The Overlord of the Heavens in the Super Seminary

Chapter 107 The Eve of the Great War

Chapter 107 The Eve of the Great War
On Felipon Star, where the Angel Legion is stationed, Angel Yan told Liuyue what happened in detail, and also told Liuyue that the people from Shengyu Tianting appeared here.

After listening to Angel Yan's report, Liu Yue frowned, and asked suspiciously, "What are the people from Shengyu Tianting doing in our Angel Starfield? And their strength, just two soldiers can destroy thousands of demons , really powerful."

"I don't know, but I think it may be that the demons have been acting too much recently, so they went to investigate in my angel star field, and happened to encounter the demons who ambushed us." Angel Yan told Liu Yue about himself guess.

"Okay, let's not care what the people from Shengyu Tianting are doing in the Angel Starfield. Since the demon you mentioned has been wiped out by them, I think the demon will not come again in a short time. I will contact Queen Kaisha first. Report the situation here to the queen, and ask the queen to make a decision."

Liuyue then contacted Kaisa from Merlot Heavenly Court through Angel Dark Communication, and soon, Kaisa's voice sounded in the hall, "Liuyue, have you found the devil? What happened to Angelyan and the others?"

"Reporting to Queen Kaisa, Angel Yan and others have returned, and all the demons here have been wiped out by the Holy Heavenly Guards of the Holy Eaves Heavenly Court. At present, there is not a single demon on the entire Phillipton Star." Angel Liuyue said respectfully Report to Kesha.

"Shengyu Heavenly Court? Why did they come to the Angel Starfield?" Kaisha asked calmly.

"I think it's to find out the recent actions of the demon. After destroying the demon here, the other party left here. Angel Yan and the others didn't know much about it." Liu Yue explained to Kesha.

"In this case, you should stay in Phillipton first to prevent the demon from making a comeback, and Angel Yan should stay there too." Kesha ordered to Liuyue.

"Yes, Queen."

After Kaisha disconnected, Liuyue looked at everyone and said, "Queen Kaisa ordered us to stay here to prevent demons, and ordered all angels to be vigilant to prevent further demons from sneaking in, understand?"

"Understood, please rest assured, the legion commander." The angels in the hall said in unison.


One day later, in the Holy Heaven Hall of Shengyu Tianting, Wu Tianyi reported to Yang Yu, "Heavenly Emperor, Zhu Lingyu, the head of the Holy Heaven Guard Army, has arrived at the Holy Heaven Emperor Palace with Yuchen, the Lord of the Holy Star, and is currently waiting for your summoning outside."

Yang Yu said calmly, "Let them in."

After a while, Zhu Lingyu and Yuchen came in from outside the hall, saluted Yang Yu respectfully and said, "See the Emperor of Heaven, may the Emperor of Heaven be immortal and live forever."

"You don't need to be too polite, let's all get up." Yang Yu raised his hand and said.

"I already know what happened to you in the Angel Starfield. Yuchen, when you come to Shengyu Heavenly Court this time, I will improve your strength. After all, you are now one of your own, and your strength is too low to be justified. "Yang Yu interrupted Zhu Lingyu who was about to say something, and said to Yuchen next to him.

"Thank God."

"The battle between the devil and the angel is about to start now. As long as it doesn't affect my Shengyu Heavenly Court, none of you can interfere, you know?" Yang Yu warned everyone.

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Yang Yu then asked Wu Tianyi, "What's the situation with Karl in the Styx Star Region recently?"

"Emperor of Heaven, Karl developed a subordinate civilization thousands of years ago, but it is not the Shenhe body, but the mechanical body of the animal body that has been transformed into a pure mecha. They call themselves Taotie, and it is now a second-level civilization.

Recently, Karl has developed another animal body civilization, which has just reached the standard of a second-level civilization. Both of these civilizations are in the Styx star field. "Wu Tianyi replied aloud.

"And Karl has fused the void matter into his body. He has now become a phantom body, which cannot be destroyed by ordinary physical attacks." Wu Tianxu continued.

"Understood, how is the progress of Karl's research on void technology?"

"Currently Karl has researched the third-generation simulated void engine, but it has also reached the apex of this engine. Karl is now starting the research on the real void engine. At present, he has developed a void engine with a core computing speed of four frames. However, the technical It's not yet mature, Karl is perfecting it." Wu Tianyi reported to Yang Yu in detail Karl's research progress on void technology.

"You will continue to keep an eye on Karl in the future, and report everything about him to me once every 3000 years, understand?" Knowing Karl's current situation, Yang Yu instructed Wu Tianyi.

"Emperor, don't worry, I will keep an eye on Karl's movements, and his every move is under my control." Wu Tianyi said.

"Very good, Yuchen, go to the Academy of Sciences to upgrade your divine body, and equip a 24-frame void engine by the way, and then you can stay in Shengyu Tianting for a while before going back." Yang Yu instructed Yuchen next to him.

"Thank you, Emperor of Heaven, then I will go out first." After Yuchen saluted, he turned and left the hall.

"Zhu Lingyu, I have something for you to do. From now on, you will add another five legions to the Holy Heaven Guard within 5000 years, so that you can gather ten Holy Heaven Guard legions. Can you do it?"

"I will do it, the Emperor of Heaven can rest assured." Zhu Lingyu said respectfully.

"In that case, I'll leave this matter to you, go." Yang Yu waved Zhu Lingyu to leave.


At the same time, in the city of demons in the demon star field, the demon commander who escaped from Felidon said to Morgana on the throne, "Queen, my action in Feridon failed, please punish me."

"Oh? What's the reason? If I remember well, there were less than a hundred angels stationed there, and they couldn't stop the thousands of demons you led from attacking." Morgana asked curiously.

"Queen, it was people from Shengyu Heaven who intervened. When we were besieging a group of angels, they descended from the sky and wiped out thousands of our demons with only two soldiers. They didn't even move their hands. I don't know." How did they attack us." The demon leader said with lingering fear.

"What did you say? The opponent's two fighters didn't know what attack method they used to wipe out so many demons, eh? No? Then how did you come back?" Morgana looked at the demon in front of her with a puzzled expression. command.

"Well, they let me go and asked me to tell you something." The demon leader explained cautiously.

"Oh? What, say!"

"Queen, can I...don't say anything about this?" The demon leader begged Morgana.

"What do you say? What nonsense, hurry up and say it."

Hearing Morgana's refusal, the demon commander said with a look of death on his face, "Okay, then I'll tell you, the other party said that you should take care of the affairs of Shengyu Heavenly Court in the future, and those who see Shengyu Heavenly Court should make a detour. Queen, that's all."

Suddenly, the hall fell into silence.

(End of this chapter)

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