Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 187 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 6

Chapter 187 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 6
Jiang Hongyi watched Gu Fanyin feasting there from a distance.

Although it is absolutely impossible to see her eating appearance on the bodies of those ladies, it can even be said that she is completely impolite.

But for some unknown reason, Jiang Hongyi looked at Gu Fanyin's wolfish appearance, but in his heart he was completely disgusted with Gu Fanyin's behavior except for the fear.


He actually felt a kind of innocence from a ghost.

It must be that he was too tired today, so he had hallucinations.

After Gu Fanyin saw the meal, she never gave Jiang Hongyi another look. She didn't burp until she had almost eaten everything on the table, and then patted the table with satisfaction. Patting his belly, he smiled brightly at Jiang Hongyi.

Jiang Hongyi had been staring at Gu Fanyin's constantly agitating cheeks, making him a little sleepy. Seeing Gu Fanyin's smile at this moment, he was jolted and suddenly sober.

"Thank you~ You are such a good person!" Gu Fanyin sighed.

"Then... can you leave when you're full?" Jiang Hongyi asked again.

Since he is a good man, let him go, okay?
"Of course not." Gu Fanyin answered Jiang Hongyi's heart directly.

Just because she knew that she could get delicacies from mountains and seas from him, she wanted to hug his thigh!

Jiang Hongyi: ...

What evil did he do in his previous life that he will be haunted by ghosts in this life.

Jiang Hongyi rubbed his sore temples.

After Gu Fanyin was full, she finally started to observe Jiang Hongyi. Seeing that he looked a little tired, she took the initiative to ask him, "Should you take a rest?"

Hearing this, Jiang Hongyi felt even more headache.

Why is this ghost still so 'understanding'?
But how could he go to sleep with a ghost guarding him?
Although his psychology is very strong, he is not so strong yet.

After hearing Jiang Hongyi's words, Gu Fanyin said again with empathy: "I ate your food, and I will repay you! I can go outside and guard you. If someone wants to hurt you, I can were notified in advance!"

Jiang Hongyi: ...

He really thanked her.

" should go outside and watch it first." As long as Gu Fanyin doesn't appear in front of his eyes, he might feel better.

When Gu Fanyin heard the words, she immediately floated outside happily, and sat on the steps at the door, not to mention how well-behaved she looked.

Of course, the premise of everything is that she is not a ghost.

After Gu Fanyin went out, Jiang Hongyi lay on the couch, his mind was very tired, but he still couldn't fall asleep. He always looked around from time to time, worried about leaving a ghost by his side.

Gu Fanyin sat there, staring at the moon hanging high above, and could still hear rustling sounds from inside the hall.

After a long time, Gu Fanyin saw that Jiang Hongyi was still awake, so she couldn't help but pass through the wall, and said to him: "You can rest assured to sleep, I will watch over you outside, and definitely won't come into the hall!"

"Besides, you are a good person! If you are willing to give me something to eat, I will definitely not hurt you! What if I hurt you and no one gives me something to eat?"

Gu Fanyin is very honest and authentic.

Just as he opened his eyes, Jiang Hongyi shuddered suddenly when he saw a head protruding from the wall of the main hall.

Is this what she said not to come into the palace?
It's even scarier to stick your head out of the wall, okay? ?
(End of this chapter)

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