Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 222 Zombie King, Let's Go! 5

Chapter 222 Zombie King, Let's Go! 5
"Ke Yunlang!"

"You traitor!"

None of them expected that Ke Yunlang would remind Gu Fanyin, and they all looked at Ke Yunlang in disbelief.

Now, he can no longer live in harmony with these people.

Maybe, after a few waves of publicity, he will become a traitor to all mankind.

Ke Yunlang smiled wryly, but he didn't regret reminding Gu Fanyin of this matter.

[Ding——Happiness increases by ten, and the task completion rate is ten percent. ]
After hearing Ke Yunlang's reminder, Gu Fanyin was obviously stunned for a moment, then she laughed, and then slowly stretched out her hand.


A ball of flame suddenly appeared in Gu Fanyin's hand.

In the next second, a woman's scream echoed in the warehouse.

Gu Fanyin didn't hurt Zhao Man's life, but she burned her very beautiful big waves.

The cruelest way to deal with a woman who loves beauty is of course to make her unbeautiful~
Gu Fanyin turned her head in a good mood, took two small steps, and then stood beside Ke Yunlang.

Everyone was startled by Gu Fanyin's hand. They were taken aback for a moment, and then quickly ran to Zhao Man's side. The water-type power user managed to produce a small stream of water to pour on her head.

It's a pity that the hair burns too fast to be salvaged.

After the fire was extinguished, Zhao Man had turned into a bald head, and what was even more frightening was that her scalp was severely burned, and she might not be able to grow hair again in the future.

"Ah—" Zhao Man screamed again.

Why can't she just take their lives and torture her like this!
Gu Fanyin: ...

It's so noisy.

Gu Fanyin glanced at Ke Yunlang, and saw her beauty frowning again.

This woman must have disturbed him.

Gu Fanyin slapped her again and successfully shut Zhao Man up.

Oh no, to be correct, her face was already swollen rapidly due to the two symmetrical ear scrapers, and she couldn't open her mouth at all, let alone make any noise.

"Huh..." Gu Fanyin breathed a sigh of relief.

The world was finally quiet, and she could finally think about how to abduct the beautiful boy back home.


She knew that the role of the zombie king was absolutely right.

In fact, when she saw those bad guys in the previous few mission worlds, she always wanted to teach them a lesson, but due to the limitation of the role, how could she dare to dismantle the character design?If she is obliterated, she won't be able to come and have a relationship... Bah, it's time to do the task.

In this world, she is a ferocious zombie king.

And he is also a violent zombie king who is full of unwillingness because he didn't touch the beauty's little hands.

[It’s not against the law to hit someone, right? ] Gu Fanyin asked the system.

The system has been stupefied by Gu Fanyin's operation, trembling and afraid to speak.

Why is his host so cruel...

Fortunately, fortunately, it is only a consciousness and does not have a form, otherwise when it cheated Gu Fanyin in the first few worlds, it would have been beaten into meatloaf by Gu Fanyin...

[No...not breaking the law...] The system was trembling and authentic.

When Gu Fanyin heard the system's trembling voice, she couldn't help laughing, and teased it: [As long as you work for me with peace of mind, you will definitely not fall into this end.Guaranteed, you will not worry about eating well and drinking spicy food. ]
[Okay! ] The system is guaranteed immediately.

But after it finished guaranteeing it very seriously, it always felt weird.

When did it actually become a wage earner! ?

(End of this chapter)

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