Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 223 Zombie King, Let's Go! 6

Chapter 223 Zombie King, Let's Go! 6
Everyone surrounded Zhao Man, staring at Gu Fanyin with trembling eyes, fearing that she would rush over suddenly and end their lives.

After all, killing them was as easy as crushing an ant to her.

Even when they are in full strength, they probably won't last more than a minute in her hands.

"Get out." Gu Fanyin didn't bother to look at them a few more times. To her, they were like a few little chickens, not worth her attention.

Hurry up and get out, don't be a light bulb here, and delay the relationship between her and the beauty.

Gu Fanyin spit out a rolling word lightly, but it fell into their ears like a pie falling from the sky, knocking them dizzy for a moment.

In the next second, they helped each other, ran out of the warehouse quickly and in embarrassment, then ran downstairs, drove the car and rushed towards the base.

Zhao Man only wanted to survive at the moment, but he had no thoughts of being tough with Gu Fanyin at all.

They didn't even realize how unbelievable it was that a zombie could speak.

As long as she survives, it doesn't matter if she can speak or not!

They seemed to have completely forgotten Ke Yunlang's existence.

When everyone had left and only Gu Fanyin and Ke Yunlang were left in the huge warehouse, Gu Fanyin raised her head and carefully observed Ke Yunlang's emotions.

She was afraid that he would feel bad because of the actions of these people.

Ke Yunlang lowered his head mechanically, glanced at Gu Fanyin who was only as tall as his chest, rolled his Adam's apple twice, and asked, "Can you... talk?"

Gu Fanyin noticed Ke Yunlang's sizing eyes and was quite dissatisfied. She stood on tiptoe and said, "That's right."

If there is anything about this body that dissatisfies her, it is that this zombie king is too short!

In the previous mission worlds, she was over 1.6 meters 1.5, but in this world...she doesn't know if there is [-] meters [-], really, it doesn't look cool at all.

After Ke Yunlang saw Gu Fanyin's actions, if the atmosphere wasn't right, he might really have laughed out loud.

Do zombies still care about their height?

Ke Yunlang has never seen a zombie king. It is said that a zombie king will be born in a certain area. The zombie king can command all the zombies in the entire area. However, no one who has seen the zombie king has ever come back alive.

Therefore, everything is just hearsay.

Therefore, Ke Yunlang was only surprised that the Zombie King could speak so spiritually, but he didn't find that Gu Fanyin was different from ordinary people.

In fact, zombies have no intelligence, and so is the zombie king.

"Then you..." Ke Yunlang wanted to ask Gu Fanyin why she hadn't spoken all this time, but after thinking about it, he should not care about this issue, so he swallowed the words back.

"They are too annoying, talking to them dirty my mouth." Gu Fanyin said lazily.

Seeing this, Ke Yunlang was a little surprised at Gu Fanyin's intelligence, she was able to guess what he wanted to say.

"Oh..." Ke Yunlang nodded.

"Let's go, it's so dirty here." Gu Fanyin glanced at the warehouse full of stumped limbs and arms, curled her lips in disgust, and said to Ke Yunlang.

Ke Yunlang naturally wouldn't resist Gu Fanyin, after all, he didn't want to die yet.

Seeing Gu Fanyin turn around and go downstairs, he also followed.

Because of Gu Fanyin's gentle attitude towards him, Ke Yunlang still didn't feel so afraid of her even after seeing her beating people fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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