Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 103 The Mountain Bandit Big Brother Take Me With You 48

Chapter 103 The Mountain Bandit Big Brother Take Me With You 48
Pleading guilty, naturally pleading guilty to kidnapping Gu Fanyin.

Neither Gu Fanyin nor Gu Fanlin thought about this question. After hearing Lin Yi's words, the two hesitated for a while, and then they really sent him back to the genius doctor.

Miracle doctor: ...

Gu Fanyin felt that Lin Yi was very thoughtful. Now that he went to their house, maybe her parents would take good care of him, but in his heart, he couldn't easily forgive him for kidnapping her. What he did would make people feel good about him.

And Gu Fanlin agreed with Lin Yi's approach, which in Gu Fanyin's eyes was hard-spoken, but he stubbornly believed that it was because Lin Yi underestimated his sister, and he was afraid that Lin Yi would not be able to take responsibility for his sister and hurt her.

After returning home, Gu Fanyin told Gu's father and mother about this matter. Although Gu's father and mother's expression was calm, the resistance to Lin Yi was a little less in his heart. He seemed to be more than they imagined Brutal is slightly better.

But even so, Gu's father and mother still couldn't forgive Lin Yi for kidnapping their precious daughter.

But what father and mother doesn't want their children to be happy?
Although Gu's father and mother didn't like Lin Yi and felt that Lin Yi was not good enough for their youngest daughter, they could see Gu Fanyin's feelings for Lin Yi during this time. No matter how dissatisfied they were, they were unwilling to let their own My daughter is not happy.

So, even if Lin Yi had woken up, Gu Fanyin would often go to see Lin Yi at the genius doctor, and Gu's father and mother did not stop him.

Lin Yi was even more grateful to his father and mother in his heart.

He was a half-bandit, and his subordinates even kidnapped their daughter. He still wanted to marry their daughter, but they would still find a genius doctor for him to save him, and they still didn't stop Gu Fanyin from meeting him.

In this era where parents can only be together by orders of parents and matchmakers, parents like Gu Fanyin are the real 'fairy parents'.

In this way, Ji Dong lived with the genius doctor for more than a month. After the wound fully recovered and he was no different from a normal person, he really came to Gu's house to visit.

Gu Fanyin told Gu's father and mother about Ji Dong's coming visit early in the morning.

Although Gu's father and mother didn't like it, they still gave their daughter face and stayed at home until Lin Yi came to visit.


No one expected that what Ji Dong said at the time was pleading guilty, but he really meant to make pleading guilty.

After seeing Gu's father and mother, Lin Yi knelt down straight, then handed the cane to Gu's father, and said, "Lin Yi, come to apologize!"

"Jin Yi didn't dare to ask for forgiveness from his uncle and aunt for what he did in the past, but Lin Yi will be responsible for what he did before, and he will be responsible for Yinyin. I will definitely spend my whole life loving her and doting on her, and will not let her Being wronged, my uncle and aunt definitely don't want to believe me for a while, but I believe that time will prove everything, I will try my best to let Yinyin live a good life, so that she can be so unrestrained and innocent for the rest of her life."

"Maybe you two don't believe it. Just looking at her, I feel that I am the happiest man in the world. When she smiles at me, I feel like I have endless motivation. I love her and I want to marry her wife."

"Uncle and aunt, I'm sorry, the past two years have caused you two to worry. I promise, this kind of thing will never happen again."

After finishing speaking, Ji Dong sincerely kowtowed to his father and mother a few times.

After kowtowing, he raised his head, and his forehead was already torn.

Gu Fanyin was very distressed, but she also knew that if Lin Yi didn't show some sincerity and persistence, her parents would definitely not let her be with Lin Yi.

(End of this chapter)

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