Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 132: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 25

Chapter 132: The Lovely Person of the Campus Boss 25
At that time, although Lu's father was very busy at work, he would still spare time to play with Lu Zhuo for an hour or two every day.

Although Lu Zhuo didn't have a mother, he still had a very happy childhood with Lu's father accompanying him all the time.

Later, after going to school, he gradually encountered the same thing as Gu Fanyin.

Some people said that he killed his mother, that he was a disaster star.

Many children isolated him because of this incident, and he became more and more withdrawn.

Lu's father's company is getting bigger and bigger, and he spends less and less time to accompany Lu Zhuo.

If there is anything, the two fathers and sons also use quarrels to solve it.

Gradually, there was a gap between the two fathers and sons.

What really made the relationship between the two of them hard to heal was when the police station called Lu's father, saying that Lu Zhuo had stolen other people's money and was taken to the police station.

Lu's father was discussing a big case at the time, but how could the case be more important than his son?He rushed to the police station immediately.


After arriving at the police station, he saw Lu Zhuo throwing things in the police station and losing his temper.

He didn't know why he didn't think about why Lu Zhuo lost his temper so much, and whether he was really misunderstood.

He slapped Lu Zhuo directly and scolded him a lot.

At that time, Lu Zhuo was stunned.

Lu Zhuo, who had been losing his temper all the time but never thought of crying, suddenly started crying.

After crying, he ran away regardless of the police's obstruction.

Lu's father and a group of police searched for a day and a night before they found Lu Zhuo on a barren hill.

Father Lu was startled and angry, and beat Lu Zhuo straight up.

Lu Zhuo didn't resist anymore, and the last light in his eyes went out.

And then……

Then, the truth came to light, it was not Lu Zhuo who stole the money, Lu Zhuo just happened to pass by.

Father Lu felt guilty, but he never apologized like Lu Zhuo.

After experiencing that incident, Lu Zhuo seemed to be a different person. He caused troubles more and more often in school, and Lu's father also received more and more calls from teachers to complain.

In this way, the gap between the two fathers and sons is getting deeper and deeper, and the misunderstanding is getting deeper and deeper.


After all, they are father and son.

It's just that both of them are not good at expressing, and both of them have a stubborn temper, which led to their development to where they are today.

Father Lu really just wanted to help Gu Fanyin this time, and he didn't want to make his son's favorite child suffer too much.

Unexpectedly, he accidentally repaired the relationship between him and his son.

Father Lu had always liked this little girl who could give his son 'warmth', but after this incident, Father Lu immediately began to regard Gu Fanyin as his future daughter-in-law.

The next day, Lu Zhuo found Gu Fanyin and told Gu Fanyin what Father Lu told him yesterday.

Gu Fanyin never expected that Father Lu would actually help her. She was surprised for a while, but she couldn't make up her mind whether she should accept Father Lu's help.

In the end, Gu Fanyin decided to go back to his uncle's house and communicate with him.

Gu Fanyin's uncle definitely didn't want to accept Father Lu's help.

Not for anything else, but he was afraid that if he accepted Lu's father's help, if Gu Fanyin and Lu Zhuo really went on in the future and became a family, Gu Fanyin would not be able to hold her head up in her in-law's house.

After all, her natal family relies on her husband's family to live.

No matter how difficult life is, Gu Fanyin's uncle can hardly bear the pressure of so many jobs at the same time, he still thinks about her for Gu Fanyin first, and then puts Gu Fanyin in the most important position .

 The four changes are complete~ Please collect and comment~
(End of this chapter)

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