Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 203 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 22

Chapter 203 Make the Emperor Suspect Life 22

As a little ghost, she shouldn't have heart palpitations other than feelings of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, because her heart has already stopped beating.

But now, Gu Fanyin actually felt that her heart was twitching, and the twitching feeling made her cover her heart, her face slightly ferocious.

So sad……

As if to suffocate.

For some reason, after encountering such a thing, Gu Fanyin's first reaction was to go to Jiang Hongyi.

Obviously Jiang Hongyi, as a human being, couldn't help her at all, but she still wanted to see him quickly.

Gu Fanyin stumbled and drifted towards the palace where Jiang Hongyi was.

When Gu Fanyin went to the palace, standing at the gate of the palace, she saw Jiang Hongyi surrounded by the ministers and didn't know what to say, it seemed that Jiang Hongyi came down from the dragon chair and said that he wanted to have a drink with everyone .

Gu Fanyin looked at Jiang Hongyi from a distance, and felt that the palpitations were much better.

Is this the power of love?
Feeling the changes in her body, Gu Fanyin thought.

She randomly found a seat in the corner and watched Jiang Hongyi with a gentle face surrounded by the ministers who tried their best to help him talking and drinking, the indescribable feeling in her heart finally healed for the most part.

At this moment, Gu Fanyin suddenly saw a minister knelt down to Jiang Hongyi and bowed to the ground. Gu Fanyin was curious and listened carefully, only to hear the minister talk about his beheaded man Son, therefore confessed to the emperor, the son did not teach, the fault of the father.

It turned out that this was the father of the murderous man she helped Jiang Hongyi solve the case for the first time.

The emperor drank the glass of water and wine, but instead of answering the minister's words, he nodded at him.

What happened to his son, of course he has to bear the blame. Gu Fanyin remembers that the minister seems to have been demoted several levels in a row, but in the past he did his best to assist Jiang Hongyi. It was only that night that he was able to enter the palace to face the Holy Spirit and received this honor.


At this time, a sudden change occurred.

The minister suddenly took out a dagger from his arms, and before everyone could react, he stabbed straight at Jiang Hongyi's chest.

With such a fast speed, before everyone had time to react, the dagger had already stabbed in front of Jiang Hongyi.

Gu Fanyin's mind froze for a moment.

Where did she remember that she promised Jiang Hongyi not to reveal her figure?
At the moment when Jiang Hongyi was in danger, Gu Fanyin had only one thought in her mind, that is... absolutely nothing will happen to Jiang Hongyi.

Therefore, before everyone could react, they suddenly saw a wisp of white drifting by. The next moment, Gu Fanyin appeared beside Jiang Hongyi and pushed him away.

In this way, the dagger directly stabbed Gu Fanyin's chest.


"Come on people!"

"The Holy Majesty has been attacked!"

Everyone reacted and started shouting for the guards to come in to escort them, but the generals present had already subdued the minister.

Jiang Hongyi was pushed to the ground by Gu Fanyin's force, but he didn't pay attention to whether he lost his composure. Instead, when Gu Fanyin fell down, he quickly crawled over and caught her.

At this time, Jiang Hongyi's mind was completely blank, and he could only stare blankly at Gu Fanyin in his arms.

Everything happened too suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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