Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 188 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 7

Chapter 188 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 7
"Hmm..." Jiang Hongyi held back the swear words for a long time, and then suggested: "From now on, can you talk to me directly outside the hall? I will ask the imperial dining room to make more delicacies tomorrow." for you."

If it was someone else, his head must have fallen to the ground.

But when facing a ghost, no matter how powerful Jiang Hongyi is, he still has to coax her obediently.

"Yes!" Gu Fanyin replied.

Jiang Hongyi: ...

Then why did she show her head?

"Okay." Jiang Hongyi replied.

Gu Fanyin still only showed her head, looking at him.

" can go back," Jiang Hongyi said.

Gu Fanyin left as promised.

Only then did Jiang Hongyi breathe a sigh of relief, and after opening it a dozen times without seeing a face appearing out of nowhere, he finally squinted for a while, and when the little eunuch asked him to go to the morning court, he clearly felt that I just closed my eyes.

After finally washing and dressing, he planned to go to court in the morning. As soon as Jiang Hongyi went out, he saw Gu Fanyin lying on the steps, sound asleep.

Jiang Hongyi: ...

That's what she said, pay him back?

If he really wanted to rely on her to remind and protect him, the thieves might have already taken his life, and she was still asleep.

Maybe because it is broad daylight now, Jiang Hongyi looked at Gu Fanyin again, and it was not as scary as last night.

Of course, it may also be because he has already prepared in his heart, so he will no longer shout for escort like yesterday.

The premise is that this female ghost will not suddenly pop up with only one head.

When Gu Fanyin woke up, Jiang Hongyi had already left the morning court to deal with government affairs.

She wandered around the palace for a while, feeling very bored, so she ran to find Jiang Hongyi.

Jiang Hongyi was discussing something with the minister when he suddenly found a female ghost entering through the door.

Jiang Hongyi: ...

There was a noticeable pause in his speech, and the gazes of several close ministers all fell on him.

He hurriedly continued following his train of thought just now, while Gu Fanyin sat obediently by the door and listened to what they said.

After all the ministers left, Jiang Hongyi communicated with Gu Fanyin in his heart: [Are you hungry? ]
"No! I'm so boring by myself!" Gu Fanyin said, "No one can see me, so I came to you!"

[Why only I can see you? ] Jiang Hongyi asked suspiciously.

"I don't know either." Gu Fanyin said.

[Then why did you suddenly appear in the palace? ]
"I don't know either."

Jiang Hongyi: ...

[Then what do you know? ] Jiang Hongyi couldn't hold back his hatred for Gu Fanyin.

"I know you are a good person!" Gu Fanyin said innocently.

Jiang Hongyi: ...he doesn't want the good guy card, okay?

"I will definitely not hurt you!" Gu Fanyin said: "I will protect you! Mmm! For sure! As long as you give me delicious food!"

So, she approached him without those tricks, just because he could see her, hear her, and give her food?

Jiang Hongyi's mind was spinning rapidly, and he immediately thought of a way, saying: [Then I'll find a place with good Feng Shui and place you there, and then ask someone to cook for you every day, how about it? ]
In this case, wouldn't this female ghost not have to hang around him?
Unfortunately, Gu Fanyin didn't buy it.

"No!" Gu Fanyin refused without thinking.

"Why?" Jiang Hongyi spoke suddenly, the little eunuch beside him trembled in fright, and then started to stare at his own emperor with a strange look.

"Because you are the only one who can chat with me to relieve boredom! Of course I can't leave you!" Gu Fanyin said naturally.

Jiang Hongyi:? ? ?

Cooperating with him, the king of a country, becomes a boring thing?
(End of this chapter)

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