Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 164 Hey handsome guy, online dating 16

Chapter 164 Hey handsome guy, online dating 16
Xu Chaoyang only replied two simple words, but his firm attitude instantly made Gu Fanyin feel overwhelmed with happiness.

[Ding—add 50.00 to happiness, and [-]% mission completion. ]
He said he was pretty sure...

[I want to call you, can I? ] After there was no movement from Gu Fanyin, Xu Zhaoyang sent another message.

He couldn't wait to hear Gu Fanyin's voice.

[good. ] Gu Fanyin told Mother Gu that she was going to the supermarket to buy something, and ran out with her mobile phone.


"Hello." There was a strong smile in the boy's voice, Gu Fanyin laughed when he heard it.

"What are you laughing at?" Xu Chaoyang asked.

"It's nothing." Gu Fanyin said, "Then why are you laughing?"

"Me?" Xu Chaoyang chuckled, and said softly, "Wannian is finally out of singles, isn't it worth celebrating?"

"Oh, then congratulations." Gu Fanyin said with a smile.

"Thank you." Xu Chaoyang said, "Congratulations too."

Gu Fanyin laughed, her face was slightly hot.

Xu Chaoyang didn't tease Gu Fanyin any more, and changed the subject after saying a few words, talking about what happened around him during this period.

The two chatted casually, and more than an hour passed.

"Hey, it would be great if you lived near my house." When she was about to hang up the phone and go home, Gu Fanyin said reluctantly.

"When do you start school?" Xu Chaoyang suddenly asked in a strange manner.

"The tenth day." Gu Fanyin said.

"Hmm." Xu Chaoyang said, "Go home and be careful."

"Oh..." Gu Fanyin hung up the phone with a dazed expression. After hanging up the phone, she suddenly remembered that Xu Chaoyang asked her when school would start. Could it be that he wanted to come to her?
But Gu Fanyin didn't dare to ask Xu Chaoyang, fearing that everything was her own imagination.

Winter vacation is always much busier than summer vacation, especially the closer to the Chinese New Year, the busier it is. Gu Fanyin has to help Gu’s mother prepare some New Year’s things every day. The time Chaoyang spends together has been cut by more than half.

New Year's Eve night.

Gu Fanyin bought a lot of small fireworks, invited a few friends, and planned to set off fireworks after dinner, which can be regarded as adding a bit of New Year flavor.

But during dinner, Papa Gu took out a well-known brand of foreign wine that he had treasured for a long time, saying that he wanted to drink something to celebrate the New Year.


Gu Fanyin didn't smell any alcohol, so she drank a few small glasses too much. When she went out to set off fireworks with her friends, she immediately started to feel dizzy when the wind blows.

Gu Fanyin: ...

She started to wobble a bit when she walked, but her consciousness was very clear.

When she finished setting off the fireworks with her friends and was about to go home, she suddenly took out her phone and called Xu Zhaoyang on WeChat.

Xu Chaoyang was having dinner with a large family when Gu Fanyin called.

He picked it up without hesitation.


Xu Chaoyang just wanted to ask Gu Fanyin what was wrong, but the moment he opened his mouth, his expression froze.


Is he hallucinating?
"I love you! Xu Chaoyang, I love you so much!"

Gu Fanyin's voice rang in Xu Zhaoyang's ears again, and he was sure that he heard correctly.

It is true that Gu Fanyin often jokes with Xu Chaoyang, but she has never told him that she loves him. Both of them are too boring. Only when typing, can they say that they care about each other and miss each other. .

(End of this chapter)

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