Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 184 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 3

Chapter 184 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 3
[The sachet on your body contains the ghost king's jade pendant, if you wear it on your body, you can hide your breath. ] System Road.

Gu Fanyin took a look, she really had a sachet hanging on her body.

She opened the sachet, and there was indeed a jade pendant inside.

She didn't suspect him, took out the jade pendant and put it on her body neatly.


Gu Fanyin suddenly felt a little puzzled.

How could the original owner have the ghost king's jade pendant on his body?
Moreover, the original owner didn't seem to know the existence of this jade pendant at all, let alone that this jade pendant could hide ghost energy, otherwise she wouldn't have been beaten out of her wits by two ghost hunters in her last life.

However, these things obviously cannot be searched from the memory of the original owner. Gu Fanyin just thought about it for a while, and then gave up looking for the reason.

She looked at her surroundings.

Although the night was dark, the surroundings were brightly lit, and many patrolling guards walked past her, but none of them could see her. She stood up, got used to this erratic way of walking, and then put on her clothes. Passed by the wall and walked directly into the hall.

In the main hall, during the day, the man she saw was sitting in front of the case and replying to the memorial, sometimes frowning, sometimes joyful, extremely serious.

Gu Fanyin walked up to the man brightly, then sat down in front of him carelessly, intending to take a serious look at his appearance in this world.

But the man opposite suddenly frowned and raised his eyes.

Gu Fanyin was startled, but then she thought that she was in a ghost state and he shouldn't be able to see her, so she made a face at him.

"Who are you!" Gu Fanyin didn't expect that the man opposite was furious, slapped the table and said angrily.

Gu Fanyin:? ? ?

"Can you see me?" Gu Fanyin looked around, and besides Jiang Hongyi, she was the only one in the hall.

"Come here! Escort!" Jiang Hongyi looked at the strange woman who suddenly sat in front of him, and didn't answer Gu Fanyin's question at all, but called the guards to escort him.


After a large wave of guards rushed into the hall, but you looked at me and I looked at you, I didn't know what this escort was for.

"Take this strange woman for interrogation!" Seeing a group of guards standing there like fools, Jiang Hongyi was stunned for a moment, then pointed to a cloud of air and said to the guards.

Guard:? ? ?
"Emperor... Your Majesty..." Jiang Hongyi's personal eunuch came back to his senses at this time, inexplicably felt a little cold all over, shivered a bit, and said: "The slaves in this palace haven't seen any strange women..."

Hearing this, Jiang Hongyi glanced at the bewildered crowd and blinked vigorously.

The woman was still standing in front of him, tilting her head and looking at him curiously.

He pulled out the guard's saber and stabbed at Gu Fanyin.

It's a pity that his sword pierced through the woman's body directly, and she seemed to be a ball of air.

Jiang Hongyi:! ! !

He was born not to believe in the existence of those strange and chaotic things in the world. After he ascended the throne, he did not attach importance to Taoist priests to pursue eternal life like his father, to be diligent in government affairs, and to serve the country wholeheartedly. what! ?

"I'm not a thing...I'm a ghost." Gu Fanyin seemed to be able to hear what Jiang Hongyi was thinking, and immediately replied very honestly.

It was fine if she didn't answer, but when she answered, Jiang Hongyi couldn't help shaking.

 Jiang Hongyi: Can I give up this honesty?

(End of this chapter)

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