Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 224 Zombie King, Let's Go! 7

Chapter 224 Zombie King, Let's Go! 7
After going downstairs, the two of them walked all the way. All the zombies along the way would silently back away when they saw Gu Fanyin. Walking food, they still retreated a few feet away immediately.

"What are you going to do in the future?" Gu Fanyin seemed to ask casually.

Ke Yunlang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Gu Fanyin to ask this question.

"Will you...will let me go?" Ke Yunlang asked in disbelief.

He thought that Gu Fanyin might just keep him because he thought he was more delicious than those people, so he kept him as food savings.

"If you want." Gu Fanyin said casually.

But Ke Yunlang didn't know that Gu Fanyin was screaming and regretting why she pretended to say this in her heart.

If Ke Yunlang really wants to leave, how should she keep him!

After Ke Yunlang heard Gu Fanyin's words, he was pleasantly surprised for a moment, but then he lowered his head, his expression a little depressed.

In the last days, he has seen too many people suddenly arouse their abilities and become a person with abilities, but no matter how many dangers he encounters, no matter how much training he has, he is still just an ordinary person.

An ordinary person in the apocalypse is just like what those people said, a dragging bottle, which will only drag everyone down, but can't help anything.

Women without supernatural powers may still have a base to take them in. After all, they can still marry those supernatural beings to contribute to the sharply reduced population.

Ordinary people with useful value have the hope of living.

And he...

There is no base willing to take him in. Even if he is willing to take him in, it must be because of his face.

Didn't he already see it when he naively wanted to live in the base for the first time?The manager's disgusting gaze made him want to retch just thinking about it.

"Want to live? Then be a male favorite. For your beauty, I am afraid that many people are willing to protect you." The manager said this to him with eyes full of eyes, and even, the way he met along the way Many people who have been there have said similar words to him.

So, he really doesn't know where he's going next.

Maybe wandering alone in the last days, if you encounter a zombie you can beat, you will beat it, and if you encounter a zombie you can't beat, you will die quietly.

Gu Fanyin saw that Ke Yunlang had kept his head down without saying a word, and the big stone in his heart slowly fell to the ground.


She is still very attractive.

Even if she is a zombie king, Ke Yunlang will still be attracted to her.


He really wanted to remind the host that if she hadn't rescued their group of people first, Ke Yunlang would definitely be as hostile to her as that group of people.

But thinking of Gu Fanyin's violent appearance, the system could only silently agree: [Of course, my host is the most attractive woman in the world! ]
Gu Fanyin was very satisfied when she heard the words, her steps became much lighter, and she almost hummed a little tune.

"Go to my place first." Gu Fanyin said to Ke Yunlang.

Hearing the uncompromising tone in Gu Fanyin's tone, Ke Yunlang responded, and followed Gu Fanyin back to her residence.

Anyway, he had nowhere to go, did he?
This is the first time for Gu Fanyin to encounter such a soft main task target. The targets in the previous few worlds were all protecting and caring for her all the way. It is rare to meet such a poor little girl. Put her arms around Ke Yunlang and tell him that she will definitely protect him.

(End of this chapter)

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