Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 104 The Mountain Bandit Big Brother Take Me With You 49

Chapter 104 The Mountain Bandit Big Brother Take Me With You 49
Gu's father and mother obviously didn't expect Lin Yi to do such an operation suddenly. They thought that Lin Yi was just visiting. Even Gu's father and mother were still discussing how they would make things difficult for Lin Yi last night.

In the end, Lin Yi just came, and he knelt down and kowtowed to them a few times as soon as he came.

"If you want to marry my sister, you have to pass our test first."

"Yes! You don't want to marry Yinyin of our family easily!"

"Hey! Anyway, I'm very disappointed in my little sister's eyes. There are so many handsome young men waiting for her to choose, but she just chooses... Sigh!"

Obviously, not only Gu Fanlin, but also Gu Fanyin's other three brothers are very resistant to the fact that their little sister who has been loved for so many years is suddenly kidnapped and cheated, not to mention that Lin Yi still wants to marry Gu Fanyin up.

Since Ji Dong came, of course he was mentally prepared.

No matter how Gu Fanyin's older brothers tried to make things difficult for him, he always looked sincere. He was full of smiles when he was tricked and bullied, and it didn't matter even if he was embarrassed.

In this way, Ji Dong would come to the door every day to kowtow to his father and mother, sincerely admit his mistakes, and then accept everyone's difficulties.

Gu Fanyin originally thought that Lin Yi wanted to apologize to her parents, but she didn't expect that he would be tricked by her brothers.

Moreover, it's not a prank once or twice.

Ji Dong came to their house every day, and her brothers could think of different ways to punish him every time.

In the end, Gu Fanyin really couldn't stand it anymore.

After this is her man.

She loves her man dearly, even though she knows that her father, mother and brothers are all for her benefit, she still doesn't want Lin Yi to be wronged.


After Ji Dong was made things difficult again and left, Gu Fanyin went directly to Gu's father and mother.

"I want to marry him." Gu Fanyin said.

"No nonsense."

"I didn't mess around." Gu Fanyin said firmly: "I've made up my mind a long time ago, and I will never marry him in my life. He made mistakes before, and he deserves to suffer and make things difficult for him."

"But it's been so long..."

"So you can't bear it?" Father Gu said sourly, "He kidnapped you for a year back then."

"He went looking for you a month after he kidnapped me. Didn't our family move to the capital? Otherwise, he might have already notified you to come pick me up!"

"Hmph!" Anyway, he was just jealous.

Originally, Gu's father still wanted to keep Gu Fanyin for a few more years, and wait for her to choose the best man who loves her the most, and then he will marry his little treasure to someone else.


But she was only two or three years old, and suddenly she was abducted by a big pig's trotter, which really pissed him off.

Seeing Gu's father's appearance, Gu's mother was so funny, she winked at Gu Fanyin, Gu Fanyin instantly understood, and began to coax Gu's father with sweet words.

"Daddy, you are the best daddy in the world."

"When I really get married in the future, I will often go home to see you! Lin Yi has no father or mother, I believe he will respect you and mother as his parents."

"However, whether I marry or not, there is only one man I love the most in this world, and that is you!"

"You are the only one who can lie! You little liar!" Although Gu's father has not let go of his promise to Gu Fanyin, he has already been coaxed into a smile by Gu Fanyin, and the day when he promises Lin Yi to marry Gu Fanyin is not far away. myself.

[In addition to the opening of the book, the first update in the early hours of the morning~ the third watch is the third watch, let's smash all the comments and votes~ If you smash a lot, continue to the third watch tomorrow~]

(End of this chapter)

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