothing abnormal was found, so they temporarily stayed here at the Angel Legion station.

During this period of time, Angel Yan and the others sent five angels to go out to patrol every day to see if there was any abnormality. The communication was also cut off and completely disappeared.

And it didn't take long for Angel Yan and others to receive the news of the demon haunting. In the Angel Legion's garrison, Angel Yan thought for a while, got up and walked out.

"Where are you going?" Seeing Angel Yan walking out, Angel Leng beside him asked hastily.

"Go to the place where the devil appears, do you have any questions?" Angel Yan said without looking back.

"Are you really ignorant or are you just pretending to be stupid? As soon as Luo Xi and the others lost the news, the demons appeared. Is this a coincidence? Maybe the demons have already set up traps, just waiting for you to sneak in." Angel Leng's face was full of anger, looking at Angel Yan who was still walking out, he questioned.

After listening to Angel Leng's questioning, Angel Yan stopped, turned to look at Angel Leng, and said with a frosty face, "When I came here, I promised the Legion Commander that I would take all of you back, don't you want Make me lose my trust in the legion commander?"

"But if you go now, can you solve the problem?"

"You don't need to worry about it, I can go alone, you just stay here and wait for me." After Tian Tianyan finished speaking, he raised his feet and walked out of the room without looking back.

"You..." Angel Leng pointed at the away Angel Yan behind him and was speechless. In desperation, he had no choice but to say to the angels who stayed here, "Go, let's follow, who made Angel Yan the captain?" , Even if you know it’s a trap, you still have to rescue them.”

The angels next to them covered their mouths and snickered. They knew that the angel's coldness was just a stubborn mouth. In fact, she was more worried about Luoxi and the others than anyone else. Otherwise, she would have contacted Liuyue from the Heavenly Court of Merlot long ago. How could she be with the angel now? Yan to go together.

"What are you laughing at, don't hurry up, I didn't see Angel Yan has already gone far." The angel in front turned coldly and looked at the angels and said angrily.

The angels immediately recovered their expressions, and followed Angel Leng with a serious face.

Soon, Angel Leng and the others had already caught up with Angel Yan, Angel Leng looked at Yan who was about to say something, and immediately said, "Don't think too much, I'm just worried about Angel Luoxi and the others."

After hearing this, Angel Yan smiled without saying a word, but walked forward at a faster speed, and Angel Leng and others behind him followed immediately.

Not long after, Angel Yan and the others came to the place where they had last contact with Luoxi and the others. This was a valley, and there was some darkness in the valley, but of course it would not affect the angels, so Angel Yan and the others kept walking along the valley. He flew forward and didn't stop until the deepest part of the valley.

Luoxi and the others lost contact here, Angel Yan let everyone descend to the ground, looked at them and said, "Look carefully, and see if there are any clues."

The four angels in front of them quickly dispersed, slowly searching for clues that Luoxi and the others might have left behind.

At this time, in a hidden place in the valley, Angel Luoxi and five angels were tied up, surrounded by hundreds of demons. A demon leader looked at Luoxi and taunted, "How? I told you a long time ago. Angel's justice is hypocritical, you see you have lost news for such a long time, and your teammates haven't come to you, which means that your captain has given up on you."

"Whatever you say, anyway, we won't believe anything the devil says." The angel Luoxi said aloud.

"Hmph, I still refuse to admit it. I don't care. I don't think there will be an angel coming to save them. Come on and kill them." The demon leader waved to the surrounding demons.

After hearing the order, the surrounding demons swarmed up, but at this moment, Angel Yan's voice came from a distance.

"You demons are so bold. You dare to kill our angels within the scope of our angelic civilization, and you dare to talk about the justice of our angels without shame."

The demon leader waved the demons back, looked at Angel Yan and others flying in the distance, and said, "Oh? You really dare to come, and you are not afraid of dying here."

"Hmph, do you think that our angels are like you, who are greedy for life and afraid of death?" Angel Yan came to Luo Xi and the others, untied their shackles, turned to look at the demon leader and mocked.

Without waiting for the demon leader to say anything, Luo Xi, who was next to Angel Yan, hurriedly said, "Yan, this is a trap for the devil, let's go."

"Hahaha, I want to leave. Now that you're here, stay here forever. Get on me and kill them." The demon leader laughed and waved his hands to surround all the hidden demons.

Angel Yan watched dozens of times more demons surround him, and said to the angels behind him, "Everyone, even if we die, we will make the demons in front of us pay a heavy price."

The angels held the flaming swords and said loudly, "For justice, death is not a pity."

The battle between the two sides broke out immediately, and Angel Yan rushed to the demon commander and slashed at him with a sword. The demon commander smiled disdainfully, and also resisted with his sword, and the two started a fierce battle.

But because of the huge difference in strength, Angel Yan was injured within a short time, and the other angels were in a precarious situation.

Looking at the situation in front of him, Angel Yan had no choice but to use flame bombing, but still failed to eliminate the demon commander. He looked at Angel Yan and taunted, "Don't be stubborn anymore, I am the second generation of gods, and you are just the first The second-generation super fighter, even though you have the Thunder gene, your attack power is only barely equal to the third-generation super fighter, and it is still not enough to destroy me."

Angel Yan looked at the battlefield in front of him, every angel was injured, turned his head to look at the demon leader and said, "Even if you destroy us, there will still be other angels to stop you, and when they come, I will stop you." We have notified our legion commander, and you will not end well."

"Come on, destroy these angels." The demon leader ordered angrily to the surrounding demons.

Seeing that the demons were about to destroy Angel Yan and the others, an attack fell from the sky, and dozens of demons were wiped out. At the same time, a voice came from the sky, "You have so many demons besieging ten angels for so long, and you haven't taken them down yet." , really humiliated Morgana."

(End of this chapter)

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