The Overlord of the Heavens in the Super Seminary

Chapter 106 The Power of the Holy Heavenly Guard

Chapter 106 The Power of the Holy Heavenly Guard

In the valley where Phillipton Lord, Angel Yan and others were fighting the demon, the demon commander raised his head and said angrily after hearing the voice from above, "Who? Dare to meddle in our demon affairs, and dare to tease Queen Morgana."

Angel Yan and the others also looked up and saw two young men coming here with a hundred soldiers.

Soon, the leading man came in front of the crowd, pointed at the demons around him and said to the demon leader, "Am I not right? Look at all the demons you have, and not a single angel has been wiped out, so I'm ashamed to go back." See Morgana?"

"As for who we are, listen carefully. I am Zhu Lingyu, the head of the first army of the Holy Heaven Guard in the Shengyu Heavenly Court, and behind me is Yuchen, the master of the Holy Star Civilization. How about it? Is it clear enough?" Zhu Lingyu looked The demon commander said calmly.

"You... Shengyu Heavenly Court? Why are you here? This is a war between our demons and angelic civilizations. Please look at Queen Morgana's face and don't intervene?" Knowing that Zhu Lingyu and others are from Shengyu Heavenly Court The demon commander immediately asked cautiously.

"Why are we here, do you care? In the known universe, we can go wherever we want and do whatever we want, you tell us not to interfere, okay, then we won't do anything, come on, Let them feel the power of the Void Engine." Zhu Lingyu waved his hand, and two holy heaven guards came out from behind him.

Seeing this, the demon commander had no choice but to order an attack, only to see the surrounding demons surrounded him again.

"Be careful." Angel Yan next to him hurriedly reminded Zhu Lingyu and others.

Zhu Lingyu waved to the two Saint Heaven Guards, they took a step forward and said, "Start the Holy Sky Void Engine."

"The Holy Sky Void Engine has been activated."

"Analyze the identity of the target and scan the strength of the target."

"Analyzing, [-]%, [-]%, the analysis is complete, the current target is the demon soldiers under the demon star field Morgana, currently the second generation of super fighters, equipped with standard killing gods."

"Compared to the data, the Holy Sky Void Engine has a core computing speed of [-] frames, an additional anti-void ability, an intermediate concept rewriter, and a primary definition of matter."

"Construct the concept of attack, create a void barrier, and prohibit any energy flow in the void barrier."

"Target, all the demons around except the demon leader, build the strike concept, reflect light energy, anti dark energy, anti void, create an absolute vacuum, the definition is complete. Create a void barrier, and any energy flow in the void barrier will be blocked."

All the demons around were shrouded by the void barrier, and the demons immediately used Shenshenwu to attack the void barrier, but it had no effect.

"The target is trying to break through the void barrier and launch the Holy Heaven Judgment."

"Creating an endless loop of logic, suppressing the target's thinking, setting the concept of the void barrier, incomprehensible, the target is using Shenshenwu to resist, anti-shenwu, concept crushing."

"Solve the material structure of the target. The target belongs to the devil's genetic modification. The progress of the solution is 30.00%, [-]%, [-]%. The solution is complete."

I saw that the Shenshenwu in the demon's hand was gradually disintegrated, and the two Shenyun swords swept across, and all the surrounding demons were reduced to ashes.

"Target has been eliminated, restoring the concept to its natural state."

Seeing that the two holy heaven guards destroyed thousands of demons without even moving their hands, the demon commander and Angel Yan and others beside them watched all this dumbfounded, and they stood still for a long time before they came back to their senses.

"You... What kind of attack method are you doing?" the demon leader stammered and asked.

"Humph, you don't understand after I said it, and why should I tell you, well, I won't kill you today, go back to the Devil Starfield and tell Morgana, and don't care about our Shengyu Heavenly Court in the future. The people from Yu Tianting have to make a detour, understand?" Before Zhu Lingyu could speak, Yu Chen who was next to him stepped forward and looked at the demon commander, and said domineeringly.

"You, Queen Morgana will not let you go, hum." The demon leader shouted sharply.

"Aren't you going? Do you want to die?" Yuchen said sharply, scaring the demon commander into the sky in a hurry.

At this time, Angel Yan came over from the side and said, "Thank you for saving us, thank you very much."

"We're just passing by, so you don't need to thank us." Yuchen said expressionlessly.

"Hey, why did you let that demon commander go back, why didn't you just kill him?" Angel Leng came over and asked.

Yuchen looked at Angel Leng, and said indifferently, "Shengyu Tianting does things, you don't need to teach us how to do things here, you can kill him yourself if you have the ability."

"You...!" Angel pointed at Yuchen coldly, speechless.

"Enough, Angel Leng, please pay attention to your attitude." Angel Yan stretched out his hand to stop Leng who wanted to say something.

"Are we going directly to Shengyu Tianting now?" Yuchen turned to look at Zhu Lingyu and asked.

"Since we have found the trace of the demon, if there is nothing else, we will return to Shengyu Heavenly Court now." Zhu Lingyu said.

Zhu Lingyu took Yuchen and a hundred holy heaven guards to open the space wormhole and left the planet.

After seeing the people from Shengyu Tianting leave, Angel Yan turned to look at all the wounded angels and said, "Let's go back to the legion station too. The head of the legion should have arrived, and we have to report to her what happened here."

Afterwards, Angel Yan took all the angels and flew towards the legion station.


Phillipton Star, in the base of the Angel Legion, Angel Liuyue rushed here immediately after receiving Yan's call for help.

In the hall, Liuyue showed a trace of worry on her face, looked at the angel in front of her and asked, "Have you not contacted Angel and the others yet?"

"Legion Commander, they haven't been found yet, will it be..." the angel guessed.

"No, they should be trapped, wait a little longer." Liu Yue was also a little uncertain.

At this moment, an angel came over and said, "Legion Commander, Angel and the others are back, but everyone is injured."

Liu Yue hurriedly got up and walked out, and the angel next to her hurriedly followed.

At the gate of the station, Liuyue saw Angel Yan and others bruised and bruised as soon as they arrived here. They were supported by the angels and walked over. Liu Yue looked at Angel Yan who wanted to say something, and said aloud, "Okay, sit in the hall." Let's talk later."

After a while, Angel Yan and others were supported by the angels and came to sit down in the hall. Liu Yue said, "Tell me, what happened? Why are you all injured so badly?"

"Legion commander, it was the devil who caught Luoxi and the others. When I led people to rescue them, I was ambushed by the devil." Angel Yan explained.

"Tell me what happened in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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