Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 202 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 21

Chapter 202 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 21
Gu Fanyin felt at this moment that she should be the happiest person in the world.

And Jiang Hongyi watched Gu Fanyin happily rubbing her little hands every day waiting for the meal, and finally let go of her worries for the time being.

After a while, he will see how to solve the problem of keeping Gu Fanyin behind.

In this way, the two lived a very harmonious life again. Gu Fanyin was as comfortable as a little fairy every day. She didn't have to worry about anything, and she didn't have to think about anything. Everything in the palace.


Neither of them thought about what kind of storm they would face after the calm.


Soon, Gu Fanyin had been by Jiang Hongyi's side for more than half a year, and they also ushered in the most important festival of the year, the Spring Festival.

On the day of the Spring Festival, Jiang Hongyi entertained all the officials in the palace.

Gu Fanyin has always been very curious about such lively occasions, so she started to follow the people in the palace to stare back and forth at them early that day.

Therefore, Jiang Hongyi didn't see Gu Fanyin at the place where the palace banquet was held until the dinner.

She didn't come back for dinner all day today.

Jiang Hongyi was very puzzled that she was so curious about something that was extremely cumbersome to him.

It was really hard for him to understand why Gu Fanyin thought the palace banquet was very interesting.

After the palace banquet started, everyone saw that although their majesty was on the dragon chair, there was a seat for about one person sitting on the right side, which always seemed a little weird.

At this time, Gu Fanyin was sitting beside Jiang Hongyi, watching the people below salute Jiang Hongyi.

Maybe it was because Gu Fanyin was a ghost, Jiang Hongyi didn't bother about her sitting on the dragon chair, but silently reserved a seat for her, and called everyone to rest.

Naturally, at the palace banquet, there was an exchange of cups and cups, and after Gu Fanyin sat there watching for a while, she began to feel bored.

The men drink, it's so boring.

It's still interesting for women to get together.

As long as there are women, there must be gossip.

Many of the interesting things that Gu Fanyin told Jiang Hongyi were what she heard from those court ladies and aunts chatting on weekdays.

The men only know how to talk about government affairs, and all of them are very serious and boring outside.

When Jiang Hongyi saw Gu Fanyin looking around, he knew she must be bored, so he let her alone, oh no, a ghost went out to have a look, there were people preparing fireworks outside, if she was interested, she could Go and watch.

After all, Gu Fanyin is a special ghost, Jiang Hongyi is not worried about what happens to her at all.

Hearing what Jiang Hongyi said, Gu Fanyin's eyes suddenly became energetic.

"Hey! You are too considerate!" Gu Fanyin praised Jiang Hongyi, and with a whoosh, a phantom flashed in the air, and Gu Fanyin had disappeared.

Jiang Hongyi: ...

Fortunately, he is used to Gu Fanyin's various strange forms, otherwise he might lose his composure in public.

After Gu Fanyin went out, she first went to look at the fireworks that had been set up, squatted down to study for a while, and then sneaked to the side of the palace maid who was taking a break from her busy schedule, intending to tell the audience after hearing something funny Jiang Hongyi listened.


For some reason, when Gu Fanyin was listening to the gossip with great interest, she suddenly felt a palpitation.

 The four changes are over!Ask for votes, comments, and rewards~ Merry Christmas, my dears!

(End of this chapter)

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