Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 199 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 18

Chapter 199 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 18
Jiang Hongyi was still waiting for Gu Fanyin to ask him why she was not allowed to do these things for him.

In the end, he saw Gu Fanyin suddenly turned her head away, with her head drooped, her shoulders slumped, sitting there in a small group, and he somehow felt her sense of grievance.

Did he just say something a little too much?

Jiang Hongyi began to reflect on himself.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that his tone was a bit harsh just now.


He couldn't save his face and went to have a bad day with Gu Fanyin.

Jiang Hongyi thought, usually Gu Fanyin doesn't seem to care about anything, no matter what he says, she will talk to him foolishly and cheerfully.

Therefore, he planned to wait for Gu Fanyin to talk to him, he must treat her with a gentler attitude than usual, and then ask the imperial dining room to cook some delicacies that are not usually common for her to eat.

But Jiang Hongyi waited for a long time, pretending to read a book for a long time, but Gu Fanyin still maintained that posture, as if he didn't want to talk to Jiang Hongyi at all.

Jiang Hongyi couldn't sit still.

He pretended to have a back pain from sitting for a long time, stretched his waist, then stood up, and walked towards Gu Fanyin's direction while rubbing his waist.


He saw Gu Fanyin's red eyes like a bunny and her tight mouth.

In an instant, countless guilt hit Jiang Hongyi's heart.

He didn't expect that when he saw Gu Fanyin crying, his heart would feel so uncomfortable.

However, Jiang Hongyi didn't think much about it. He felt that Gu Fanyin must feel so guilty because he said cruel words and made Gu Fanyin cry.

[Cough...] Jiang Hongyi coughed twice in his heart.

Gu Fanyin still didn't make any movements, and didn't even move her eyeballs, as if she didn't hear the movement in his heart at all.

[Hello? ] Jiang Hongyi shouted again.

Gu Fanyin still ignored him.

Jiang Hongyi had no choice but to soften his tone and explain: [Did you scare someone last night and made him faint?The people from the Xuanling Sect were nearby at the time. Although they didn't catch you, they saved the person who was fainted by your fright. ]
[They have sent a lot of people to guard the capital now, even in the palace they have sent people to watch. ]
"Hmph! Anyway, they can't catch me!" Gu Fanyin first snorted at Jiang Hongyi angrily, and then said indifferently.

[Will they be able to catch you when you show up? ] Jiang Hongyi asked.

"I'm fast! I'm super powerful! I can make them never find me again!" Gu Fanyin said this, but she felt a little guilty.

She can hide her breath completely by the jade pendant of the ghost king, so when she takes off the jade pendant, she will show her figure like an ordinary little ghost, but once she puts on the jade pendant, those people from the Xuanling sect can't capture her existence at all traces of it.

[So, they may still hurt you while you are showing your figure, right? ]
Jiang Hongyi has been with Gu Fanyin for so long, how can he not understand her?Seeing her guilty expression, Jiang Hongyi understood everything.

Gu Fanyin felt even more guilty in an instant, but she still said firmly: "They're not that powerful!"

Jiang Hongyi looked helplessly at Gu Fanyin, who insisted on doing this, and suddenly said the words hidden in the deepest part of his heart.

He says--

[If you do this for me, I will be very worried about you. ]
In the past, he thought that Gu Fanyin did all this without any trace, and there was no danger, but now that he knew, he would not let Gu Fanyin fall into danger for him again.

(End of this chapter)

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