Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 183 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 2

Chapter 183 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 2
When Gu Fanyin fell asleep, she couldn't help but utter countless dirty words in her heart.

I'm afraid that her mission world will end like this?

She is now in a coma, how can she escape those two people who have been chasing her?
The two beat her out of her wits, wouldn't her mission be over?
At that moment, Gu Fanyin didn't have time to think about how she would be obliterated after failing the mission, let alone thinking that she might never exist in this world again.

There was only one thought in her mind...

She may never see that man again.

Although Gu Fanyin has no memory, she is sure that this man has a close relationship with her, and she has already dealt with him in missions...

The seven emotions and six desires are the most inseparable things for human beings.

So is she.


"Where is the person? I clearly tracked her breath just now." In the place where Gu Fanyin was sleeping, a figure suddenly appeared, holding something that looked like a compass in his hand, full of doubts.

"It seems to have disappeared all at once." The other person also looked confused, and said, "Could it be that we are too lazy to attend lectures, and our tracking skills are too poor?"

"However, this magic weapon belongs to the master, so it will definitely not go wrong."

The two looked at each other, and felt it quietly, but they still didn't feel Gu Fanyin's breath.

One of them sent a message to go back to the teacher's gate first, and then the two hid again. After waiting for several hours, they still couldn't feel the breath of ghosts here, so they left, intending to try their luck elsewhere.

This ghost is too strange.

They called it ghost hunting today, but in fact they wanted to sneak out to the capital for some fun, but they didn't expect that the two of them were walking around the stall when they suddenly felt a strong wind.

The two chased all the way to the palace, but the aura suddenly disappeared.

too weird.

If it was an ordinary kid, it would be impossible for him to control his aura so freely.

And even if those ghost kings really entered the yang world, it is impossible for them to release their aura suddenly. After all, if the yin energy from the ghost kings enters the body of ordinary people, they don't know what terrible things will happen.


When Gu Fanyin woke up, it was already full moon.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she heard the system start claiming credit in her head, saying: [Look, because you fainted after seeing the main mission target, you escaped a section! ]
You know, ghosts don't sleep.

As soon as Gu Fanyin fell asleep, the ghostly aura on her body disappeared instantly, so the two of them could not feel her presence.

Gu Fanyin could be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

[So, after I wake up, they can still feel the ghost energy on me? ] Gu Fanyin analyzed: [Then do I have to complete this task in my sleep? ]
The system heard the words and said: [Does the host need to spend an opportunity to request the system to give relevant reminders? ]
[what chance? ] Gu Fanyin wrote.

The system is serious and authentic: [Each mission world has three opportunities to request the system to give a reminder when the mission is not going well. ]
Gu Fanyin: ...

[So, why didn't you tell me the first few worlds? ]
[You didn't ask either. ] After the system finished speaking, it suddenly felt cold all over, and quickly explained: [You did the first few tasks in the world so smoothly, and you can complete them so easily. ]
After the system blew rainbow farts for a while, Gu Fanyin nodded and said: [Then give me a hint. ]
(End of this chapter)

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