super hero doctor

Chapter 709 Some great nations, you can never underestimate

Chapter 709 Some great nations, you can never underestimate

That is, when the free clinic started on the fifth day, Yao Riyue brought several members of the Rockets to support Hua Tianyu. Yao Ming's appearance attracted a large number of media reporters.

Hua Tianyu did not expect that Yao Riyue would support him in this way. Several team members he brought had injuries. At the scene, several team members received treatment from the King of Acupuncture and Cupping Wang Zhang Haishan. Two old Chinese doctors used their own means to treat several NBA players with acupuncture, massage, and cupping.

A reporter recorded a video at the scene. After the treatment, several players brought by Yao Riyue exclaimed that they were comfortable. This kind of Chinese medicine treatment brought them a completely different experience, which made them feel novel and relieved the pain. ease.

The media immediately reported it, and several newspapers even specially interviewed Yao Riyue and his teammates, who praised the treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.

All of a sudden, the free clinic of Huaxia TCM aroused strong interest from Americans, and the feedback from the Americans who participated in the free clinic was also very positive. Several Americans who were interviewed by reporters on the spot shouted "Huaxia TCM is amazing", This treatment method allows them to experience a completely different treatment method from Western medicine.

Especially cupping Wangzhang Haishan was welcomed by the patients at the scene. His cupping skills are superb. There are dozens of different sizes of cupping jars, including bamboo jars, glass jars, medicine jars, earthenware jars, porcelain jars, large and small jars.

A reporter suffered from migraine, and Zhang Haishan treated him with cupping pots on the spot, which relieved his pain immediately. Such a magical pot was particularly eye-catching, and the reporter immediately published a documentary article on the Internet to promote The cupping technique of Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine.

The one-week free clinic ended soon. Many media in the United States made a lot of reports on this free clinic. Various Chinese medicine techniques were published in American newspapers from time to time. Coupled with the later word-of-mouth effect, Huaxia TCM became a hot topic among the American people for a while. .

These few days have exhausted the elders, Hua Tianyu prepared a sumptuous celebration banquet for the elders, this free clinic was very successful, better than Hua Tianyu expected, and set off a wave of Chinese medicine in New York, Hua Tianyu held a celebration party at the largest Chinese restaurant in Chinatown to celebrate the success of the free clinic.

Wu Zuorong was the happiest. He did not expect that the free clinic would be so successful. Not only did it get the expected attention, but it also set off a wave of Chinese medicine fever in New York, which was unexpected by everyone.

Wu Zuorong raised his glass and said: "Old brothers, the promotion of Chinese medicine in the United States this time is inseparable from your selfless dedication. We have made a name in the United States, promoted Chinese medicine, and made Americans look at us with admiration. The result of hard work is the glory of us Chinese medicine practitioners, and I respect all the old fellows!"

Wu Zuorong drank the wine in his glass in one gulp.

All the Chinese medicine practitioners here are also very excited. Although they have been very tired these days, seeing the enthusiasm of overseas Chinese for Chinese medicine and the interest of Americans in Chinese medicine doctors, this shows that their promotion of Chinese medicine is a success. of.

There is no age difference in patriotism. Although they are all over [-] years old, their patriotic enthusiasm is no less than that of young people. They are more mature and stable, and less are young and frivolous.

Hua Tianyu picked up his wine glass and expressed his respect to several elderly people.

Originally, after the free clinic, several elderly people would be sent back to China, but the current situation is that Americans have ignited a strong interest in Chinese medicine.

The American CBS radio and television station that invited Hua Tianyu to participate in the TV program last time extended an olive branch to Hua Tianyu and invited him to participate in a talk show.

This talk show is a very popular talk show on CBS. The host Isabella is a hot, sexy, humorous and high-profile beauty host. People on her show include political, business, celebrities, and sports stars. , celebrities, and some fashion figures.

In short, her programs are eclectic, always bringing out the old and bringing forth the new, which is refreshing, so she is popular. Americans have given her the nickname "Variety Witch", which shows that her program style is constantly changing. , can attract people's attention all the time, which is why her show is so popular.

This time Isabella chose to invite Hua Tianyu because of Hua Tianyu's good performance in the CBS program before, which added a lot of points for him, and recently Hua Tianyu has become a topical figure in New York, for the sake of ratings and snatching With the attention of the audience, Isabella chose to invite Hua Tianyu and his Chinese medicine team to her show.

Because most Americans have always held a mysterious attitude towards China, a mysterious country, and many Americans even think that China is a backward place, but this impression has become the past with the rise of China, and some great Nation, you can never underestimate.

China is such a nation, but Americans still have a mysterious impression of China. Over the years, many Chinese people have gained a foothold in the United States and are widely known, but Chinese culture has not really been recognized by Americans.

Now there is this opportunity to introduce Chinese culture to Americans face to face. Such opportunities are too rare, so Hua Tianyu agreed to the invitation of the program group without any hesitation.

After Hua Tianyu communicated with Wu Luoling, the two of them believed that this opportunity is very good. As long as the show is popular, it will add a lot of points to Chinese medicine, which will lay a good foundation for the development of Chinese medicine in the United States.

So after the two of them discuss it, they will study the next step after participating in the program.If the program is as good as expected, they will conduct free Chinese medicine clinics in the next city, and they will hold free Chinese medicine clinics in five major cities in the United States, completely igniting the enthusiasm of Americans for Chinese medicine.

This idea has also been supported by several elderly people. Although they really want to return to China early, they share a common understanding with Hua Tianyu on the road of promoting Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine has been developed for so many years, although it has had a little influence abroad, and Chinese medicine has also gained some understanding in Western countries, but the distance from cultural transmission is too far away.

There are not many opportunities to have such an opportunity to promote Chinese medicine to Americans, so none of the elderly disagreed, and all chose to stay.

They took the time to rest, and Wu Luoling speeded up the arrangements to conduct free Chinese medicine clinics in five major cities in the United States. They made preliminary reservations, and the next city for free clinics was scheduled to be in Los Angeles. After Hua Tianyu took a few old gentlemen to participate in the CBS talk show in New York After that, the free clinic in the next city will be held to truly show the charm of Chinese medicine to Americans.

The strength of a country or a nation not only demonstrates its economic strength, but also its soft power, that is, its culture.

Americans use Hollywood to promote American heroes and American culture. Hua Tianyu will use Chinese medicine to promote Chinese culture. During his trip to the United States, he will definitely promote Chinese medicine to the end.

The news that he was going to participate in Isabella's talk show spread to Huaxia immediately. Netizens were unprecedentedly excited, and they were all waiting for Hua Tianyu to create another apotheosis.

Hua Tianyu's fans have always believed that their idol is omnipotent!
In the midst of everyone's attention, Hua Tianyu took his Chinese medicine team into Isabella's talk show on the weekend in New York.

(End of this chapter)

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