Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 198 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 17

Chapter 198 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 17
"Oh?" Jiang Hongyi was worried in his heart, but on the surface he raised his eyebrows and asked with interest, "What's going on?"

Seeing Jiang Hongyi's question, the person from the Xuanling Sect quickly said: "During this time, the magic weapon I taught can always feel the presence of ghosts intermittently, but every time we arrive nearby, the aura It's gone clean."

"However, we had a clue yesterday."

"What?" Jiang Hongyi unknowingly sat with his back straightened, not to mention how serious his face was, even the hands in his sleeves were already clenched into fists.

"Yesterday, that kind of fluctuation appeared again in the capital. When we went nearby, although the aura of the ghost had dissipated, we found a person who had fainted from fright. When he woke up, he said... ..."

"say what?"

"Said he had seen a ghost, and that ghost threatened him that if he didn't tell all that happened to him, she would kill him!"

"That ghost must have been killed by that man, that's why he was forced to tell everything."

"Why must he be killed?" Jiang Hongyi asked.

"Otherwise, how could those little ghosts do good things? They are evil in nature, and letting them out will only do bad things and harm people." The man seemed to have some prejudice against little ghosts.

Jiang Hongyi was already unhappy when he heard this.

He thought to himself, these people are really just like what Gu Fanyin said, although they can catch some little ghosts, they don't seem to know much about ghosts at all, and they even have a little prejudice against ghosts. Ghosts have only bad intentions.


If Gu Fanyin didn't exist, Jiang Hongyi felt that he might, like the world, think that ghosts are very terrifying existences, and would never associate ghosts with cuteness and cuteness.

Therefore, Jiang Hongyi did not blame that person, but only asked him what he planned to do next.

The person said that the members of their Xuanling Sect would continue to stay in the capital to investigate the matter of the little ghost. If possible, they hoped that they could stay by the emperor's side to protect the emperor's safety.

However, this kind of thing must be approved by Jiang Hongyi.

But how could Jiang Hongyi let someone follow him closely?Leaving aside the issue of his personal safety, what if when he communicates with Gu Fanyin, he is accidentally startled by Gu Fanyin's whimsical ideas and speaks to the 'air', the people of Xuanling Cult But he wouldn't feel that he was mumbling like his personal eunuch.

In the end, it was a group of ministers who begged him to keep the members of the Xuanling Sect by his side, and he reluctantly agreed to place a few members of the Xuanling Sect in the palace, but they could not follow him closely.

When Gu Fanyin came back, she saw Jiang Hongyi sitting in the hall with a book spread out in front of her, but her eyes did not fall on the book at all.

Intuition told Gu Fanyin that Jiang Hongyi didn't seem to be in a good mood.

"Hi?" Gu Fanyin greeted Jiang Hongyi's expressionless face, smiled guiltyly, and waved to him.

[Don't meddle in my affairs in the future. ] Jiang Hongyi said.

"Ah? Why!" Gu Fanyin was confused.

[I can't tell, but I just can't! ]
Gu Fanyin felt the anger and urgency in Jiang Hongyi's heart, and she became even more confused in an instant.

In the past few months, she has been doing this all the time. Why did he suddenly start turning against her?

Thinking of this, Gu Fanyin also began to feel wronged.

 Ahhh, I originally wanted to update 3, but it turned out to be so late. Let's make up for today's update in 4 tomorrow~
  Happy Christmas Eve everyone~ Be happy and safe~
(End of this chapter)

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