Husband blows up the world again

Chapter 238 Zombie King, Let's Go! 21

Chapter 238 Zombie King, Let's Go! 21
"Okay, I won't play with you anymore." After Gu Fanyin finished speaking, she rushed directly in front of Zhao Man, and slapped him again, sending Zhao Man flying.


Zhao Man fell to the ground and passed out, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.


No one expected that the story would end like this.

Everyone wished that today was a dream.

So humiliating.

None of them knew how to get back to the base.

But there were many wounded, and they had to go back to the base, so they had to help the wounded and stumble towards the place where they parked.

"Remember to hurry up, or my little zombies will have dinner." Gu Fanyin said to the group of people.


For a moment, the lame people seemed to be free of lameness, and the fainted people woke up, and ran to the parking place quickly one by one.

"Pfft!" Gu Fanyin couldn't hold back, and laughed out loud.

Ke Yunlang was stunned for a moment, and the next second, he also laughed along with Gu Fanyin.

It seems that many people feel too embarrassed and are pretending to faint.

Hearing the laughter of the two, many people felt that their faces were hot, and the old face of this life was lost today.

Who would have thought that Laoshizi Zombie King would be so powerful?None of them could beat her alone, and she seemed invulnerable.


She didn't even use her so-called abilities, she had already beaten them to pieces.

If she used the ability, wouldn't they even be able to go back to the base?

So far, the Zombie King has left a terrifying impression in the hearts of everyone.

Later, as long as they heard that there was a place where the zombie king was haunting, everyone would be more careful. Before they saw the zombie king, they had already slipped away early.

Zombie kings who came out for a walk around to beat the tooth festival:? ? ?
Humans who have never seen other zombie kings misunderstood the zombie king's ability in this way.

In everyone's mind, as long as the zombie kings are willing, killing all humans is a matter of minutes.


"You are so blatantly against everyone today, but there is no room for regret." Gu Fanyin said: "No matter what happens to you in the future, there will be no base willing to take you in."

"Hmm..." Ke Yunlang nodded, his face flushed slightly.

He didn't expect that Gu Fanyin listened to everything he said to Zhao Man just now.

"Thank you." Gu Fanyin said.

"Ah?" Ke Yunlang was a little confused, why did Gu Fanyin thank him.

"Thank you for your willingness to believe in me." Gu Fanyin said, "You also know that everyone has nothing but hostility towards me."

"You have never done anything harmful to nature." Ke Yunlang didn't know how to comfort Gu Fanyin. He scratched his head and said, "Anyway, I believe you!"

"Okay~" Gu Fanyin raised her head with a smile, and looked at Ke Yunlang with confidence.

When Ke Yunlang was stared at by Gu Fanyin like this, his heart melted instantly.

For some reason, Ke Yunlang suddenly felt a pity in his heart.

It's a pity that Gu Fanyin is a zombie king, not a supernatural being. If she were a human, wouldn't the two of them be able to...

bah bah bah!
What the hell is he thinking!
Gu Fanyin is willing to save him, take him in, and train him, but he has such thoughts about her, it's really heartless!

Ke Yunlang's eyes suddenly started to dodge, and he said: "It's getting late, let's go home."

(End of this chapter)

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