Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 131: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 24

Chapter 131: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 24
Father Lu listened to his son's life-threatening three-time questioning, and suddenly felt in his heart that what he did as a father was really a failure.

In the mall, he pays attention to attacking the heart, but he can't attack the heart of his own son.

His kindness to him was actually regarded by his son as having some other purpose.

But Piansheng Lu's father didn't know how to explain it. He really just wanted to help that little girl.

After a long time, Father Lu sighed and said, "Lu Zhuo... Actually, I want you to live a happy life more than anyone else."

"What happened in the past was my father's fault."

"I know, there is nothing to explain this matter. As a father, I didn't choose to believe in you at that time, and I didn't choose to stand by you. I was really guilty, but you are my son after all. I hope you able to be happy."

"You used to mess around in school, but I saw that you lived recklessly and didn't do anything with bad morals, so I let you go. Dad doesn't ignore you, it's just..."

It's just that he doesn't know which method to use to make his son accept him as a father again.

"Now, I see that you are so happy with that little girl. Dad is really relieved and happy. I am very happy to have someone who can accompany you and make you feel happy."

"'re making a difference for her."

"Dad is very grateful to her, grateful to her, and at the same time... Dad also loves her very much, what happened to her, and the common hurt you and she have suffered."

Lu Zhuo can't remember how many years ago it was the last time Papa Lu chatted with him like this.

It should be more than ten years, right?

At that time, he seemed to have just entered elementary school?
It's been too long, and Lu Zhuo can't remember clearly.

Therefore, after hearing what Lu's father said, Lu Zhuo didn't speak for a long time.

Father Lu didn't speak any more, but just quietly looked at his son who was already taller than him.

To be honest, he couldn't remember how long he hadn't looked at his son so quietly.

How come he has changed from a baby to a handsome young man so quickly.

Moreover, now the boy already has a girl he likes.

In the future, they will form a family, have their own children, and live a happy and happy life...

After a long time, Lu Zhuo said, "I see, I will tell her about it."

"Okay." Father Lu nodded.

"I'll go first." Lu Zhuo got off the bed and planned to leave.

"Stay tonight..."

Before Lu's father finished speaking, Lu Zhuo said, "No need, I have something else to do."

All the words were stuffed back into his stomach, Father Lu could only suppress the disappointment in his heart, sent Lu Zhuo to the door, and watched him leave.

After Lu Zhuo took a few steps, he suddenly stopped, then turned his head and looked at Father Lu with a frustrated and lost expression.



After Lu Zhuo finished speaking, he walked into the night without looking back, and he was no longer in sight.

Father Lu obviously didn't expect that Lu Zhuo would say such words to him before he left, so he froze at the door. After a while, he suddenly grinned and showed a smile.

The eye sockets also unconsciously became moist.

This dad, he has been waiting for too long.

As for Lu Zhuo, he felt very embarrassed when he called Dad, and hesitated for a long time, but the moment he called out, his nose was sore, and he suddenly remembered the days when he lived here.

(End of this chapter)

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