Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 225 Zombie King, Let's Go! 8

Chapter 225 Zombie King, Let's Go! 8
After walking for a while, Gu Fanyin and Ke Yunlang arrived at a family building occupied by the original owner.

The entire family building was cleaned to a spotless level.

When sorting out the memory of the original owner, Gu Fanyin remembered how the original owner ordered a large number of zombies to clean up for her.

All the zombies first lined up at the watering pipes in the community to wash themselves clean one by one, and then obediently worked diligently with a rag, a broom, or a mop .

When the drone observed the actions of the zombies, the managers of the bases all over the country were so frightened that they met and held an emergency meeting.

They thought that the zombies already possessed intelligence.

It's a horrible thing.

If the zombies really possess spiritual intelligence and start to build their own homes, then their human beings are really not far from extinction.

They were able to live so long in the era of zombies. In addition to uniting against the zombies, there is another point that they can defeat them with wisdom because they have no intelligence.

These zombies almost caused panic in the entire human race.

It's just that after they fought against the zombies, they discovered that although the zombies also have upgrades, they are still creatures without intelligence.

Only then did their hearts return to their stomachs.

It is also because of this that rumors of the Zombie King having spiritual intelligence spread from the outside world, and after Zhao Man's "propaganda" this time, it is feared that the fact that the Zombie King has spiritual intelligence and can speak has become a firm fact.

Zombie kings in other areas:? ? ?Don't talk nonsense, I'm not, I don't, it's definitely false propaganda!

When Ke Yunlang saw such a clean family building, surprise flashed in his long and narrow eyes.

In his impression, zombies are covered in blood, don't even have any clothes, and smell bad all over their bodies. The lack of arms and legs is the iconic feature of zombies.


He walked with this zombie king all the way, and he could even smell the shower gel coming from her body.

He's the one who's dirty and smelly by comparison.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone would have regarded Gu Fanyin as a normal girl the moment they saw her.


Isn't the evolution of zombies all upgraded in the enhancement of force and response ability?
Why did he just see with his own eyes the zombie king's fire ability?
Could it be that after reaching the level of the zombie king, will they also awaken their abilities?

If so...

That human beings may really be extinct, right?

Like Tie Hanhan, zombie kings who only know how to kill, kill, eat and eat:? ? ?There seems to be something strange mixed into their zombie king team.

After the shock and panic, Ke Yunlang followed Gu Fanyin into the family building obediently, then climbed up to the nineteenth floor and stood at the door of a family.

"You live here first during this time." Gu Fanyin pushed the door open, pointed to one of the rooms, and continued: "Whenever you want to leave, just leave."

After finishing speaking, Gu Fanyin walked into the living room, then took out a disposable slipper and threw it to Ke Yunlang, saying, "Take a bath first."

As a clean freak, Ke Yunlang's smell of blood is really suffocating. If it weren't for his face, Gu Fanyin might not even walk with him.

Ke Yunlang: ...

A zombie king with a cleanliness obsession, no one would believe him if he told it.

(End of this chapter)

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