Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 221 Zombie King, Let's Go! 4

Chapter 221 Zombie King, Let's Go! 4
Before Gu Fanyin came here, she still remembered how the original owner died in her previous life, but the moment she saw Ke Yunlang, she forgot about it for a moment, but she was addicted to beauty, and suddenly I saw the beauty's brows furrowed, her eyes seemed a little hesitant.


It was only then that Gu Fanyin remembered how the original owner died in her previous life. Without thinking about it, she directly raised her hand to cover her head.

boom! ! !
The moment the supernatural person's ice pick touched Gu Fanyin's arm, it shattered instantly, and the shards of ice splattered everywhere. Gu Fanyin hurriedly stood beside Ke Yunlang, fearing that the fragments would scratch Ke Yun Lang.

Everyone knew that the Zombie King was very strong, but they didn't expect her to be so strong.

That superhuman is already one of the strongest in their base, his ice pick can easily penetrate even the wall, not to mention his charged attack just now.

They thought that even if the zombie king was not killed, she would definitely be injured. All of them were prepared to take advantage of her illness to kill her, but they never expected that the ice pick would hit Gu Fanyin When it was in his hands, it shattered into tens of thousands of pieces.

Their strength comparison is like that of ants and elephants...

At this moment, the breath of despair pervades instantly, and today will be their death day next year.

Gu Fanyin first winked at Ke Yunlang, then turned around to look at the stunned crowd.


With one punch, she knocked the person who was about to kill her away.

The man was thrown against the wall of the warehouse, cracking the wall directly, and after lying on the ground, he twitched twice, and there was no movement anymore, and he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

"You!" Zhao Man trembled all over, her eyes were red, she pointed at Gu Fanyin and said, "You vicious woman!"

Gu Fanyin:? ? ?

Did she hear it right?
This big-breasted and brainless woman actually told a zombie king that she was vicious?

Then wouldn't she have to be vicious and show this man?

So, Gu Fanyin slapped it with a big slap.


That slap echoed throughout the warehouse.

Gu Fan clapped his hands with disgust, and then rubbed his palms against the pillars of the warehouse, as if Zhao Man had dirty her hands.

"Ah—" As the daughter of the boss of the base, when had Zhao Man been humiliated like this?She screamed like she was going crazy.

"I'm fighting with you!!!" All of Zhao Man's rationality was shattered by Gu Fanyin's slap, and she rushed towards Gu Fanyin directly.


It's still a fire ability.

It seems that she still has some strength, not as useless as she seems.

Gu Fanyin stood there straight, as if she hadn't reacted, and watched Zhao Man rushing towards her with a bewildered expression.

Ke Yunlang stood there looking at the two of them with a complicated expression on his face.

It stands to reason that he must be on the human side, but no matter what purpose the zombie king reported, the fact that she just saved them is true.

Thinking of this, Ke Yunlang's head started to hurt again.

This bunch of pig teammates, it's okay to kill him just now, and they are extremely self-sufficient.

If they hadn't taken the initiative to take action against the zombie king just now, maybe the zombie king would have left directly, and several of them would have been able to return to the base safely, so the trouble would not have reached the present situation.

"Be careful..." Seeing that Gu Fanyin still looked confused, Ke Yunlang couldn't help reminding her after all.

(End of this chapter)

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