Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 163 Hey handsome guy, online dating 15

Chapter 163 Hey handsome guy, online dating 15
Gu Fanyin's heart immediately thumped.

If it wasn't for Gu's mother who was still nearby, she might have started yelling.

[? ] Seeing that there was no news from Gu Fanyin suddenly, Xu Chaoyang sent a question mark.

Was he too anxious to scare her?
[What did you say?I ask you again, are you sure?I have nothing to regret here. ] Gu Fanyin quickly recovered and replied to Xu Chaoyang.

Xu Zhaoyang's expression changed from nervousness to a smile in an instant.

[Sure. ]
[OK!make a deal!You just wait for me to cover you for the rest of your life! ] Gu Fanyin is full of fighting spirit.


Gu Fanyin also sneaked back to the lottery shop and bought many lottery tickets.

Anyway, Xu Chaoyang didn't say that he had to win the lottery ticket just now before he would take care of her.


When people point their backs, there will be no pies in the sky.

Gu Fanyin bought more than a dozen of them, but she didn't even win the easiest five yuan.


On the night when the lottery ticket was issued, Gu Fanyin sat in front of the TV with the lottery ticket and waited for the number to be drawn.


She bought so many bets, but she didn't even win five yuan! ! !
Thus, Xu Chaoyang discovered that Gu Fanyin, who had been happily chatting with him just now, suddenly disappeared.

After a long time, Xu Chaoyang did not receive a reply from Gu Fanyin.

He was worried that something might happen to Gu Fanyin, so he made a voice call to Gu Fanyin.

In a second, the voice call was hung up.

Xu Chaoyang: [? ? ? ]
Hanging up in seconds, it means that Gu Fanyin doesn't want to answer his call.

Gu Fanyin only sent a pitiful emoji to Xu Chaoyang. She looked as disappointed as she wanted, as if she had been abandoned by someone.

[What's wrong?Did I make you unhappy? ] Xu Chaoyang immediately asked nervously.

[No.jpg] Gu Fanyin sent another emoji.

[Then what's wrong with you?Trained by mother? ] Xu Chaoyang asked again.

Gu Fanyin still shook her head.

Xu Zhaoyang racked his brains for a long time, but he never thought why Gu Fanyin suddenly became so unhappy.

[What happened?I am very worried about you, you tell me, I will try my best to help you solve it.Or, I can give you some advice. ] Xu Chaoyang made a voice call, but was hung up by Gu Fanyin, so he could only type quickly.

[...I didn't win the lottery... I cried.jpg] Gu Fanyin finally replied to Xu Chaoyang, but the content made Xu Chaoyang a little dumbfounded.

It turned out that she was so wronged suddenly just because of this?

[Laugh and cry.jpg]
[dare you laugh!I am so sad! ] Gu Fanyin knocked on the phone screen angrily.

[You're so cute. ]
[Cute has a fart! ] The more Gu Fanyin thought about it, the more angry she became.

Fortunately, she ran over to buy so many lottery tickets, but none of them won!
Her good boyfriend just disappeared.

Who wouldn't be angry when the fat duck was gone?
[alright. ] Xu Chaoyang sent a head-touching emoji, saying: [You can upgrade to a permanent boyfriend without a lottery ticket. ]
[! ! ! ]
[real? ] Gu Fanyin immediately asked excitedly.

[Uh-huh. ]
[Can you really upgrade to a permanent boyfriend?]
[Can. ] Xu Chaoyang replied.

When he said permanent boyfriend, did he really mean to be her boyfriend?

Gu Fanyin hesitated for a moment before asking word by word:

Gu Fanyin believed that Xu Chaoyang understood what she meant.

She means, be her real boyfriend.

In other words, they are about to start a real online dating.

Commonly known as, talking about a love that doesn’t know if it’s possible to play a bigger game through the network cable.

[Sure. ]
 One word → ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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